
Rin Scott

Rin Scott is the only child in werewolf history that has been born with out a wolf. Coming from a good and affluential family she has never been abused or neglected just ignored. Rin holds a secret talent that anyone would pay to get their hands on. A chain of event leads to nothing but blood shed and tears. Rin must decide if she is going to accept her fate or change the future. This book does contain dark themes. All rights are reserved for the content of the story itself effect 8/30/2020 at 2:46am. I do not own the rights to the cover art.

queenofspace1217 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter Seven

"Mommy did you have a nightmare?" my sweet baby asked as he crawled off of his futon and over into mine. I wrap my arms around him.

Seoul is the sweetest little boy. He has the biggest heart and more patience than most adults. He is nothing like his father and he is nothing like me.

I haven't been able to utter a word since that day in the infirmary with my saviors. Its not that I don't want to its just that I can't.

Seoul doesn't seem bothered that I don't speak to him. I honest to god think the child can read my mind.

"Mommy did you hear me?" He whispered patting the sleeve of my damp shirt. I pull him closer nodding into his black curly mop.

We have been here in Korea all of this time and I haven't thought about any of them, Ash, Sam, Mitilda, Grant or my family. I haven't thought about the day that I ran away or the months I spent in prison. I even suppressed my time with Alpha Mitilda.

Before Seoul was born I stole some money from Mitilda and left during the middle of the night. I hitch hiked to the airport and stowed away on a plane going to god knows where.

We have been on the other side of the world ever since and that was five years ago.

Living a human life has been amazing. I have been able to work a normal job. Seoul has been able to go to preschool. We can come and go from our apartment as we please. The only thing that I have had to worry about is making sure that Seoul is taking care of.

The werewolf world is one hundred percent different. Women work in the kitchen, infirmary or take care of the children. There is no leaving the territory. There is no preschool. Its just not something that I want to be apart of.

I don't want my son on the same side of the world as that man.

What would Grant would think of all of this?

Of me?

My choices?

Of Seoul?

I look down at the string on my pinky. Its still thick and vibrant in color. He refuses to rule with someone who isn't his rightful mate.

A small part of me jumps for joy. Another part of me knows he will only mate with his true mate to have full power.

To protect myself no my son we will stay here where we belong.