
Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see. If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

Madcap_Gal · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The plan has to be worked out

As per the plan, they took off from the warehouse the next day and they headed to the one and only American Janitor.

The whole place was surrounded by high walls ans stuff, so to get in is a tough job.Noah got up first and he and Zack helped the others to get in without being spotted. They sneaked in and they got to the server room. Zack asked Noah to follow him and the others to be in the server room to hack into the system.

"I need some music."said Andre.

"Music? You know what you're talking about right?"asked Adhil.

"Hey, big boy. There's a set of music in my bag. Just hand it to me and back off."

"Okay, Don't eat me."mocked Adhil.

At the same time,

"So, Riahna and Jake. It was isn't it?''asked Noah as they walked.

"What are you talking about?"asked Zack.

"You didn't have plan anything for them cause you wanted them to take a time off to really talk to eachother."

"Well, I must say, you're great."

"I knew it. But great plan, I must say."

"See, that's where they all keep the weapons."said Zack as he pointed towards a room at a corner. They walked slowly towards it but it was closed, it needed a password. There was a camera right above it, so Zack asked Andre who got into the system to find the password in order to get in. While Andre was trying to find the password, it was quite difficult for her as the password was hidden in a morse code.

"Hey, you guys know Morse code?"asked Andre.

"Yeah, I guess I know it."said Adhil and he helped her to find the password.As soon as Adhil found out the password, Andre asked Zack to type the password and Boom! the door opened. They got inside and it was hub for weapons, guns, rifles, first aid boxes. There was literally everything in that room.

"We need to go where they park spaceships."said Adhil.

"Found it. It's about 3 blocks from here, but there is a problem."said Andre.

"What? What is it?"

"You're not gonna like it."

"Like what?"

"In order to get there, we'll have to jump upon 6 different security procedures including laser beam to voice alarm."

"So how are we gonna get in."

"I can't just assess to it's main branch cause it's too protected. So we'll have to do something from the outside."

"Like what?"

"If I can manage someone to off the power system from the main branch itself. We have a chance to get in."

"How much are we away from the main branch?"asked Riahna.

"About two blocks back from here."

"So what's the news?"asked Zack as he and Noah with the required weapons.

"The news is not that good."

"What do you mean?"

Andre told him and Noah about the chores and it's after effect.

"I'll do it."said Riahna.

"Do what?"asked Jake.

"I'll get to the main branch and shut the power off while you guys pass out the security system at ease. "

"But you'll get caught. First of all there would be cops inside the main branch and second of all as soon as you shut the power off the cops will surround you either at the main branch itself or on the way to the room. You'll never make it. You'll get caught."said Andre.

"I'm not going to let you do this."said Jake as he got hold off her hands.

"You have to trust me. I'll pass the cops.I WILL come with you. I promise."

"So it's done, let's go. We don't have no time and Riahna don't get caught."said Zack.

"I won't GO."said Riahna.

They all went over to the room where the spaceships are held while Riahna went over to the main branch. She slowly got inside and there were cops inside looking at the camera's whether something was going on.As soon as they saw Riahna they asked her who she was and they started to call off the forces. Riahna took a wooden stick and knocked them down within no second. She got to the server and she saw the others walking away (through the camera). But as she looked she never saw Jake running with them.

"You missed me."said Jake as he was standing right behind her watching her look at the camera's.

"What are you doing here? I told you to go with them."said Riahna.

"I'll never leave you. Ever again.Come on they are there. Time to shut off the power."said Jake and he pulled off the system and turned off the power. As soon as the power went off they heard footsteps approaching and they knew that it was the police so they ran away. They found police blocking their way but they escaped by knocking them down.The other's got off the security guidelines and they got in.

"WHOA."said Andre out of excitement as it was a huge hall with about 5-6 spaceships.

"We'll go in that."said Zack as be pointed towards a blue ship which was a complete beauty.

"Adhil, go to the server room out there and open that door. If we need to go, we'll want that door to be opened."said Andre. Adhil went out to the server room and he opened the entrance door throught which spaceships had to go outside. Andre got inside the spaceship and she tried to start it. Noah helped her do so ans Zack waited for Riahna and Jake to come. Andre successfully started the engine at ease.

"It's on the move. Where's Riahna and Jake?"asked Andre.

As for Riahna and Jake, they were running to get past the cops and they tried to get through the laser beam and all but at the last moment, some cop turned on the power and the security was on the run and as a result Jake got a cut in his leg due to the laser beam. He fell down to the floor.

"Jake, Are you okay?"asked Riahna while she held him up and ran to get on the spaceship. They ran and they got past the cops and they were luckily safe. They got inside the spaceship and they started the journey to find help.