
Rigged Reincarnation With SSS Rank Talent.

unknown_apple · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Crazy old bastard!

The player who had caused quite the commotion throughout the vast expanse of the Avanti Kingdom, with many a player on tenterhooks, remained entirely ignorant of it all. His attention was fully consumed by the interface before him, which showed him the Avanti Kingdom announcement.

After both announcements, Ignis didn't dwell on how they painted a target on him. He was no stranger to such attention, for he was a seasoned player who had weathered many storms during his time in the tower and understood the impact of announcements on players.

The announcements instantly turned the player into a public target, especially if they lacked a strong support system. For those in guilds, it could result in internal conflicts and power struggles if the hierarchy was not firmly established.

Despite the comprehensive details listed in the announcement, not all information and rewards were disclosed, and astute players were well aware of this fact, intensifying the situation even further. The allure of the rewards listed was already potent, but the tantalizing prospect of obtaining all of the rewards loomed large in the minds of players.

However, the most worrying thing for him was the egg that was currently floating in the air and could potentially be the most valuable item in the Nyxphalt.

Once the unique energy had been fully absorbed, the egg remained suspended in the air.

As Ignis was lost in thought, fixated on the egg and anticipating its hatching, he suddenly sensed danger prickling at the nape of his neck. Without hesitation, he swiftly dodged to evade the threat.

A blood-curdling scream pierced through the air.

"You fiend die!!!"

The words were spat out with venom, followed by a swift sword strike aimed directly at his heart.

As the blood-curdling scream pierced the air, Ignis's heart skipped a beat. He whirled around, just in time to dodge the incoming sword strike aimed at his heart.

As Ignis turned to face the source of the bloodcurdling scream, he was met with the enraged Knight Captain, his eyes blazing with fury. It was only then that Ignis took in the full extent of the destruction around him—the air was heavy with the scent of blood and burnt flesh, and the sounds of pain and anguish filled his ears.

"You fiend," the Knight Captain bellowed, his rage palpable. "You've killed my subordinates!"

Without a moment's hesitation, the Knight Captain lunged forward, his sword aimed straight at Ignis's heart again.

"What the fuck old man!!!" Ignis narrowly avoided the oncoming attack and exclaimed, staring incredulously at the furious Knight Captain.

"Why on earth are you attacking me?" Ignis demanded, his expression betraying no hint of the chaos that had been unleashed by the egg's energy.

"You have the gall to say that with a straight face, you fiend," snarled the Knight Captain, his anger reaching a boiling point. He didn't seem interested in talking things out, as he launched himself forward with his sword once again, ready to strike at Ignis.

Ignis, still unaware of the gravity of the situation, skillfully evaded the Knight Captain's assault and observed the man's hand contorting in agony as if trying to find support to alleviate the pain.

"Crazy old bastard," Ignis muttered under his breath, not showing any mercy towards the injured Knight Captain. He readied his whip for the next attack but didn't make the first move, waiting for the Knight Captain's next move.

"Master, are you okay?" Ignis heard the familiar voice of his summon, Bell, through their telepathic link. He turned his attention towards Bell and saw that even his summons had sustained injuries.

"What the crap... was this all caused by the explosion of mist?" Ignis spoke in a trance after misunderstanding the situation.

"Oh, so you've finally woken up." The knight captain groaned in pain and anger as he held his hand, which appeared injured.

Ignis, finally understanding what might have occurred, telepathically spoke to Deino and Bell, saying, "Come to my side; I think the situation will get worse. Protect the egg." Deino and Bell quickly made their way to Ignis' side, ready to defend the egg at all costs. As they approached, they could see the knight captain was becoming increasingly agitated, his injured hand trembling with rage.

Soon, from behind, a group of knights started to approach the Knight Captain's side, standing tall and holding their swords high despite the injuries on their bodies.

"You killed our brothers. You must pay for your sins and be brought to justice." A knight's voice boomed with fury and conviction.

"You monster, you've scarred my face and shattered my sword!" another knight growled.

"We won't rest until justice is served and you're punished for your crimes! Yes, the only punishment that awaits you is death." a third knight added.

"You're nothing but a coward, attacking us from the shadows like a rat!" a fourth knight spat.

"Your insolence will not be tolerated, and we will show you the might of the Avanti Kingdom's knights!" A fifth knight declared.

Ignis fixed his gaze upon the knight captain, disregarding the other knights, who were now growing louder with their banter. "I didn't do anything intentionally; we should talk things out," he calmly stated.

The knight captain spat at the ground after hearing Ingis' claims, and other knights were now practically howling with rage.

As Ignis observed the knights, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. They were not behaving as rational people should, and their refusal to talk or even listen was concerning.

Suddenly, as if to confirm his suspicions, a dark grey mist started emanating from their mouths and eyes. Ignis barely had a moment to process what was happening before the knights lunged towards him, their attacks swift and unrelenting. Some even ran straight towards the egg, heedless of the potential danger.

"Deino, Bell, go all out, no holding back, whoever attacks the egg." "It looks like these knights are not in their right mind or were affected by the mist earlier."

Ignis commanded them to give their best, and they braced themselves for battle.

Ignis was quick on his feet, evading the attacks of three knights with ease. He used his whip to strike them from behind, knocking them unconscious but refraining from killing them despite their intentions to kill him. Deino and Bell watched in awe as Ignis displayed his incredible combat skills.

Ignis' eyes were fixated on the biggest threat in the room, the knight captain, and so he moved in the direction of the knight captain while knocking out the rest of the knights.

Deino was in full swing with his tail.

Bell also jumped on the knights and fought with vigour as soon as he saw the egg.

In a split second, Ignis noticed a sly smirk on the knight captain's face and realized the man's true intention. His eyes darted towards the egg, which he instinctively knew was of great value to him. The knight captain's less injured hand gripped his sword like a javelin and raised it high, ready to throw.

"Nooo!! You crazy old bastard." Ignis yelled, and seeing this he increased his speed, and just as he was about to reach the knight captain, the knight captain hurled his sword like a javelin, using his mana to enhance its speed and force.