
Rin Replaced (BL)

Tragically, Rin Grace - just your average person going about their day - was caught in a terrible accident. Amidst a heated argument, he stumbled and fell into oncoming traffic, causing a car to hit him, knocking him unconscious. At the same time, in another world, Misha Minari, an assassin, was shot. Fortunately, Misha woke up in a hospital bed, where he was greeted by an unfamiliar face standing beside him. "You seem to be fine. Next time, don't run out in front of my car. I will be handling the bill. Take care, Mr. Grace." He says as the door closes behind him. The man who just left was Jay Fenrick, the Crown Prince himself. Misha was feeling very confused and uncertain. He looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings, but it was all too bewildering. Suddenly, he noticed something strange - his hands looked different. In fact, they didn't even seem like his own hands at all. Misha rushed over to a nearby mirror, and, to his horror, he saw a stranger staring back at him. It was clear that he was no longer in his own body, and he was now someone else entirely. What happened to the original Rin Grace? How did Misha end up as the Crown Prince's bodyguard, and what will Misha do now? Uploads Mon, Wed, Fri.

Tiffanie_Rose · LGBT+
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236 Chs

I won't let you


Wow! Just wow!!! I can't believe Rin took this giant man down all by himself. After Rin chased after the second man, I waited behind him and called the cops. Anon came over after a few minutes. 

"Hey! What the hell happened? Where's Rin?" Anon says as he looks around. 

"There was supposedly a second guy, so he ran after him. Can you believe this? Not only did he detect this guy, but he took him down in less than a minute. You said he worked as a barista?" I say with a puzzled face.

 "According to the info I found, yes. However, there could be a reason for this. His cousin is a professional MMA fighter. He is still new to the professional side of it, but he has been training since he was six. Maybe Rin learned some things from him?" Anon says while rolling over the knocked-out man on the ground. 

I reach into the man's pocket and pull out his wallet and phone. 

"Randall Mactavish 34. Huh? This ID is from Kervini. This is suspicious. Check his phone." I say as I toss it to Anon. 

"Yup, just as I thought. He has a photo of you and several text messages about killing you. It's not very smart of him to leave evidence like this. We were lucky Rin stopped this guy. The number of attacks has been increasing since your father fell ill last year. I think it might be time to take me seriously when I say you need a bodyguard. I mean, what kind of royal doesn't have security with him at all times?" Anon says with a stern face. 

Anon looks more on edge than I do. Maybe he is right this time. I don't like the idea of someone else getting hurt because of me.


Rin is quiet during the car ride to his apartment. After what happened, I wanted to ask him all kinds of questions, but Anon said we should leave it be. He has a lot on his mind right now. I don't care. I was almost killed. Why do we have to indulge him? I need answers. Who is this guy? How did he know that guy was there? I didn't even notice anything. Well, I did feel like someone was watching me when we arrived. But come on, how did a skinny guy like him take down someone who was twice his size? Logically, it doesn't make sense. Plus, he has a shitty attitude. I don't like the guy. He does have a fantastic face, though. He has a stunningly beautiful jawline. His eyelashes are long, and he has a beauty mark under his left eye. It is hard not to stare at him. We arrive at Rin's apartment and head inside. When we get to the front door a tall robust man leaps out into Rin's arms.


"Uh, excuse me, Mr. Grace. I am Anon Quin and this is Prince Jay Fenrick. We have some things we need to explain. May we come in?" Anon says as the man releases Rin from his grasp.

 "Oh, uh, sure, come in. I'm Parker, by the way. Nice to meet you, Your Highness." Parker says as he bows. 

He seems unfazed by my presence. When we enter the apartment, we are greeted with a modern style and minimalist interior. Everything is black and white and very clean.

"Wow, this is a nice place you have here. How long have you lived here?" I ask, trying to be polite. 

"We moved in a couple of years ago. Before, Rin and I were living in my childhood home. After my father passed, he left the house to Rin. Unfortunately, he also left Rin his debt. So we had no choice but to sell the house." Parker says as he walks into the kitchen to grab us some water. 

Hmm, it doesn't seem like the last couple of years have been too bad for them, though. 

"If Rin has all this debt, how can you guys afford to live here?" I mutter under my breath. 

Parker walks up behind me and passes me a water bottle. Shit, I didn't even hear him coming. He heard what I said. 

"Rin refuses my help. I was underage when my father passed. He won't budge, either. After I was signed on with my MMA league, I was given a huge signing bonus, but he wouldn't take it. I went behind his back once, and we didn't speak for a month." Parker says as he sits on the couch next to Rin. 

Wow, Rin is stubborn. That sounds like him.

"So, what happened? Why are you here?" Parker looks at Rin with a worried look. 

"I was hit by their car. I was in the hospital till this morning." Rin says. 

Rin is staring at his hands while picking at his fingernails. Must be a nervous habit. 

"WHAT?? Are you ok?" Parker reaches over and grabs Rin's face, searching for wounds.

"I'd like to tell you I'm ok, but I'm not. I don't have any major wounds, but I have memory loss." Rin says, removing Parker's hands from his face.

Parker looks shocked. 

"The doctors ran a bunch of tests. He is perfectly healthy otherwise. He has to go back for check-ups, but all he can do now is wait for his memory to return." Anon says before taking a sip of water. 

"So you don't remember me?" Parker says with a pained look. 

Rin looks defeated. This can't be easy for him. 

"No, I'm sorry. I know this must be a shock." Rin won't look at anyone. 

It's as if he did something wrong. It's not like it was his fault he lost his memory. Why is he acting like this? Parker begins to cry. It has been a while since I've seen a grown man cry like this. It's off-putting. Parker wipes his tears and grabs Rin's hand. 

"Well, then I will just have to help you remember. I have a lifetime of memories with you. I won't let you forget me." 

Rin looks up for the first time since we set foot in the apartment. It seemed like that was exactly what Rin needed to hear.

Thank you for reading Rin Replaced!

Look forward to more in the next chapter!!

Tiffanie_Rosecreators' thoughts