

Vanara_ · Sci-fi
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9 Chs


This story starts with a abandoned and half destroyed. The air is denser and scarier in the area. A man in a white coat is tired and he is heavenly wounded. His dress is full with blood. He runs to the top of the building.As if he was running from something. But he shows no signs of fear in his face.

 When the man in the white reached the top of the building. He sits in the ground as he was waiting for someone. Then suddenly he coughed blood from his mouth. Then there was a sound was coming from stairs. It was little but it can hearable.

 Suddenly a lady came from the stairs. She had a pistol in her right hand. Her legs were shaking. Like she walking for hours. She taked a deep breath and said to the white coat man

 ."You can't escape from us you are surrounded by the cops. Surrender or be killed".

 Suddenly some cars, trucks, helicopter surrounded the building. The white coat man laughs suddenly surprising everyone. His face tell that he was waiting for something. The white coat man said to the lady cop.

"You sucks".

 The lady copy asked surprisingly.


The white coat man said.

"What have i done in the past is for a bright future my lady".

Lady cop asked to the man in an angry tone.

"Killing people is what is for a bright future?? ".

When the man was about answer the question of her. Out of nowhere a black thing appeared in the sky. A sparrow came out from it. And sits near the mans shoulder. The white coat man said with a smile.

"So the time came".

 He gets up from the ground and with a incredible speed he was near the lady cop. As it he was in a perfect condition. He suddenly hugs her and whisper at her ear that.

 "I will love you even if i am in hell. I love you priya".

 After saying that the man runs towards edge of the roof with a his remaining energy. The lady cop tries to stop him. But she was too late. He jumps off from the roof. Before jumping from the cliff he said that.

"Justice is done".

The lady cop eyes was suddenly full of tears....

 -To be continued

-Next episode in 31 january at 6pm