
Rin Replaced (BL)

Tragically, Rin Grace - just your average person going about their day - was caught in a terrible accident. Amidst a heated argument, he stumbled and fell into oncoming traffic, causing a car to hit him, knocking him unconscious. At the same time, in another world, Misha Minari, an assassin, was shot. Fortunately, Misha woke up in a hospital bed, where he was greeted by an unfamiliar face standing beside him. "You seem to be fine. Next time, don't run out in front of my car. I will be handling the bill. Take care, Mr. Grace." He says as the door closes behind him. The man who just left was Jay Fenrick, the Crown Prince himself. Misha was feeling very confused and uncertain. He looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings, but it was all too bewildering. Suddenly, he noticed something strange - his hands looked different. In fact, they didn't even seem like his own hands at all. Misha rushed over to a nearby mirror, and, to his horror, he saw a stranger staring back at him. It was clear that he was no longer in his own body, and he was now someone else entirely. What happened to the original Rin Grace? How did Misha end up as the Crown Prince's bodyguard, and what will Misha do now? Uploads Mon, Wed, Fri.

Tiffanie_Rose · LGBT+
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236 Chs

Rich Creep


Why wouldn't Rin have a D.ID? I bet Jay and Anon are even more suspicious of me. I honestly can't tell if they believe my story or not. I couldn't lie anymore. I was anxious all the time, and I knew I wouldn't be able to bring Rin back on my own. I hope I didn't make a mistake. I walk down the pathway leading to a small shopping square near the jail. It only has a few shops, a café and a restaurant. The café reminds me of Café Window. Small and quaint. I go up to the counter and use Jay's card to buy a snack and a coffee. I brought the guidebook with me and read it some more while I waited. A few people cycled in and out of the café while I waited. One man in particular stood out from the rest. He was dressed in designer clothes and paid with a black card just like the prince's. I couldn't help but watch the man. He stood out. He looked like he was my age. His hair was blonde and was long. It was pulled back in a low ponytail, with two tufts of hair left out in the front on both sides of his face. He was almost as handsome as Jay.

I sat sipping my coffee, staring out the window. I wonder what's taking so long. I thought we only had a half hour. They have been in there for an hour and a half. 

"Excuse me. Do you mind if I join you? We both seemed to be waiting for someone, and I thought maybe we could chat to pass the time." The handsome man asks as he sits in the chair across from me. 

"You already sat down. What was the point of asking?" I snap. 

I can't fathom why this man would want to talk to me. I never understood the extroverted types. 

"To be nice? Don't be shy. I just wanted to chat with you. You are beautiful. Can't blame me for being interested in someone like you." The man smiles as he leans back in his chair, crossing his legs. 

"You look like someone who is used to getting his way. I'm not the type to be pushed around, so why don't you fuck off, huh?" I sneer. 

I have no interest in pompous assholes like him. Where are they? Now would be the perfect time for them to show up. It'd be cool if Jay would come and shut this guy up like they do in TV shows—all alpha male and shit. Ha ha, I would love to see Jay acting jealous. That won't happen, though; I am just his employee. Funny thought, though. 

"There's no need to be rude, baby. I want to chat. What's the harm in that?" The man leans forward and places his hand on top of mine that's resting on the table. 

Okay, this is starting to creep me out. I try pulling my hand away, but the man grabs my wrist tightly. Ow! What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

"What's your name? My name is Chris Terrane. I'm sure you have heard of me. I'll show you a good time if you play with me tonight. I'll even give you a gift if you need more persuasion." The douchebag says while winking. 

Why is this guy's grip so firm? I'm getting pissed. I could easily take this guy out, but I don't want to cause a scene and make this problematic for Jay. I think I actually heard of Terrane before. Terrane Group is a significant company in Dalmane. They are a leading company in technology. They made most of the security systems in the palace. This jackass must be related somehow.

"Are you nuts? Let go of me. I have no desire to "play" with a colossal piece of shit like you." I snap. 

I try pulling my arm away again, this time actually getting it to move. However, the man didn't give up and dug his fingernails into my skin. They dig into me as I pull away, leaving deep scratches on my arm. I start bleeding. I can't believe this. I guess I have no choice, be to break this fuckers fingers. I grab his index finger and quickly snap it backward. 


"AHHHHHH! Fuck!! You little whore! You broke my finger!!" The man lets go of my arm and jumps up. 

Before I could react, the man grabbed my hair and slammed my face into the table. 

"You messed up now, bitch. You have no idea what I can do to you. It would be best if you had come nicely when I asked. Now, I won't play fair." The man growls into my ear. 

I can't believe I let this guy get the upper hand like this. I can't let him humiliate me anymore. Just as I was about to go wild on the guy, Anon and Jay showed up. Jay grabs the guy's shirt and flings him across the room. Anon rushes over to check on me. Jay slowly walks over to the guy and bends down to the guy's level. 

"Oh, so it's you, Chris. I'm not surprised." Jay says with a seriously menacing face. 

Jay knows this douche? How? Fuck, did I mess up? Damn it! 

Thank you for reading Rin Replaced!

Look forward to more in the next chapter!!

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