
Rise of a Pauper Son-In-Law

A family of three who was worshipped and look up upon by the country's people, was being thrown out from their family from Huabei. In order to survive, his family moves to Huadong to rebuild. Little did he know, not long after they settled down in Huadong, his parents had an accident. The poor child face the world at age of eight alone shortly after his parents death. As he grew up in orphanage being a pauper, and soon married to a family who everyday ridicule him left and right. Soon opportunity came. He slowly investigate his parents death. He suspected that his formal family relative had a hand in his parents death. As well as other top family who gang upon his parents. Hence he slowly plotting his plan to avenge the death of his parents.

Miimi_xDD · Urban
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131 Chs

Chapter 24 - Scam

Ma Wen didn't know why, but he could only protest with a few uncles and aunties. When shouting slogans, he inquired with an uncle next to him from time to time, and then he understood what was going on.

It turned out that this Ha Lei Insurance Co. Ltd. offered insurance products with extremely high return rates.

And this elderly were attracted by the high rate of return. Everyone bought a lot of insurance products under the company's name and became their customers.

This is the fixed time to pay dividends. Unexpectedly, when these elderly came to withdraw cash, they discovered that the door of the company was closed, and only a few employees were at the door, using botched excuses to prevaricate everyone.

This gang of uncles and aunties realized that they were deceived by the empty promises of the company.

No wonder the mother-in-law wanted to call him over in a hurry and asked him to participate with him.

Thinking of this, Ma Wen grew curious and couldn't help but ask his mother-in-law: "Mom, how much insurance did you buy?"

Yu La said anxiously: "They told me that buying the insurance products will bring me a lot of dividends, my head got excited and I bought all of their products with all the money from home."

Ma Wen was taken aback, "What? All the money from home used to buy insurance?"

After hearing this sentence, Yu La immediately became irritated and cursed: "Why do you had such a large mouth? Do you think that I am not embarrassed enough? Why speak so loudly?!"

As she spoke, she continued her carping and said, "If you had brought me some profit I would not have bought the products of this insurance company. With a waste son-in-law like you at the house, what else were my options for the money at home?"

This guy, it's okay when he does not support the family. But now he is laughing at her, as if he'd made fortunes with that money.

Immediately, she said to Ma Wen: "I am telling you, keep chanting slogans here to help me, you can't stop for a moment!"

Ma Wen couldn't help but nodded and said, "Okay mom."

At this moment, several aunts came over, looked up and down Ma Wen, then asked Yu La: "Sister Yu La, is this your son-in-law?"

As they spoke, they scanned Ma Wen's clothes again, shook their head, and laughed: "Why does he look so poor? He does not look like a son-in-law material from any angle."

"Yes, this cloths is worn too many times! It can't compare to that of Lady Xiao!"

Some people are so good at disparaging, the ridicule in and out of the words is particularly harsh.

Ma Wen didn't care. They were all old ladies who had fallen into the soil up to half of their bodies. Now they have lost their savings for a lifetime, so he doesn't need to exchange words with them.

Yu La was also very angry at this time, and the more she looked at Ma Wen, the more unpleasant she was. She blurted out: "Look at him, I'll let my daughter divorce him in a few days! Change her future with a new son-in-law!"

Ma Wen sneered in his heart. If you add the rich second generations of Huadong in, it can't be compare with his half finger.

Yu La was anxiously worried at this time, Ma Wen was a waste, and at most he could shout slogans for her.

If she wants to invest back, she still needs someone with real ability to come and help solve it.

It's a pity that Bao's family who has been pursuing her daughter has gone bankrupt. Otherwise, she could ask them to help!


Yu La suddenly remembered that Fei Qun's brother, Fei Long, whom she met at the family banquet yesterday is her hope.

Judging from his attitude towards her daughter at the time, it is estimated that he had some thoughts about Yu Ying.

Although the Wang family is not as good as the previous Jiang family, it is still a big family. If she calls him over, there should be a way.

It just so happened that Fei Long Wang left his Business card yesterday, so she took her phone out and dialed Fei Long's number.