
Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see. If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

Madcap_Gal · Fantasy
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98 Chs

It's all a mind game

They walked around and Andre kind of turned on the computer to see if anything is out there.

"What're you doing?"asked Zack.

"Look, the computer is still working so if I can just find something..."

"Something like what?"

"Anything, like surveillance camera or voice recordings."

"Andre, this is not Earth. We can't just find camera clips."

"Yeah, I know we can't find that but we you know WHAT WE CAN FIND."


"Help calls either from here or from any other planet. This planet has satellite, so we all the recordings would be here. If I could just find..."

"Andre, it doesn't happen.."

"Boom, Got it. It's a video clip."

"Play it."

As per Zack asked Andre played the video and they saw something terrible inside the video.

"Come on, we need to find them."said Zack.

Andre downloaded the file to her phone and she went out with Zack. Sounds started surrounding them, some kind of weird humming or some kind of stuff. It was like if it was a monster.

"Shit, it's around us."said Zack.

"What's around us?"

"I don't know but it's not definitely good."

Just then some kind of monsters came running towards them. Andre tried to shoot at it and Zack used his sword to kill many of those but it did no good. Many of them got they're way to the inside and Zack asked Andre to run as fast as possible. Zack covered her up to not let anything happen to her. They saw a door and Andre shot at the lock to open it. Finally they got outside and locked the door from the outside. The monsters kept leaning against the door and trying to destroy it but by that time, Andre and Zack ran the hell out of there as fast as possible.They ran and ran and atlast they found themselves in the middle of a road. They walked forward and they saw something lying on the ground. They moved closely and they found that it was Jake's gun just lying in the middle of nowhere.

"Isn't this Jake's gun?"asked Andre.


"What do you think happened to him?"

"We're gonna find out. Don't split. Be with me. Okay."


They walked forward fully concentrated on their surroundings and they saw an abandoned house just a few steps far from them.

"It's the end of the road. It doesn't make any sense."said Zack.

"Yes it does, look there's an abandoned house."said Andre while pointing to it.

Just then they heard a scream from the abandoned house. It was a hell of a scream.

"So, somebody's home. Come on."said Zack and he asked Andre to follow him.They sneaked inside and there was nobody there atleast until then. The door behind them closed own it's own leaving them trapped in the abandoned house. They moved slowly and they found nothing, no people, no sign of attack nothing. They decided to move forward and just then Zack caught something in his mind. It was Adhil trying to call him.

"AAHH"screamed Zack.

"What? what is it?"

"They're here. I think someone kidnapped them. We need to find a way to find them."

They started looking every room every stairs and everything. Andre got to a room and searched it all around and she found something. She called Zack to come and take a look at what Andre found. It was a hole on the wall. The wall was a cover to protect the hidden place. He kicked it down and they got inside. That was a whole new place out there with candles to show the way and some kind of wierd smell all around like in the sewers. They decided to move further on and they saw something far up ahead. It was a room. He slowly opened it slightly and he saw Jake and Adhil tied upon to a chair with clothes covering their mouth to not let the scream out.

"Jake!"said Andre.

"Andre, No."said Zack while he blocked her from going inside. They heard footsteps coming closer and they saw Noah taking a gun and putting it in Jake's mouth and following up there came Riahna with a knife in her hand.

"Child, Don't. Let them go."said someone with a creepy voice. Zack looked closely to them and he tried to get into their mind. But something was blocking him to do so.

"What's happening?"asked Andre.

"I think someone's controlling her and Noah. I can't just get into her mind. Something's blocking me and I don't know what."

Just then they heard something from behind it looked like it was a breath from a monster. The air touched their body and they slowly turned around to see what it was and as they looked behind they saw a monster about the height of a bus standing right infront of them looking closely at them.

"What the..."said Andre. The monster took Andre and Zack up by their dress and it took them inside where Jake and Adhil was tied up. It looked at someone who was sitting right infront of them, it looked like it was a lady. As per her command it put them down safely.

"Well well well what do we have here?"said the lady.

"What the hell is this place?"asked Andre.

"You'll know what this place is. Riahna, tie them up."said the lady. Riahna took a rope and tied them down onto a pillar and stood back for more orders.

"What're you doing? She's playing with your mind."said Zack.

"She'll never listen to you . She'll only listen to my command and only my command."said the lady.

"What have you done to her?"asked Zack.

"You'll know. Soon.Noah, Riahna look after them until I arrive. Is that clear?"asked the lady. Noah and Riahna nodded to her sayings and they stood there staring at them.

"You sure you don't remember me, Riahna?"asked Zack.

"I don't remember you."said Riahna.

"Yeah well I don't believe you."

Riahna came towards him and punched him in the face.

"That Hurt. You are strong."said Zack.

"Did you had to do that? Man we're trapped here."said Andre.

"We'll find some way. Don't lose hope."