
Ride Or Die With Me

Story is deleted! New Account: Moon7

Eshal_Shahnawaz · Fantasy
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124 Chs

The Surprise Birthday Party.

2 Months Later,

Lisa opened the door and smiled widely.

"Another one? You didn't have to."

"Say that when you aren't happy." Said Minjoon smiling.

Two men brought in the large teddy bear with much difficulty through the door and left. Lisa loved teddy bears. Minjoon gave her one each week. She was blinded by the cute bears and didn't see the real meaning behind them.

"Minjoon, do you like these teddy bears too?" Lisa asked while hugging the bear twice her size.

"These toys?" Minjoon smirked. "No, I have different tastes."

Lisa who was busy playing with the teddy didn't notice what Minjoon was saying. He sighed and turned around to leave.

'I'll be leaving then."

"Wait Minjoon," Lisa held his arm stopping him from walking further. "Can you do me a favor?"

Hotel, Busan.

Naeun opened the suitcase which was filled to the top with money. She picked up a bundle and started counting the money to see if it's real and the exact amount. At the same time, her phone began to vibrate. It was Taehyun.

"I was going to call you," Naeun said.

"Glad to know you still think about me."

"Of course. I've got the money and I'll send it to-"

"I'm seeing you tonight." Taehyun interrupted.

"Naeun smiled, "Any special reason?"

"The reason is that you're mine and I can meet you anytime I want."

"Reason accepted. I missed you anyway."

Taehyun was the first to cut the call and Naeun closed the suitcase, opening the door. Mike and her men were standing out the door.

'Cancel everything on my schedule for tonight."

Mike nodded, "As you wish Princess."

At this point, Naeun didn't mind being called princess. It was her nickname inside the gang. Everyone called her that. The fortunate part was that her name didn't get announced publicly which caused fewer problems and complications. She had to thank Jinhyun for giving her that name.

At The Party Hall,

The part was just like the one that was previously attended by Naeun where she encountered Mark. This one consisted of all the Bulletproof's close friends and partners. Except for one man, who just entered.

It was Mr. Han. He entered along with a lady and walked towards Taehyun who was talking to a few people.

"Kim Taehyun?"

Taehyun turned around.

"Well if it isn't the special guest of tonight."

"I'm curious." The lady spoke who was another agent from KIA. After Harin's mom had died another agent took her place to provide KIA with information on Mr. Han. "Why would Kim Taehyun invite someone like Mr. Lee?"

"We could help each other in the future."

"Of course. Politicians like us need gangsters like you to cooperate with us."

"But be careful. Sometimes gangsters like us flip the game over." Taehyun said and smiled with a warning behind his eyes.

Mr. Han laughed, "Oh really? Like what?"

"Like how your daughter got to pay for the mess you created with Dark Monarch."

Mr. Han turned serious. "You know a lot about my business I see."

"Certainly. Since legally you are 'her' father."

Taehyun looked towards the entrance with a grin. Mr. Han and Bora turned around to see Naeun entering the hall. Bora was an Agent but she had no idea about Naeun's mission so she was confused seeing her there. Naeun was bewildered too. She didn't know she had to meet Taehyun at a party as she was informed they would have dinner together.

"Naeun? What's that girl doing here?" Mr. Han asked, to no one in particular.

Naeun walked towards them.

"Mr. Han, Bora, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"We didn't expect you either," Bora answered.

"You did a good job earlier. I didn't know you were that good with escaping."

"Well father," Naeun put weight on the word father, "Since you were going to sell me to a gangster, either way, I decided to be with a bigger one."

Naeun linked arms with Taehyun and looked up at him with a smile. He knew she was angry because she didn't want to come to a party where she was supposed to smile at everyone. She wanted to meet him alone and smile at him alone. Just then someone tapped his spoon on a glass grabbing everybody's attention. This was Jaemin. Naeun was still in shock about his real identity but they communicated normally when they were together without causing any suspicions.

"As everyone here knows, this is a welcome party dedicated to our new underboss, Princess."

Everybody's eyes turned towards Naeun and they started clapping. Naeun just smiled and held onto Taehyun arm tightly.

"What a late welcome party." She whispered but Taehyun heard it.

"But that's not all. Let's all give another round of applause to celebrate the princess's birthday."

Naeun's smile faded and her grip on Taehyun's arm loosened.

"It's my birthday?" She asked herself.

Naeun didn't remember when her birthday was since she never celebrated it. The last time she celebrated her Birthday was with her father when she was five. After his death, she got enrolled in KIA where birthdays were off-limits.

She hadn't made any close friends except Lisa in her fake life. Lisa remembered her birthday but Naeun remained busy so that was the end. Naeun looked up at Taehyun.

"Happy Birthday Naeun."

Naeun stared at him with her dark violet orbs. The last time she was wished her birthday was when she was little. When she was just an innocent girl. Taehyun held her hand and took something out of his pocket.

It was a beautiful ring with a silver round band. An elegant, glistening Sapphire was placed in the middle matching Naeun's eyes. Taehyun slid it into Naeun's finger and the whole room burst with cheers and applause. Some people smiled since many were envious, seeing how Taehyun and Naeun could maintain a romantic relationship while working in a crime world. Naeun looked at Taehyun with teary eyes.

Taehyun leaned forward closer to Naeun's ear since he wanted only her to hear what he was about to say next.

"I love you."

Naeun's world stopped. Her heart dropped. Her tears threatened to fall. Her legs started giving up. It was the first time he had said that to her.

Naeun smiled sadly and whispered,

"I love you too."

The story is about to get faster now. Many things are going to happen and secrets are going to be revealed. Hope you all enjoy it! Be sure to comment and vote!

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