

With a kick against the earth Hannibal advanced towards the nearest wolf catching the group totally off guard and before they could react he stuck his sword right in the wolf's torso killing him with a blow and making him cry.

The wolves seeing another of their companions dying prepare to leap on Hannibal and shatter him but with a quick movement he swung the sword in the air before passing to the ground raising a great deal of dust.

Hannibal knew, he had a few seconds before the dust settled and he was surrounded and killed, so without hesitating he attacked the spot where he remembered he had a wolf earlier, his sword slicing through the air before meeting flesh and blood splattering along with it. with the cry of the wolf.

At that moment the wolves seeing his form in the dust cloud jumped on him trying to bite him, Hannibal using his sword with the wolf stuck in his tip used it as a club and hit two wolves sending them flying along with his corpse. ally.

At that moment the dust behind him parted and revealed a wolf jumping over his shoulder and biting him, Hannibal gritted his teeth in pain but with his free hand he grabbed the wolf by the neck and threw him to the ground, thrusting his sword in soon after. .

But with this action another wolf jumped and bit his leg and pulled him causing him to lose his balance and with that fall to the ground, taking advantage of the opportunity other 3 wolves jumped over thinking they had cornered him.

Hannibal despite the bad situation did not lose his composure and used his sword to skewer a wolf while punching the other with the remaining wolf falling on his chest and digging his claws into the armor.

The wolf seeing his target so exposed in front of him immediately tried to bite Hannibal's face that he swerved to the side and opened his mouth before biting into the wolf's neck as hard as he could.

His two sharp teeth sank into the wolf's neck causing blood to splash and the wolf scream in pain and try to free himself by pulling back which proved to be a mistake as the moment he did so his flesh tore and a part of his neck remained in his mouth. of Hannibal making him bleed severely.

Hannibal did not even look at the wolf with its throat pierced and dropping his sword used both of his free hands to grab the wolf that was biting his leg by the neck.


The poor animal couldn't even react to having his neck twisted into an awkward position, with that he pushed the two corpses on top of him and rolled to his side getting up quickly.

The wolves surrounded him again but this time they started circling him cautiously, Hannibal didn't move, he was without his sword now leaving him in a bad position, "This really sucks." He muttered as he felt the throbbing pain in his shoulder and leg, nothing too deep but it would slow him down now.

As if realizing his weaknesses, the wolves immediately charged him.

------------------------------------------------- ---------

(Back to the present moment.)

Hannibal was able to kill the wolves with his bare hands and immediately rushed towards his lord to rescue him, luckily he found him but saw that the wolves found him too and one jumped to attack him.

Jumping into the air, he used his fist covered in blood and wounds and immediately landed a punch right in the middle of the wolf's face, breaking its jaw and knocking it to the ground.

"Hannibal!" His lord said happily to the fleece but immediately gave a worried look as his eyes met his wounds which were more or less severe however he could still deal with it and called his lord's attention, "My lord, stay focused. " He said and turned his gaze against the biggest wolf in the pack.

The biggest wolf also focused his gaze on him to the blood covered fleece and realizing that Hannibal had killed his companions began to growl fiercely in rage as he glared at him, the other 5 wolves realizing their leader's focus was the wounded rat turned their focus to Leonardo .

Hannibal realized this too and quickly formed a plan in his head, "My lord, are you capable of facing these 5 wolves for 10 minutes?" Leonardo was a little surprised by Hannibal's question but kept his focus and nodded in agreement, although he knew he wouldn't be able to, it seemed that Hannibal had a plan in his head so he decided to give it his best shot.

"Very well, I'm counting on you." Hannibal said and slowly started walking to the side moving away, the pack leader seeing his movements started to follow him with short steps and the two slowly walked away leaving Leonardo and the other wolves behind.

"Now it's a good thing I get something for doing this." He said tensely as he tightened his grip on the sword and positioned himself against the wolves, and as if hearing his words the system immediately emitted a familiar sound to his ears.

( Event alert!)

(The birth of a king!

Description: Every great leader in history must start from somewhere and now it's your time to prove that you can follow this journey and lead your civilization-

Rewards: Heroic Skill, Political Skill, Level 1 Knowledge Tomb (Building).

Next chapter