
Rise of a Pauper Son-In-Law

A family of three who was worshipped and look up upon by the country's people, was being thrown out from their family from Huabei. In order to survive, his family moves to Huadong to rebuild. Little did he know, not long after they settled down in Huadong, his parents had an accident. The poor child face the world at age of eight alone shortly after his parents death. As he grew up in orphanage being a pauper, and soon married to a family who everyday ridicule him left and right. Soon opportunity came. He slowly investigate his parents death. He suspected that his formal family relative had a hand in his parents death. As well as other top family who gang upon his parents. Hence he slowly plotting his plan to avenge the death of his parents.

Miimi_xDD · Urban
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131 Chs

Chapter 23 – Cooperate Happily

When everyone returned to the banquet hall, the Lady Xiao took Yu Ying's hand on the stage.

With an intimate gesture, she said, "I'm really sorry for just now, it was me who made a mistake, in fact, thanks to Yu Ying this time, she is the outstanding descendant of our Xiao family. This time the cooperation between the Xiao family and the Emgrand resulted from the efforts of Yu Ying. She really made great efforts."

Luo Li stood by her side, glanced at her disdainfully, waved her hand to stop her from speaking further, and said: "I will correct it. In this cooperation, Ms. Yu Ying has not only made great efforts, but completely it is made possible by her power, and has nothing to do with other people."

This is extremely rude, but everyone is accustomed to it. With the status of an emperor, even if Luo Li slaps the Lady Xiao in public, she dare not to say anything.

The Old Mrs. Xiao nodded quickly and said: "Vice-Chairman Luo Li is right. For everything, the credit goes to Yu Ying. From now on, Yu Ying will be the director of the Xiao family's business! Fully responsible for the cooperation between the Xiao family and the Emgrand Group!"

Luo Li showed a slight smile and shook hands with Yu Ying and said, "I hope we can cooperate happily in the future."

Yu Ying was still a little at loss, and could only nod her confused head.

The audience burst into thunderous applause, and everyone looked at Yu Ying's eyes, also full of enthusiasm.

This woman, who is on the list! The Emgrand Group treats her so seriously!

Yu Ying herself was also confused. She turned her head to look at Ma Wen. The situation at this time was exactly the same as what Ma Wen had just said. Old Mrs. Xiao returned the position of director that should belong to her.

Until the banquet was over, Yu Ying was still in a daze after returning home.

Recalling what Ma Wen had said before, she couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. In the past few days, Ma Wen seemed to have become a little different.

There seemed to be many things on his body that she didn't understand, like it was covered by layers of mist.

This night, Yu Ying became famous in Huadong!

Everyone knows that there is an outstanding junior from the Xiao family, and the Emgrand Group is on her back!

It seems that with her, the revitalization of the Xiao family is just around the corner

The next morning, Yu Ying woke up early and hurried to the company refreshed.

Today is her first day as a director. She hopes that she can go all out to do this thing well.

After Ma Wen got up, he started to do housework as always.

When Ma Wen finished his housework and was about to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables for lunch, he suddenly received a call from his mother-in-law Yu La.

After answering the call, the mother-in-law's extremely anxious voice came from over there: "Ma Wen, within ten minutes, you must rush to the Zhi An Street for me, otherwise I won't spare you when I go home!"

After that, she hung up the phone.

Ma Wen was confused. The mother-in-law didn't say anything early in the morning. At this moment, she called suddenly, as if something urgent had happened.

Although Ma Wen was very disgusted with his mother-in-law, he did not dare to neglect her orders. After hurriedly cleaning up, he went out to take a taxi and rushed to Zhi An Street.

When he got out of the car, he saw a group of uncles and aunties surrounded aggressively at the door of a closed insurance company.

And his mother-in-law stood at the forefront of the team, holding a banner in her hand, shouting angrily: "Rubbish Ha Lei! Fake Platform! We Want Our Rights! Pay back my hard-earned money!"

Ma Wen hurriedly stepped forward and asked: "Mom, you called me over, what's the matter?"

As he was speaking, the condemning slogans sounded in his ear again, the uncles and aunties shouted hoarsely that rang the eardrums of the passerby's.

Yu La pulled Ma Wen over, asked him to take her place, and then ordered: "Come on, shout this slogan for me, I have been yelling it all morning, and my voice has become hoarse."