

Surely only the quest for power and vain ambition can turn the once loving and caring sisters Ji-soo and Ji-woo to rivals . The duo sisters who were born to the supreme ruler in Sai (a mystical world existing between heaven and earth completely unknown to humans) were inevitably seperated when fate chose to favor one over the other creating an invisible distance between them. When bridges began to break between them, an incident occurs where Ji-soo is falsely accused and framed for a crime. Later on she is forcefully dispelled from Sai down to Earth to live as a human with great ire and anguish in her heart. What exactly turned them to rivals? What happens to Ji-soo? What happens to Ji-woo? Who will rule Sai? Do Ji-soo and Ji-woo even have a chance at amending their relationship? Read RIFTING to find out.

Ammyk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

The judgement

"She must be justly punished" a loud voice echoed in the courtroom when Ji-soo arrived.

The rulers sat round an empty chair. Ji-soo's eyes caught her father's while she made her way to the interrogation chair.

 Sangho glanced at his tattered and shabby looking daughter, her pale face, messy hair and frail look almost shattered the strong will and resolve he had earlier built.

"She must be punished irrespective of who she is, this should serve as a warning to others " Hyunwoo (ruler of water ) argued.

" Do we all agree to the punishment decided" Sangho's deep voice echoed in Ji-soo ears.

Everyone looked at each other, nodding their heads in affirmation except Haram.

" Why don't we reconsider her punishment" Haram suggested while looking at her friend who sat lifelessly on the interrogation chair.

" Don't let your judgement be clouded by sentiments" Hyunwoo hinted and turned to look at Haram who gave him a death stare that made him fumble a bit before composing himself again.

" I have decided " Sangho said cutting both of them off " She will be punished accordingly".

 Sangho stood up and headed towards the door while the prison guards followed behind him with Ji-soo in their hands and the rulers after them.

 When they arrived outside the courtyard, the whole place was swarming with people. Immediately they arrived a long trail was formed through the crowd all the way to the seer standing at the other end of the court. When they reached where the seer stood, Sangho turned to address the people.

" The sinner Ji-soo will be bound to earth to suffer for her crimes, she will now experience pain,sickness and death but she will have all her powers taken from her, now we will send her off to earth to pay for her crimes" Sangho looked at Ji-soo and quickly turned away.

 Ji-soo was unbothered by all they were saying,she had accepted her fate. She lifted up her head turning from side to side searching through the crowd for her mother, that was the only and last person she wanted to see at that moment, by now the seer had already created the portal to take her to earth after the attempt to find her mother proved futile, she turned to leave when

" Stop " a loud voice echoed causing everyone to turn in the direction it came from, it was her mother.

 Aegyoung ran as fast as she could to Ji-soo.

 She hugged her so tightly that Ji-soo found it hard to breathe but didn't struggle but reciprocated the gesture. Her mother pulled away and by her swollen eyes and pale face one could tell she had been crying.

 She suddenly burst into more tears again while removing the strands of hair on her daughters face " my dear Ji-soo you've been through so much " she said in a brittle voice and Ji-soo who had been doing a good job holding her tears finally succumbed and joined her mother.

 The both of them cried hugging each other while everyone else stared at them.

Ji-soo left her mother's arms

" I'll be fine mother. I love you too "

She said in a low voice that almost sounded like a whisper then turned to the seer.

" I am ready " she said with a strong resolve in her heart never to let anyone see her shed a tear ever again.

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