
Rin Scott

Rin Scott is the only child in werewolf history that has been born with out a wolf. Coming from a good and affluential family she has never been abused or neglected just ignored. Rin holds a secret talent that anyone would pay to get their hands on. A chain of event leads to nothing but blood shed and tears. Rin must decide if she is going to accept her fate or change the future. This book does contain dark themes. All rights are reserved for the content of the story itself effect 8/30/2020 at 2:46am. I do not own the rights to the cover art.

queenofspace1217 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter Six

Ash awkwardly carried me on his back as we wondered through the forest. Does he have a plan? Allies who would be willing to treat our wounds, feed us and offer us shelter?

"Ash where are we going?" Sam asks through ragged breaths.

"I met a girl during special training who was suppose to be taking over fathers position as alpha. She told me if I ever needed anything not to hesitate to ask. Her pack should be around here some where." Ash said looking around for the territory line.

Six wolves emerged from the tree line with teeth bared. Sam froze, scared to made any type of movement. I was stuck in a position where even if they did attack I couldn't run.

"My name is Ash Verner and I need to speak to your alpha." He said. His voiced laced with dominance and the need for control. The voice of a true alpha.

The wolves held their positions but they were using there mind link capabilities to contact their alpha. Something that I have never been able to use.

A small lanky girl with long brown hair emerged from the tree line. She scanned over the immediate area before looking at us directly.

"Ash, what's going on?" She asked her eyes wide and her voiced guarded.

"Listen, Mitilda I know I've showed up here unannounced but we need your help." Ash said his voice pleading. She glanced between the three of us. Ash has fading cuts and bruises. Sam is malnourished and his wolf is slowly healing his wounds. I had been given a beating before the rogue attack, hurt my shoulder during our escape and as for my unborn child...

Needless to say we all looked like shit.

"Of course!" She said ordering her warriors to move so we could come through. She led us through her territory without saying a word.

She leads us into a small building marked medical. The smell of bleach and iodine blanketed the air. My stomach rolls, I have to suppress a gag.

"Alpha who are these people?" A nurse said ushering us into a small hospital room. Ash backed up to the bed. I gingerly slid off his back still having to suppress a groan from the pain. Sam sat down in the lounge chair beside the bed.

"Okay Ash, tell me what's going on!" Alpha Mitilda said as she closed the door.

"My fathers lost his mind. He imprisoned my mate. Starved him and beat him daily." Ash sighed.

"I thought you had been paired with the former betas daughter." She said arching a perfect eyebrow.

"I was and I didn't love her. She didn't love me. We decided to separate and I met Sam. When my dad found out he threw him in prison." He explains.

"How do you have a true mate bond with him then?" She ask looking at Sam. The nurse is attentively tending to his wounds.

"The girl she touched us and my bond with my former mate faded. Then the one with Sam formed. I know its unbelievable but its true." He sighs scratching the back of his head.

"We heard about cases like this in special training. The girl is wolf less but she is personally blessed by the moon goddess and your father used her like an old sock." Mitilda spat.

"He knew that he wouldn't be getting an heir from me. So, he decided that she was going to carry his heir. She's a child. He kidnapped and raped a child." Ash said in-between sobs.

"Honey, what's your name?" the nurse asks as she wraps a blanket around my naked shoulders. I look at her and dare my mouth to move but it refuses. I take a few deep breaths in.


My eyes fly open and my clothes are drenched in sweat. Why am I thinking about all of that now?

"Mommy are you okay?"