

Surely only the quest for power and vain ambition can turn the once loving and caring sisters Ji-soo and Ji-woo to rivals . The duo sisters who were born to the supreme ruler in Sai (a mystical world existing between heaven and earth completely unknown to humans) were inevitably seperated when fate chose to favor one over the other creating an invisible distance between them. When bridges began to break between them, an incident occurs where Ji-soo is falsely accused and framed for a crime. Later on she is forcefully dispelled from Sai down to Earth to live as a human with great ire and anguish in her heart. What exactly turned them to rivals? What happens to Ji-soo? What happens to Ji-woo? Who will rule Sai? Do Ji-soo and Ji-woo even have a chance at amending their relationship? Read RIFTING to find out.

Ammyk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

A new turn of events

"Uhh" Ji-woo yelped when she almost lost her balance.

 Namgil was becoming stronger, she could no longer keep up and she felt less confident.

 She leapt forward and charged at him again summoning her powers through her sword as her sword met with his in the air a great force sent him flying to the ground.

 Namgil stared in shock at Ji-woo then at his sword, the crowd was about to cheer but it was to early as Namgil stood up choosing not to give up.

 He attacked her this time with an unstoppable frenzy swinging his sword aimlessly at her until she landed on the floor with her back as blood dripped from her arm.

"Stop Stop at once" Master Seojun screamed on top of his lungs while signaling the guards to get a hold of him.

 Wasting no time Namgil pressed in keeping his blade against Ji-woo and pressed his point against her throat.

 Namgil glared at Ji-woo and bent low to whisper in her ears "This is your payback".

 While others ran to help Ji-woo the guards struggled to pin Namgil down.

 When they were finally able to subdue him, they reached for his mask.

 "Huhhh" A huge gasp escaped everyone's mouth.

 It was Ji-soo, everyone gawked in unbelief and soon murmurings filled the air.

 "Seize her, it is a crime to lay hands on or even hurt the Hugyeja" Master Seojun commanded as they dragged Ji-soo away from the scene.


Crouching on the floor with her head between her knees. Her mind and body were becoming numb from both fear and the cold. Her mind kept wandering as she thought of what may befall her, She had already cried and wailed till she had no more strength to. 

 The loud clanking of keys from the gates made her look up to the prison guards waiting at the entrance.

 "You have been summoned to the court, take her" one of the guards said then signaled to the other two guards to help her up.