
Rigged Reincarnation With SSS Rank Talent.

unknown_apple · Fantasy
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46 Chs

(@^0^) "Mommy!"

The sword was hurtling towards the egg, moving with such speed and force that it seemed almost unstoppable. Ignis watched in horror, knowing that if it struck the egg, all would be lost. Bell, too, realised the gravity of the situation and turned his back to the enemy, readying himself to block the sword with his body.

But the other knights, seemingly under the spell of the dark grey mist, stopped Bell from reaching the sword. It was as if they were mindlessly following the orders of the knight captain, with no thought for their own safety or the consequences of their actions.

All eyes were fixed on the deadly race between the sword and the egg, as if time had slowed down. Ignis, his heart pounding with fury and worry, was completely absorbed in the struggle to save the precious object. However, in that moment of distraction, the Knight Captain saw an opportunity and charged towards Ignis with his sword raised high.

The tension in the room was palpable as the Knight Captain launched himself at Ignis with a new sword in hand. His movements were swift and fluid, and it seemed as though he was almost weightless in the air.

At the same time, the sword that he had thrown towards the egg was hurtling towards its target with alarming speed. The air crackled with energy as the two attacks neared their intended targets, and it was impossible to tell which one would strike first.

Ignis, sensing the impending danger, swiftly took a defensive stance, readying himself for the impending collision. But just as the sword and the knight captain were about to strike their targets, a chilling wind started emanating from the egg. The wind was so cold that it made the hairs on the back of Ignis' neck stand on end, and the other knights started shivering uncontrollably.

The air grew colder and colder as if the very breaths of those present were turning to frost before their eyes. The egg, now crackling with an icy energy, seemed to pulse with otherworldly power. The chaos it unleashed was unlike anything else. The very fabric of time and space began to freeze, like a painting left out in a blizzard. The knights, previously brimming with anger, now stood still as statues, their eyes wide with fear.

Silence descended upon the dungeon, broken only by the sound of freezing ice spreading throughout the room. Gradually and relentlessly, a creeping coldness took hold of everything in the room. Ice crystals formed on the ceiling, the walls, and the knights and knight captain were suspended in midair.

Even Bell and Deino were not spared from the freezing onslaught. The frigid air seemed to seep into every corner of the dungeon, freezing everything in its path.

Outside the dungeon, the forest was now a winter wonderland, with trees and animals alike frozen in time. The freezing cold seemed to have no end, as it kept spreading beyond the forest, affecting everything in its path.

Ignis felt a shiver run down his spine as he realised the enormity of the situation. He was the only one left unaffected by the magic of the egg.

He then gazed upon the source of the overwhelming coldness, the divine egg, and beads of cold sweat streamed down his forehead as he pondered the nature of the creature that would emerge from this divine item.

"Crap plus crap of peaches..."

"What creature before being born can cause this much commotion, and how powerful does it have to be?"

He finally registered the biting cold that was permeating his body. He trembled and clutched at himself, attempting to generate warmth, but his lone hand offered scant relief.

Suddenly, a recollection dawned on him, and he advanced towards the egg. "Whenever a creature hatches from an egg, the first person it lays eyes on becomes its guardian."

Exhaling dry, frigid vapour from his mouth, Ignis approached the egg, which hovered in the air, suspended only two meters above the ground.

As Ignis approached with his eyes fixed on the egg suspended in the air, he noticed a thin layer of frost covering its surface. As he reached out to touch it, a thrill of excitement coursed through him, and his hand trembled with anticipation. With the slightest touch, the egg began to crack, and Ignis's heart quickened as he waited for what lay within to emerge.

As the egg cracked from above, a frigid mist spilled out, causing Ignis to shiver with anticipation. With bated breath, he watched as a tiny paw emerged from within the shell, followed by a full-bodied creature bursting forth.

Ignis was spellbound as he gazed upon the wondrous creature before him, exclaiming in a hushed voice, "Wow!" His heart swelled with pride, for he knew that he was the chosen guardian of this divine being.

Before Ignis stood a tiny creature with paws and legs so small they appeared almost delicate, but it was the small wings that caught his attention. They were a shimmering shade of dark white and pink and seemed to radiate a magical aura.

The creature had round, starry eyes that shone like diamonds in the dim dungeon light, and its face was chubby and cherubic, with a sweet and endearing smile. Small, delicate scales adorned its head and tail, adding to its ethereal charm.

Ignis's heart swelled with an indescribable emotion as he looked upon the little being before him, whose radiant smile filled him with pure joy.

Chuckling, Ignis spoke softly to the creature, "You look just like a baby dinosaur who can fly."

The moment the baby creature heard this, it spoke for the first time, shaking its head and raising its baby paw, "Mommy… no!"

"What the…" Ignis looked at the baby with the shock like he had seen his great-great-great-grandparents' peaches.

'Control Ignis, Control... Don't say such words in front of the baby, but the baby can speak...' He thought while staring at the baby mindlessly.

and only one thought was on his mind: 'Baby can speak… Baby can speak…'

He then suddenly realised what the baby had said to him.

Again with a dumbfounded face, he looked into the distance, and now there was only one thought on his mind: 'The baby called me mommy... mommy... mommy... Am I that thick?'

Shaking his head vigorously after his thoughts wandered off to the thickla... ahem, wonderland, he then looked at the baby who had just spoken and spoke with a dumbfounded expression on his face, "You can speak ?"

The baby looked at Ignis with its round, sparkly eyes, raised its baby paws, touched Ignis's hand, and again opened its mouth while shaking its head and speaking in a cute, childish, chubby voice, "Mommy!!"

"It's Daddy, not Mommy," Ignis rebutted, asking the baby what it should call him.

The baby appeared to be confused, tilted its head, and again spoke in a cute, childish, chubby voice, "Mommy!"

Something about this just didn't seem right to Ignis, so he again corrected the baby, neglecting the frozen background, "It's Daddy!"

The baby again, confused, spoke in its universally acknowledged cute, childish, chubby voice, "Mommy!"

~_~ "It's Daddy"

(@^0^) "Mommy!"

~_~ "It's Daddy"

(@^0^) "Mommy!"

~_~ "Daddy"

(@^0^) "Mommy!"

~_~ "Dad"

(@^0^) "Mommy!"

(@^0^) "Mommy!"

Hope you enjoy it!


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