
Ride Or Die With Me

Story is deleted! New Account: Moon7

Eshal_Shahnawaz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
124 Chs

Elder Silvan.

He needed to trace her location. Fast.


Meanwhile, Taehyun's bike stopped just outside the university gate.

The gate was made out of iron and seemed to be ancient. Taehyun swung off his leg from the vehicle and took off his helmet. His hair had been messed up from the wind. It looked extra hot now. 

Taehyun was young. If anybody saw him in casual clothes they would easily say that he was a boy who was just 19 years old. Especially now, he looked like a young, mischievous teenager, a bad boy on his bike.

He waited a while for the rest of the boys to join him. In the meantime, he looked around the place. It held miserable memories of his; it pained him to remember them. There was a reason that his eyes were always hollow looking. They seemed to be drained of all emotion.