
Rise of Erik Mikaelson

Follow the journey of Erik Mikaelson, on his quest to building an empire.

ben10rocks · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


3rd person POV

Today Mikael was very happy. Why he wouldn't be? He was going to be a father. Esther was going to give birth to his first child. He couldn't wait to hold his firstborn in his own hand. They both have been trying for a child for few years. Today their wish was finally going to come true.

Sounds of a baby crying was heard from the room followed by another. He immediately ran inside. he was met with the sight of his wife Esther holding two babies. A boy and a girl. A smile spread across his face as he saw them.

"We are blessed, Mikael. We have twins." Esther's joyous words made him to laugh loudly.

"You are right Esther." Slowly he took the boy from Esther and carefully hold him.

"What are we going to name them?" Esther asked while looking at her daughter lovingly.

"Hmm... I think Freya and Erik will suite them the most. Freya named after the goddess of beauty and Erik meaning absolute ruler. They will be both beautiful and powerful."

"I have no doubt about that, Mikael." Esther could feel the magic inside both her children. She knew both of them would grow up to become very powerful witch and warlock. Suddenly her promise to her sister Dahlia made her flinch.

'I will have to do something to protect my children. I can't give her both my children.' She began to worry about the future. To do the fertility spell, Dahlia had demanded her firstborn as the payment. Now that she was blessed with twins with both having magic, she didn't want to give them to her sister.

'I will have to think of something before they are seven. Even if I have to study every dark spells if I have to.'

Esther's eyes shined with determination. She would do everything to protect her children.

Seven years later

Erik POV

In a small settlement of Vikings, three children were playing near a house. One of them was a girl of seven years old with beautiful blond hair and blues. That would be my older twin sister, Freya. One of the two boys was a having similar features with the girl but with crimson eyes. That's me, Erik. The last one was two years younger than the two with brown hair and hazel green eyes, was our little brother Finn. We were using wooden swords to imitate warriors.

"Freya, Erik, Finn stop playing around and help me look after your brother Elijah."

We stopped playing as we heard our mother's call. We ran towards their house and were greeted with the sight of their mother holding a crying Niklaus and Elijah using his hands to close his ears. This had became a everyday routine for us.

Elijah was two years old. He had just learned how to walk and started learning how to talk.

The last seven years had passed in a blink of an eye. Try being a baby with a mature soul with no control over his motor functions. Yeah, it was not an experience you would want to gain. But most of my time was spent sleeping. Also my under developed brain didn't help that much at that time. I wasn't really aware of how the time passed for first two years.

Whoever thought it was okay being a baby, definitely need some beating.

Also all those reincarnation novels I read in my previous life where you would be a genius child walking and talking as soon as you were a year old, would have to experience being a baby before righting such ridiculous things. If you can control when you would wet your bed as a baby, I would give you my heartfelt apology.

The only thing it felt was like being trapped in your own body.

And the language barrier didn't help much. Everyone around me was talking in Old Norse language. No modern English. I had to learn everything from scratch.

Thankfully with years of trying I finally managed to learn this language. It was really hard. It seems GOD thought it was alright for me to be born as a Mikaelson. Not any ordinary one but the twin of Freya Mikaelson. Though I was the younger one among us.

So I am surrounded by the most dysfunctional family. The first time I learned this I didn't know what to feel. In my previous life, I liked Freya the most out of all the Mikaelson. She was beautiful, powerful witch. Her life was difficult. Living literally as a slave to your aunt, away from your family, without anyone to care for you, was difficult. Though she didn't have much of a presence in the series, I liked her character. In fact I had a crush on her and Hope Mikaelson.

So being born as her brother had me saddened at first. But later I thought would still make them both my women even if they are my family. With my power, who would stop me. Also blood relation would not stop me. With my memories of previous life it was difficult to see her as my sister. If anyone has anything to complain about, then you can f**k yourself. Just look at the Greek pantheon. Nobody complain them about their culture. So why should you have any complain about me?

As for genetic problems, dude I am living in a world where you can turn normal humans into immortal vampires, so I think solving such a simple problem is not difficult if you try.

So, don't complain how I want to live.

Now where was I? Yes after learning how to talk and understand Old Norse, I began to understand my surrounding and my family. What they were talking. Eventually I gain understanding of my situation better. The first thing that worried me was Dahlia. If the timeline hadn't change then she would come to get Freya as a price for casting the fertility spell. With me being an unexpected variable, I didn't know if she would take me with her or not.

But it seemed I didn't have to worry about it ever happening. With my birth, my mother Esther seemed to have changed. She now was trying to learn more spells from her family grimoire. Before, she didn't want to learn witchcraft in fear of upsetting Mikael. You see Mikael was not a big fan of witchcraft.

But even if she learned more spells, she knew she couldn't defeat her older sister who is more powerful than her. So, when we were four year old, she managed to convince father to travel to New World which was modern day North America.

So we moved to our new home which I think would be known as Mystic Falls. Though now it was covered with forest. Our migration proved to be helpful. Mother created a new spell which would hide us from our aunt Dahlia. This also proved to be helpful. Without the loss of Freya, father was different. He was not harsh towards us. But he always was serious during our training.

Me and Freya started our combat training when we were four years old. Mother was against Freya joining us for training. She wanted Freya to be a witch like her. But I persuaded her to allow her to train with us.

I didn't want her to be weak. This world was cruel. Danger was everywhere. Especially for a girl. Our tribe have to fight often times. I have seen how our father fought against other tribes for food and resources. Whenever he returned after a tough battle, he was covered with blood. Whenever our tribe was attacked, the attackers often aimed for weak women and children. This was just ordinary dangers. Not the supernatural ones. You wouldn't know when you are attacked by a werewolf or a vampire.

With my wish, this world had turned even more dangerous. If werewolves of Noblesse world found us, it would result in our death. Till now I didn't have a clue what was out there in the vast world. Now that I think about it, it was a foolish wish. With the excitement of being able to reincarnate in another world had made my mind clouded.

After living for seven years in this world, I knew I would rather become an ordinary human in modern world than living in 11th century. There is no concept of electricity and internet. I was bored out of my mind. I regretted for not choosing my time of birth. I was living the life of a tribesman. It was very hard for me to adjust in such lifestyle.

But the thing that kept my sanity was the feeling of my power. After training for two years, I could feel my body easily adapting to any harsh treatments. My injuries healed quickly. My body was clearly stronger than normal child of my age. It seemed my werewolf powers were slowly began to show.

Muzaka was the most powerful werewolf. I didn't know how many years he must have trained to achieve such powers. In the manhwa it did not have any mention of his age. If I had to guess, he would have been already few centuries old before he met Raizel, if not millennia. So if I wanted to reach that level of power, I was clearly a long way to go.