
Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see. If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

Madcap_Gal · Fantasy
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98 Chs

We're off to Siadris

After a wonderful success they got off to space with as much weapons and accessories for safety.

"So, Now what?"asked Adhil.

"The nearest planet would be Siadris, it's the planet of weapons . We are off to there."said Zack.

"But do you know how to run these."

"I'll try my best."

"Let's go to Siadris."said Andre.

"Are you okay?"asked Riahna as she sat near him.

"It's just a scratch. It'll be okay."said Jake.

"That's why I told you to listen to me. Now every moment where you think about not listening to me, remember this is what you get."

He smiled looking at her face.

"Now, we'll have to know more about Siadris before we go there. I'll tell you what I know so let's start."

"Is it going to be boring?"asked Andre.

"We'll see."mocked Noah.

"Okay let me start,

#Siadris, it's known as the hub of weapons . It has about 6 other planets in it's territory and it's all controlled by the king and queen of Siadris. Riahna has fought with the prince of Siadris before, so they'll always remember you and me too. But they don't know Andre, Jake, Noah and Adhil, so you guys have to be aware of the surroundings, cause they can kill you if they had the chance. Every citizen there have the power to blast off fire balls from their hand so we have to watch out for that."

"Okay, anything else?"asked Riahna.

"Well, there is one thing."said Zack.


"We're going there to ask for help. They might or might not help us. It's just a try. We'll have to be super nice to them in order for them to behave the exact with us."


They turned their engine off to Siadris and they got there. But the vision they saw was not that good. The whole place was silent, so peaceful which is kinda bad. Grey looked at the planet and be got scared as he sensed something. He hid behind Riahna to pull off from the things that he sensed. Riahna looked at Zack as she knew something happened out there something terrible. Zack had the same feeling about it too.

"What the hell happened here?"asked Jake.

"I don't know but I'm sure it's not that good. Riahna we should get out of here."said Zack.

"No. We should take a look. I've got this feeling inside me and it tells me to check it out."

"Uh... Shit, I have that feeling too."said Zack.

"So. we should take a look huh?"

"Mother of God, I can't believe I'm saying this but yeah."

They got closer to the planet and they parked the spaceship in some abandon space.

"There's no one here."said Noah.

"It's all so spooky."said Andre.

"Okay, so here's the plan. There are six of us here,we can split into three teams of two and we'll start looking for someone from this planet.

Maybe this planet would've been invaded by Lesas long past from us, we don't know anything so be aware of your surroundings.

I'll take Andre. Noah will go with Riahna and Jake will go with Adhil and he'll take Grey . Take your weapons, we're gonna look for help."said Zack.

As per he told, the whole group got split onto three groups of two and they walked out to the ground. They got split into three different ways with different obstacles waiting for them whatsover.

"So what's with you and Jake?"asked Noah as they walked fully aware of the surroundings.

"What's with us?"asked Riahna.

"I don't know, maybe you guys like each other perhaps."

Riahna calmed herself off putting down the gun in her hand and sbe looked at him.

"Nothing's going on between us. Okay and for future preferences, we're not gonna have this conversation again. Got it?"asked Riahna.

"Whoa, Princess calm down. I was just curious about you two."

"You don't have to be curious about me and Jake, there's nothing going on between us. That's all."

"Okay.. I just..."

"Shhh did you hear that?"asked Riahna as they heard some noise around them. Riahna loaded her gun and pointed it waiting for an attack or maybe nothing at all. The noise started circling us. It moved quickly just like that.

"Noah, Are you sensing something?"

"No, nothing."

"Well that's just great."

The noise started moving so quickly than before and it's frequency started to high up. It caused their ears to burn up as it was a lot to burn. They stood to the ground out of pain and they couldn't just get to the gun to shoot that damn thing whatever it is. Someone came walking towards them and it looked at Noah and it gave out some power over to his brain, some kind of dark power, then it took it's way to Riahna and looked directly into her eyes.

"Sshhhhh it's gonna be okay. You'll be just fine."said the voice.

Then it kind of empowered some kind of dark power onto her mind causing her to do whatever it told her to do.

"So you're what, A boyfriend of Riahna?"asked Adhil.

"No I'm not. Wait how do you know her?"

"I kinda knew her by accident, She's a really kind girl, sometimes naughty if you may."

"Yeah, I know."

"Do you like her by chance?"

"I don't know what I have for her but I just know that I love her so much."

"Oh. You know I loved her too. She's kinda into these things you know like anyone could love her. It's her character. She's nice, kind and moreover so beautiful."

"Yeah you're right.You know you're kinda fun."

"Well, Thank you."

Just then Grey moved a little bit over to Jake as if he sensed something coming.

"What is it Grey?"asked Jake and be continued to look at the ongoing pathway. It had some kind of smoke coming from it, so it was not actually clear.

Jake loaded his weapon and he looked at Adhil. There were some shadow's of people coming from the smoke. They were alert to the situation so much as they tried hear every tiny detail around them and out from the smoke there came Noah and Riahna. Jake and Adhil calmed themselves down for a bit.

"Oh it's you guys. We might've shoot at you."said Jake.

"Grey, it's okay. It's them."said Adhil but he looked at them closely and growled at them.

"Grey, what's wrong with you. It's just Noah and Riahna."said Jake and he looked at Riahna but she had dark eyes which was very unusual. He looked for Adhil but he was already knocked down by Noah. He tried to load his weapon but by that time Riahna knocked him down with her gun.