
A Talk With Ze Doctor

"Vell then why don't one of you show the doctor off to ze room I've had quite ze trip." he says while looking at the stunned faces of the people who came out to see what all the ruckus was about.

Storm stepped forward, with a little apprehension showing on her face.

The mystery child who most likely came from somewhere dangerous was just dropped off on their front door steps.

"If you would please follow us to the office so that we may get you sorted." Storm asked with a strained smile.

"WUNDERBAR such joy ze doctor is pleased if you would lead the way Hah Hah hah ." came the response, in a rather eerie and maniacal German accent with small cackles towards the end.

"Of course come storm let us lead our new student to ze... I mean thee ... lead our new student to thee office." said professor Xavier with a small mistake as he was a bit flustered after having been expelled from the older Richtofen's mind.

"Of course professor." said storm looking at the professor with worry.

Walking up the steps Edward was looking at the students who were just staring at him with confusion and Apprehension.

"vat are ze the children looking at van would think they are mocking ze doctor, I will shoot zem, IN THEIR EYES!!!!." Edward says more than a little bit maniacally. za I vas just kidding no need to run children you wouldn't want to trip and break your skulls !!! and end up becoming one of of MINE EXPERIMENTS!!! Said little Edward with an angelic smile scaring the kids even more.

Turning back to storm he said.

"You Know I think zey dont like me all to much was it ze shoot zem in the eyes part ohh well I was never one for comforting children ze last one ended up trying to kill ze doctor with an army of zombies and hellhounds." said our little Edward with a hand to his chin.

They finally arrived to the office much to Storms relief, while Xavier was dreading the conversation of asking permission to talk telepathically to the child and to view his memories.

"please Edward have a seat and we can begin" said Xavier while positioning himself behind.

"Ya, ya, let's get zis meeting underway what would you like to know." said Edward understanding that they would like answers for all the questions they had.

"First were are you from" said professor Xavier trying to build a profile on his new Student.

"ya vell I'm not all to clear on that as I have my memories of my other self."

"I'm or I vas a German scientist vorking with a mentor who introduced me to ze illuminati and then later on sent to be a scientist with a group of scientists who were working on a project that led to the down fall of humanity." said Edwards in all honesty with the exception of some details.

Professor Xavier was processing what he heard and was getting more than a little apprehensive about the situation as he saw the world this child came from and it certainly looked like hell on earth.

Xavier motioned for Edward to continue on.

"Vell long story short I vas sent here as ze God of my universe as planning on erasing everything from existence."

"Putting my hand into my coat and pretending to take out something when in reality I accessed the rings storage capabilities and took out a journal covered in blood and with a feeling of an ominous energy radiating from it, flipping the pages to one with a certain quote I read it out loud knowing that I would read it more than once for bot just others but to myself to remember."

" this is a message and a quote a message to some and to others simply something said by a insane man." Xavier quirked a eyebrow at that but continued to listen.

"My name is Edward Richtofen, and I have been trying so very hard to do the right thing. Long ago, I made a promise. A vow to protect him. In order to keep my word, I have done bad things. VERY bad things. I do not regret the pain that I have caused because none of it really matters. This moment... this... me. All of it will soon be gone. I have lied, I have cheated, I have deceived. All for a purpose you could never understand. I would not change a single thing. He thinks I do not know, but I do. The blood will protect me." after hearing this Xavier face was completely serious and he was thinking about what was read out to him and looked up to see the eyes of a broken man which quickly became replaced by the eyes of a child so close to breaking, yet far from it at the same time.

a confusing and contradictory person sat in front of him.

"vell then Charles maybe one of ze days I'll let you poke around my head but for now let's just say it would not be pleasant for either of us." Spoke Edward with a confusing mix of a German accent and an American accent.

"So how about that room I could go for some sleep about now ya." Spoke Edward in his German accent with the hint of insanity.

" Of course Storm is outside waiting to guide you to your room." After saying that the door opened with Storm guiding the young Edwards off to his room.

Charles Xavier sat in his chair contemplating about what he just let into his school.

"Sigh I can only hope nothing terribly wrong happens Sigh".