
Rick in Marvel and DC: Fusion

The protagonist’s soul walks through the universe of a mortal and merges with the grandfather’s soul in “Rick and Morty” during the journey. He inherits his grandfather’s talent and knowledge and then survives, grows stronger, expands, and rages in the Marvel and DC universe please support me on patreon.com/harsh07 you can read upto 100 advance chapters on [[[Patreon]]]] or https://www.buymeacoffee.com/harsh07 -------------- I've started my youtube channel and it's about art and anime If you can then please subscribe and follow  www.youtube.com/@Artistwholikeanime instagram - @artistwholikesanime

harsh07 · Movies
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169 Chs

Chapter 22: If we don't kill them, They will kill us




The big truck suddenly turned around and rushed over at a faster speed than before. The three of them were shocked and hurriedly climbed over the fence. Within a few minutes, they heard a bang. The truck violently knocked the Wrangler out, rushed out of the fence, and plunged into the road and then into the ditch next to it.

"Be prepared; they are coming!" Jude said softly, then activated the invisibility belt. Firefly took off his gloves, revealing a pair of burnt palms. Ivy stood quietly in place. This is the wild, surrounded by endless plants. This is her home turf.

The truck door was pushed open, and dozens of people in black suits jumped down with various guns. A man wearing a gentleman's hat and a cigar came out of the crowd, looked at Firefly and Ivy, and then found that one person was missing.

The intelligence provided by the court of Owls could not help but appear in his mind. The man named Jude Herbert is likely to possess some kind of stealth technology or even higher-level technology. It is a pity that the Cobblepot family did not join the court, and they are unwilling to provide information in this regard.

"Mr. Jude Herbert, I am James Carrell, the master behind Arkham's depths. I came here to talk with you today. How about you show up?"

Jude did not speak, but Firefly said angrily, "You are the one behind Arkham?"

As she said, she waved her hands forward, spitting flames, and a long wave of flame instantly burned into the crowd.

"FUCK Fire!"

The man in the top hat hurriedly retreated to the back of the crowd; dozens of guns were all loaded, and they were about to be fired.

Who knew that just when they were about to pull the trigger, the slender vines had penetrated their clothes for some time, entangled their arms, and they couldn't move them no matter how hard they tried? Then the vines continued to grow in and spread, quickly intertwining a group of people, making them unable to move anymore.

The man in the bowler hat was wrapped around his neck; his breathing became difficult, his face flushed, and he laboriously said, "Let it go. You are going against the court. You will regret it."

But as soon as the voice fell, his head exploded with a bang, and a laser beam passed through his spirit, and the dead couldn't die again.

"What about these people?" Ivy asked

Bridgit said angrily, "Of course kill them all. Have you forgotten the torture you suffered in Arkham?"

Ivy hesitated a bit. Although she had been on the street, she had never killed anyone. Even if they were enemies, she couldn't just kill.

Jude's voice rang in her ears. "Don't be afraid, Ivy. If we don't kill them, they will kill us. This is a life-and-death struggle. Close your eyes. All you have to do is exert a little force."

Listening to Jude's encouraging voice, Ivy slowly calmed down. Suddenly she seemed to be determined to give up on her heart and squeezed both fists hard. The vines intertwining the crowd immediately began to shrink, and the cracking of bones kept creaking, and the whole world was quiet after a while.

Ivy seemed to be emptied of all strength and collapsed into Jude's arms.

"It's nothing; you just did one right thing, and you will get used to it."

"Remember, starting today, you are both Ivy Pepper and the Poison Ivy."

Bridgit checked the big truck and shouted, "The engine of this car is broken; maybe we need to grab a new car."

"It's okay, I can fix it."

Jude walked over as he spoke and was about to lift the hood when suddenly there was a roar of helicopters from above.

"Prepare to fight, the second wave of the enemy's attack is coming."

Jude drew out the laser gun while shouting and fired three consecutive shots. One of them hit the front glass. The pilot's arm burst open instantly, the helicopter lost its balance, and smoke began to swirl down.

Seeing three black figures jumping from it, none of the ropes were tied, and they fell straight to the ground at a height of more than ten meters, and the ground cracked, but they stood up unaffected, three Talons.

The three of them are wearing owl uniforms, goggles, hand armor, hook locks, darts, and other equipment that is all available, far more professional than what they encountered in Arkham, and of course more dangerous.


Bridgit roared and spewed out flames, and the three Talons moved at the same time, avoiding them in three directions.

One of them flung out the hook and wrapped it around Bridgit's left leg, and then pulled hard, pulling the latter to the ground instantly.

The other threw a dozen ninja darts, locking all Bridget's dodge directions.

The third stepped on the foot and rushed directly to Ivy, his wrist blade made the sound of breaking wind, and hit her side ribs.

Bridgit fell down and hurriedly sprayed fire to burn the hooks, but the material of the thing was unknown, and there was no reaction at all. Seeing that the ninja dart was less than two meters away from her, she almost closed her eyes. However, she saw that those darts seemed to have encountered an air wall, and they stopped in mid-air and then cracked and fell to the ground.

It was Jude who saw the bad situation turned on the protective device on his clothes and blocked the darts, and then another laser shot out, cutting off the hook lock.

The Talon that was pulling on the hook suddenly lost strength and couldn't help staggering backward.

Bridget regained her freedom and hurriedly turned over, stood up, and rushed towards him. She pivoted her arms around her, and her two tongues of fire spewed out. A flame tornado was formed in an instant, enclosing the hook guy.

Jude pointed the muzzle at the second Talon. This guy seemed to have noticed something; his eyes looked left and right to make a defensive posture, and he didn't dare to move rashly for the time being. On the other side, the Talon that attacked Ivy was blocked by the vines that suddenly skyrocketed. With a wave of both hands, the sharp wrist blades cut the vines to pieces. Just as he was about to continue the attack, his feet were entangled again.

Immediately there was a dagger sticking out of his shoes, sliding his feet left and right to cut the vines again, and at the same time, he touched his waist and threw out a few small black balls. A lot of yellow gas was ejected from the balls and the surrounding plants. After being exposed to gas, it quickly withered and fell.

"Ivy Pepper, we searched 18 Anning Street and found that lily. The experiment with you was successful. Surrender and become a member of the court."

"The proposal is good, but I refuse!"

Ivy said, staring at the sharp claws in front of her, and the surrounding plants immediately ran away. Spikes had evolved in a moment, and she entangled him again.

"It's a pity, then I can only take you away after fainting; it will make you suffer a bit."

Sharp claws continued to make shots, smashing the plants that came and, at the same time, throwing back again.

After a few bangs, Ivy was surrounded by yellow smoke. She suddenly felt difficulty breathing, and her body was weak, and everything in front of her became dizzy.

The Talon took the opportunity to attack her and the wrist blade directly pierced both of her arms and a knee slammed into her abdomen, blood was scattered in the air and Ivy had fallen ten meters away.


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