

Vanara_ · Sci-fi
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9 Chs


The lady cop eyes was suddenly full of tears.It was night that day.The man was falling from the building. Suddenly a kid voice came out no where. The man looked everywhere. Then he looked upwards.

 In the clouds there was a little boy showing hand for like to help. The boy was wearing a white hoodie and black pants. The boy mouth was covered with a face mask. Suddenly the boy snapped his finger. The whole world stopped for a time being. The boy a dark aura. It was not so powerful.But in the clouds with a dark aura it looked very beautiful. The moon was covered with the dark aura. Made the full moon made more beautiful in that dark night.

The white man was feeling very light in his body as if he was broken from a seal that was inside him for many years.

The little boy asked to the white coat man in a sad tone.

"Are you okay?".

 After hearing that the man eyes was full of tears but there was a smile in his face.

The man suddenly asked to the the boy.

"Now the nightmare will be over right?".

The boy said in a sad tone.

"yeah yep".

The man then asked to the boy.

"Can I die now? ".

The boy didn't say anything. The man said.

"So that a yes ha".

 After saying that the boy said.

"You are my hero and you will always be forever".

 Then the boy disappeared. After the boy disappeared the time started once. The man closed his eyes. His face was neither feared nor courageous. He just closed his eyes and waited for his death.

Suddenly he when his eyes was close he passed out.

 Suddenly there was a sound.


 The scene suddenly changes to modern city.The building were can't be counted with one go.

 Then the scene swifts shows a house. The is not modern but not old too. The house is two floored.In the upstairs we see a young man who was suddenly wakes up. He has a very skinny body. Black hair. and a clear skin.

 His body was full of sweats like he was just splashed a full bucket of water in his face he said to himself.

"What was this dream. Who was that?? ".

 He gets out from his bed and checks the time.

The time was 8'o clock. 

Year 3000.

He said.

"8'o clock I have to make the breakfast. But before that".

 After saying that he rushed to his desk and starts writing something in a paper. The young boy suddenly jumps off his desk with excitement and he said.

"Finally i have enough money to take the test to become a awakener. And i filled the form for it".

Then a voice suddenly appeared and said.

"Oiii mic testing mic testing..."

A white kitten ghost appeared.

"Ok test complete hello fellow readers I am Lo the author's employer who is unemployed in this story because I have no role in this story I will be only explaining the main situations where you fellow readers don't understand the contents or the characters. So let's start. You would probably confused about the first chapter story. Don't worry its just a glimpse. So let's start with character introduction. So basically this young boy name is Madhav. Age 22 .

"Aaaaaa mmmm....."

In a confusion Lo asked.

 "Boss I have a doubt".

A another voice appeared and asked.

" What is it Lo?".

Lo asked.

"So boss why his name this..???? didn't you get another name".

The voice said.

"You got a problem with that ".

The voice said in an anger tone.

"And you didn't even introduce to me you to the readers".

Lo said.

"Sorry boss readers let me introduce to you the author of this story you would probably will get his name in the bottom of the cover page".

The author (of course that's me) said.

"This is the introduction of my assistant and me so basically let's resume the story".

 The story resumes. The young boy Madhav was very happy after getting the money for the test.Suddenly there was a sound in stairs of out of nowhere.The Madhav was scared to death situation.He quickly hides the form of the awakeners in the desk and hides his money under his bed. Suddenly out of now where he runs for the bed and lays downs and cover his whole body with a blanket. The door of his room opens.

 A girl enters in his room with a cup of tea. The girl had a cute face and black hair. She was around the a age of 17.But she had a good physique.Her eyes was beautiful.The girl walk towards the bed. She stands in front of the bed after seeing the blanket covering the bed she touches Madhav and shakes him very hard saying.

"Wake up big brother its already morning ".

She shakes him very hard that he goes to confusing state. Then suddenly starts to vomit.

After a while...

"July let me sleep na". Madhav said.

July said.

"I want to go to work brother please make the breakfast".

Madhav said.

"Ok ok I will make it July".

 Madhav gets up from his bed and goes to kitchen to make breakfast. After eating and dressing up they locked the door. And went in separate ways.

After walking a few steps he say a man flying at a incredible speed. He said in his mind.

"I am Madhav."

Suddenly Lo appeared and said.

"Hey you fool I already give introduction about you just say about this world you damn idiot. Boss hand is hurting because of the typing. You better make it quick".

"Oo sorry my bad ".

Madhav said.

Then Lo disappeared.

Madhav continued his words.

 "This is the world of heroes and villains . Basic story line villains are bad and hero is good.And it all started in 2040 when a meteor hit a larger part of the city and destroyed it nearly. Then suddenly a man touched the meteor.Suddenly he was turning into a monster and was destroying the city. The humanity was at a stake of destruction. Then suddenly some people was glowing then suddenly the glowed humans had super powers like super strength,super speed, stealth. The heroes defeated the monster.

After the monster was defeated the scientists taked the blood sample of the monster and a small sample of the meteor. After months of research they found out that the meteor has a different aura that can give humans abilities but if it is not purified clearly it will cause evil aura and who touch it will become evil too. And so many became villains too because of the radiation of meteor. But some people had the opposite effect. They had powers but unlike villains they had control over their emotions and powers".

In the present day.....

 Madhav was walking through the streets saw a Large TV in a shop. The TV was showing a news. Unlike others Madhav listened it carefully. The news was about an attack in the area 4 of the city's side.The reporter said that."Breaking news.. the area 4 was attacked by a villain known as steel.

We will get current report from our reporter in that area 4.

"Hello Phil can you hear me?? ".

The reporter in that area 4 said.

"The villain steel appeared out of nowhere in the area 4 and started attacking people".

 After saying that reported pointed out a building that is burning. The bottom of the building was fully burned. The entrance was blocked.

After pointed out the building the reported said.

"When the steel was destroying building this building got a short circuit and people are trapped in there".

 After reporter said that suddenly a thing was flying at a full speed.

The reporter suddenly was excitement in and said.

"There comes our B rank hero to the rescue. 'The Lady Fly".

 The girl was the Madhav sister. She rescued everyone and defeated the steel.


Suddenly Madhav sighs... and he said.

"Again she saves the day".

Then he says to himself.

"She is also an awakened people who defeated the monster.When she got those and I didn't she become overprotective for me.I know she is cute and I like she is caring for me. But after her duty is done she follows me everywhere and she don't like me talking to other girls than herself. Like when I was talking to my old college friend who was a girl when we met in park she was literally hiding in the bushes and eavesdropping our conversation".

When I asked her about that she only said.

"Because I love you brother ".

"But I am always worried about her because of her job. She can lost her life anytime.I am always worried because she is the only family I have.Our parents died in the event of catastrophe . After realising she awakned I thought I am weak I can't protect her. So I worked in a cafe to earn money and take a awakned test. But when I told that she was very angry as if she was hiding something so I hid the awakner form for all these years .I can protect her and I will".

After saying that Madhav walked and stopped at a cafe. It is quiet old cafe.

Madhav said to himself.

"After the catastrophe only the old man helped us. To get a nice food, clothes, job everything. The old man was the grandpa.We don't know his original name or anything we called him grandpa since when we met him".

After saying he walks slowly and enters the cafe and he said with a happy tone.

"Grandpa I am here".

A old man who was sitting in a chair gets up and he turns around and smiled at Madhav.

-To be continued

-Next episode will come on 7th february

Heeeeeiiii it's me Lo. Boss said to me that if you loved our stories tell in the comments readers. Boss would be very happy.And keep following our boss