
Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see. If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

Madcap_Gal · Fantasy
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98 Chs

We have a job to do

The day crashed to it's dawn and they were still trapped in that dark dungeon.Zack tried to cut the rope with his knife from behind without Riahna and Noah knowing it but it failed cause it made a sound and Noah came to him and snatched the knife off from him.

"Wanna escape huh?"asked Noah as he took the knife off.

"Maybe, will you help?"asked Zack. Noah looked directly into his eyes and punched on his face.

"Children"called out the lady from far behind. Noah and Riahna heard the call and they went to her as per her command.

Jake and Adhil tried to get off the cloth from their mouth in order to speak. They took it off with ease and tried to get out of the chair.

"Who was that?"asked Andre.

"I don't know. Adhil, you know something?''asked Zack.

"I don't know who she is but she has a tatoo on her neck, it's a some kind of a symbol. I have seen it somewhere but I don't remember where."

"Somehow that symbol can show us who she is huh."

"Yes."said Adhil and he tried to cut the rope by which they were tied to.After a whole lot of struggle, he successfully had cut the rope and got off. He helped the others to get off and as they were helping others they heard a scream from far away. It looked like it was a scream from a man.

Suddenly Zack got these visions in his mind as if someone was trying to call him or what.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH"screamed Zack.

"What? What is it?"asked Adhil as he hold him up.

"Someone, someone here is trying to get inside my mind. He's pleading for help. His scream is all over me. It's kinda making me jump onto a lot of pain like if someone is piercing my other half or what."

"We gotta get you outside. Come on."

"NO ONE LEAVES!!!"said the lady while getting into the scene.

Noah and Riahna had a sword in their hand given to them by her and they were waiting for her order to attack them.

"Do we really wanna do this Riahna?"asked Zack.

"Oh Yeah."said Riahna.

The lady commanded to attack and the abandoned house became a place of war. Not to barge but Noah and Riahna was so powerful to be beaten. The lady walked away and Adhil saw her tattoo clearly than before. It was a tatoo that looked like a symbol we see in the bible or something.

"How do we stop them?"asked Zack.

"That tattoo, it gotta be something. We need to know what that tattoo really mean?"said Adhil.

"Wait, Riahna has the tattoo too and Noah he's got it too. I think it's some kind of spell that can be broken."

"You think you can break it?"

"I don't know.. I.... I've... I've never done something like that."

"Well you better try to do it as fast as possible."said Adhil

Zack chanted a spell while fighting with Riahna and it got much worse as soon as they heard it they started to hit harder than before as they pissed them off cause of the spell. He took his hands together and chanted it strong and it produced some kind of energy that circled the room, it made them(Riahna and Noah)stood to the ground of pain. The lady and her bodyguard who was with her got outside and she sensed something was going wrong inside so he asked her guard to set the house on fire whivh would burn them to ashes immediately. As per her order, her guard set the house on fire using his power.

"What's happening?"asked Andre.

"They're setting the house on fire. We gotta do something."said Jake.

"Move back."said Adhil while he chanted a protection spell around them. It made a whole bubble of protection around them and as soon as Zack chanted the power deeply, Riahna and Noah breathed heavily as they couldn't handle the pressure.The tattoo on their neck slowly started to fade and it as it moved they were back to normal. Andre and Jake got hold of them and Adhil asked them to get out as fast as possible as he couldn't hold the protection spell for a long time.

"Get out, Come on Get out."said Adhil. They got out of the house and into woods. Jake and Andre got them sit on a broken tree on the way and they were catching their breath after a whole lot of mind control.

"Are you okay?"asked Zack while he hugged Riahna.

"I'm okay."said Riahna.

"I'm sorry I had to do it."

"No you did the right thing."

"Great don't I get any of these hugs or love?"mocked Noah.

"So what do we do know?"asked Jake.

Riahna looked at Zack and he knew that she had a plan in her mind and that their plan was the same as eachother. They smiled for a bit and they looked at the others.

"We've gotta destroy her and her army. That's what we're gonna do."said Zack.

"But how?She's a b***h who plays with our minds"said Noah.

"There would be something that can destroy her, something powerful like a spell or what."said Riahna.

"That symbol..."said Adhil.

"What symbol?"asked Riahna.

"The symbol you had on your neck."

"I didn't have any symbol on my neck."said Riahna.

"Yes you had. The one you had on the right side of your neck. Don't you remember it?"

"No, I mean I was trapped inside my own mind. But I don't recall a tattoo on my neck. Do you know what that symbol looks like? Maybe it has to do something with her."said Riahna.

"Yeah, I think I can draw it. I'll show you."

"First of all we need to get the hell out of here."said Zack.

They walked into an apartment and they got inside, the whole apartment had this kind of a spooky feel all around.