
Rick and Morty: Guide to Absolute Power

Jason was just an ordinary guy, a fan of Rick and Morty, but just an ordinary - above average intelligence, guy. who happened to be a scientist in his own right. When suddenly, he, outside the Central Finite Curve, found him in the body of a version of himselves inside the Curve. The areas in which Rick and Morty are real. With it being literally impossible to be smarter than Rick, but not at all liking being weaker than him, he decides to initiate a plan. But he's not alone. Infinite versions of himself, have also been transferred into the Rick and Morty Infinite-verse, all in different dimensions each with their own goals, most of them having watched Rick and Morty, but a few thousand have the same goal as him. Absolute power. And they all wont stop at anything for it, and they all know they will be fighting each other and whatever else this fuck-fest will throw at them. This is Jason Prime's Guide to Absolute Power. === The story is set 3 years before Rick C-137 meets Morty Prime. But this is the Rick and Morty verse, time barely matters, every reality is different, but just knows its 3 years before the events of the show. But other Rick's and Morty are already on their adventures. Going off this frame from the show; https://imgur.com/I1a572d The year is 2015 season three onwards. So Rick meets Morty in 2013(as stated in 'Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind, its been a year since Rick has been living with the Smith family, and then we can add another year by the time that episode comes on, as the show itself started in 2013. Its safe to assume the universe started there too.). This is a Rick and Morty fanfic that centers around a person residing outside the Central Finite Curve, in a reality where Rick and Morty are just a cartoon, finding themselves inside the Central Finite Curve, where Rick and Morty are real, and more common. Its about him fighting Rick's and other versions of him that are also from realities where Rick and Morty is just a cartoon. Fighting for the only chance they have at power that can rival Rick Sanchez if used right. Rhett Caan. This will be a pretty long story, and not the entire story will be just reaching the power, later on it will be messing around with the power. Waning: The amount of technical science in this story will be extremely high, like, Jason almost every other chapter will be spending the entire chapter developing one thing in extreme detail, with made up science, as authentic as I can make it sound.

DivineDeviance · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: Angel

"Where the fuck am I!?" a man screams in the middle of a street, receiving strange stares from the people around him. He is currently kneeling on the ground screaming at the sky.

Once moment he was in his home too lazy to stand up and get work done, and then the next moment he is in the middle of a street in some white neighborhood.

He scrambles around on the ground in a panic, looking at his hands, then touching his face, grabbing his hair and then patting his pockets. 

"Mr. Gray! Are you alright?" the man turns his head in the direction of the sound, finding himself staring a woman looking at him in concern. 'The fuck... shit! Identity!' he thinks, ignoring the woman and just trying to find a wallet, or anything really.

He quickly finds it, and then fetches a drivers license and stares at it intensely.

'Jason Gray, that's my name, weird. Expiration date... 2018...'

"So I'm sometime before that date" the man, now named, mutters to himself.

'Date of birth... 1984... Ok that doesn't tell me how old I am though. I don't know the date.' Jason sighs, calming down. He pockets the wallet and stands to his feet.

'So I'm just me, Jason Gray, in Washington state going off my drivers license, before the year 2018- the licenses expiration date is 2018, and its very unlikely that date is nearby, so this body should be around 20 to 30, no older no younger.'

Jason finds himself lost in his thoughts, before deciding to just find a phone, which he quickly does, finding it to be a pretty old model touch screen, tipping him off on the date, and checking the date confirms it.

'2012. So I'm 28 right now, 4 states away from where my actual home is, in a body 3 years younger than mine should be. Either my body got younger then I went back in time and then I teleported across America, or I'm in a different reality.'

He opts for the simpler explanation. "Considering that woman recognized me, I must be in an alternate version of my body, which is manageable, I suppose. Hopefully this me isn't married with kids. That would be a nightmare to navigate" Jason groans his hands over his face in annoyance.

"Ok, I need to find out where I live, my job, and just slowly get back on my feet before anything else goes to shit" he muses to himself, his old habit of talking to himself returning full swing.

Jason checks his phone one more time, hoping an address is saved somewhere, and luckily it is, and then he walks off towards it.


"This... is where I live?" Jason groans, staring down the apartment building he apparent lives in. "Isn't this Seattle? Where the fuck am I for this entire area to look like it got hit by a bomb!?" he shouts to the air.

"Aye bud, you tryna start trouble?" suddenly, a man approaches him holding a knife. Well, a hobo, barely can be considered a man. More like a skeleton with nearly 5 needles of who knows what injected into his neck.

"Fuck off. I don't have time for this" Jason says, walking right past him, and into the apartment building. Where he pulls out his keys, that have the apartment number on them, and he quickly navigates to his room.

He opens the door and walks in to the most decrepit living space he has ever seen...

And a woman on the couch.

'This is what I didn't want...' Jason sighs, alerting the woman of his presence. She quickly rises from her laying position "Where the fuck have you been? You look like shit," she says lethargically. 

Jason pauses, trying to gather his thoughts and assess his situation. The apartment is in a much worse state than he initially thought, clothes strewn about, dishes piled up in the sink, and a general air of neglect pervaded the space. 

The black haired, gray eyed woman on the couch wearing only a oversized t-shirt and smoking only adds to the complexity of whatever the fuck is going on.

"I... had a rough day," Jason manages to say, choosing his words carefully while his mind races. He needs information, and he needs it without raising suspicion. "Just trying to get my bearings. Who are you?" he asks, hoping his question didn't sound as awkward out loud as it did in his head.

Until he realizes that's the worst possible question he can ask, 'The fuck am I thinking!?' he panics, already thinking of a way to fix this. The woman raises an eyebrow, her posture relaxing slightly. "Seriously? It's me, Angel. We've been living together for almost a year now. Are you sure you're okay?" She takes a step closer, her cold expression evaporating, instead replaced with concern.

Realizing he needs to gather as much information as possible, Jason decides to engage the woman in conversation to learn about 'his' life here. "Hey, have I been acting off lately? Just trying to figure out if I need to see a doctor or something."

"No, not until today," she replies, her eyes narrowing slightly. "You were fine this morning. Did something happen while you were out?"

"Right..." Jason fishes for details. "Remind me again what I'm doing now? I've been juggling a few things."

"You're a software developer, you big nerd. Are you sure you're alright? You're not making sense."

"Got it. I need to take a shower." Jason says, "Well, okay... dinner's in the fridge when you're hungry," she says, still eyeing him suspiciously but deciding to let it go for the moment.

"Thanks," Jason replies, his mind racing. He needs to find out more about this world and his place in it. As the woman retreats to another room, presumably to give him some space, Jason takes the opportunity to explore the apartment.

He quietly opens drawers, checks for any documents, mail—anything that can tell him more about who Jason Gray is in this reality. His search leads him to find a few bills, a couple of late notices, and bank statements. All of which paint a picture of a life struggling to keep itself together.

The financial information is particularly revealing; it shows a history of late payments and overdraft fees. 'Not only am I in a rundown apartment, but this version of me is also broke,' Jason thought grimly.

"This is gonna suck ass..."


That's it. The first chapter of what is gonna be a journey of a story. Hope you enjoyed, and hope you stick around for the rest of it.

Oh and remember, dates are different in every reality, Jason's reality the date is 2012 and the Rick and Morty of this dimension are already together messing around, while Rick C-137 and Morty Prime are in the year 2010, and are yet to meet.

Just have to clarify before someone tries to be a smartass.