
Rick and Morty: Guide to Absolute Power

Jason was just an ordinary guy, a fan of Rick and Morty, but just an ordinary - above average intelligence, guy. who happened to be a scientist in his own right. When suddenly, he, outside the Central Finite Curve, found him in the body of a version of himselves inside the Curve. The areas in which Rick and Morty are real. With it being literally impossible to be smarter than Rick, but not at all liking being weaker than him, he decides to initiate a plan. But he's not alone. Infinite versions of himself, have also been transferred into the Rick and Morty Infinite-verse, all in different dimensions each with their own goals, most of them having watched Rick and Morty, but a few thousand have the same goal as him. Absolute power. And they all wont stop at anything for it, and they all know they will be fighting each other and whatever else this fuck-fest will throw at them. This is Jason Prime's Guide to Absolute Power. === The story is set 3 years before Rick C-137 meets Morty Prime. But this is the Rick and Morty verse, time barely matters, every reality is different, but just knows its 3 years before the events of the show. But other Rick's and Morty are already on their adventures. Going off this frame from the show; https://imgur.com/I1a572d The year is 2015 season three onwards. So Rick meets Morty in 2013(as stated in 'Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind, its been a year since Rick has been living with the Smith family, and then we can add another year by the time that episode comes on, as the show itself started in 2013. Its safe to assume the universe started there too.). This is a Rick and Morty fanfic that centers around a person residing outside the Central Finite Curve, in a reality where Rick and Morty are just a cartoon, finding themselves inside the Central Finite Curve, where Rick and Morty are real, and more common. Its about him fighting Rick's and other versions of him that are also from realities where Rick and Morty is just a cartoon. Fighting for the only chance they have at power that can rival Rick Sanchez if used right. Rhett Caan. This will be a pretty long story, and not the entire story will be just reaching the power, later on it will be messing around with the power. Waning: The amount of technical science in this story will be extremely high, like, Jason almost every other chapter will be spending the entire chapter developing one thing in extreme detail, with made up science, as authentic as I can make it sound.

DivineDeviance · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 7: Exo-Electric Converter

Building on the success of the Thermionic Amplifier, Jason dedicated his energies to the next essential component: a device that could efficiently convert the high heat produced by the Amplifier into electricity.

This device, which he named the "Exo-Electric Converter," was designed to work in tandem with the Thermionic Amplifier, harnessing its output to generate power with unprecedented efficiency.

The Exo-Electric Converter was inspired by the principles of thermionic energy conversion, a field that, although explored, had not yet been fully realized in practical applications.

Traditional thermionic converters worked by heating a material to emit electrons, which then travel across a vacuum or a small gap and are collected by a cooler electrode, creating a current. However, the efficiency of these systems was historically limited by the space charge effect—a buildup of electrons that repels subsequent electron emission.

Jason's idea was to use an electrostatic control field to manage the space charge effect dynamically. He hypothesized that by manipulating this field, he could maximize electron flow and dramatically increase the system's efficiency.

Jason revisited his studies on quantum tunneling and electrodynamics to devise a theory for manipulating electron emissions at high efficiencies. He integrated concepts from quantum field theory to model how electrons emitted from the hot side of the Thermionic Amplifier could be made to tunnel through the potential barrier more effectively.

The core of his design was a novel electrode configuration using graphene, known for its excellent electrical conductivity and thermal properties. Graphene electrodes would not only collect emitted electrons efficiently but also withstand the high temperatures generated by the Thermionic Amplifier.

The Exo-Electric Converter consisted of a layered structure:

Emitter Layer: Made from tungsten for its high melting point and good electron emission properties at high temperatures.

Graphene Electrodes: Positioned strategically to capture the emitted electrons. These electrodes were doped with specific impurities to alter their work function, optimizing them for maximum electron capture at high temperatures.

Control Grid: A thin, finely-patterned grid placed between the emitter and the electrodes, capable of applying an adjustable electrostatic field across the emission gap.

This grid was the heart of the device, allowing Jason to dynamically control the space charge and thus the flow of electrons. By adjusting the voltage on the grid, he could increase the efficiency of electron transport from the emitter to the collector, minimizing losses typically seen in high-temperature environments.

Initial tests of the Exo-Electric Converter showed an impressive conversion efficiency of approximately 70%, a significant improvement over existing thermionic conversion technologies, which typically hovered around 10-20%. Jason's integration of the control grid allowed for real-time adjustments based on the output of the Thermionic Amplifier, ensuring optimal performance under varying conditions.

To further enhance the system's efficiency, Jason explored using superconducting materials for the electrodes, theorizing that their zero-resistance state could further minimize energy losses.

Although this was a more complex and costly solution, the potential for near-perfect efficiency made it an enticing avenue for future upgrades.

Right now, Jason is installing replica's of both components into the apartment's, specifically their room's electrical box. Jason just before this closed off their apartment room's circuit, making it a closed circuit, and masked it, so the owner of the apartment wouldn't notice.

And is now installing his infinite energy devices so they, and anyone who moves in this specific apartment room, wont ever have to pay an electrical bill ever again. Well, if he decides to leave it installed, which is highly unlikely.

Angel is of course there, watching as he messes around with their power, waiting for him to finish so she can go make something to eat, as at the moment, the apartment room has no power.

Soon enough, he has it installed, and instantly, the apartment room comes to life with power.

"Hehe... I'm such a genius..." Jason gloats


Hope you enjoyed. Much shorter chapter today, sorry about that was busy. Do all that Webnovel stuff, y'know, power stones, library, comment and leave a review.

I'll update again in like 30 minutes to an hour.

Cya bitches.

More made up science, much less real science thrown in. Still had to do an ungoldy amount of research to make everything Jason does as authentic sounding as possible.

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