
Rhyfel Chronicles - Flash Casters

Rhyfel means war. His teacher prophecy chosen him as the protagonist of this story. How is magic of his calliber can possibly defeat Empress Evie.

Stivanstin · Fantasy
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Chapter 3.

Entering the headquarters I was buried in a silky wave of golden hair. I hugged Hanna with everything and lifted her up, there was a second in that forest when I thought... I never see her again. I kissed her and rested my forehead on hers. The moment was lovely, even with her keep kicking my shins.

" Ok enough...God women... I'm sorry."

I didn't need to ask to understand how she felt, when my group showed up minus me, Astel bleeding out.

" Your an asshole..how dare you stay behind and forget your promise to me??"

She was holding me by my collar occasionally shaking me to punctuate her words.

" My love...we talk later. I need to bury Milo now."

She let me go and Tristan and Annie stood up from their seat.

" He was tortured for information then killed by the guardians. He died before Astel was ambushed."

Hanna hugged me tightly. She knew how much I liked that mousy little guy others made fun of. And also my guilt when people of our order died.

" Rhy what happened after we left, you were away for hours." Tristan asked while comforting Annie.

" It took some time and went visiting in the cemetery where my mother buried, I lost track of time."

Hanna played with my hair and searching for falsehoods in my words, my face. She seemed to believe me.

" I'm sorry my love, I know how much you liked him..you look fine but your not injured are you?

" I'm fine not a scratch. How is Astel?"

" I closed his leg wound and put him in deep sleep, should be fine by the morning, my parents looking after him."

Good..now I need to bury a friend.

" I'm gonna be back in a few minutes, you guys rest it's late we never know what needs to be done tomorrow."

I saw how tired my friends were, and also how sad and shocking Milos passing was to them. Tristan nodded silently and took Anni gently up the stairs.

" You should rest to Hanna, if Astel is fine then go to sleep. I promise I'm not going anywhere."

She came closer and hugged me.

"Will you join me tonight?"

She knew...she knew we live in the same house as her parents and brother.

" Babe..maybe.."

" You're right... I'll go to yours. If your not up in 10 minutes, there will be hell to pay."

Walking away her long legs and perfect form. My God.. how I'm gonna ever say no to her...

But for now let's pay our final respects to a friend.

Next morning I woke up the sound of raindrops and with Hanna on my chest still soundly sleeping. Her face was perfect even without makeup. Looking at her face I felt reassured about what's to come and what needs to be done.

Watching the rain outside always gave me a calm feeling, my magical fire still going strong and the room was nice and cozy. I never wanted to leave this room. So of course her mother knocked right then and there.

" Morning Rhy! Do you need breakfast honey?"

Hanna woke with a smile on her face hearing her mothers voice through the door. She looked right at me mouthing.


This girl..

" Yes yes morning Mellita. Umm thank you I would love some eggs and toast ahhouch.. "

Hanna bit the skin on my chest.


"...and some marmalade for the toast thank you."

" Sure thing .. by the way have seen Hanna this morning?"

" Umm n..no not this morning nono."

I heard her chuckled thorough the door before leaving. My lord this was intense.

Hanna laughed at my relief.

"Babe you need to stop stressing about it... my parents know we..you know, and so does everybody else."

" Knowing and ... seeing or hearing is different. Are you not at all concerned about your mother seeing you naked in my bed? What would she say?"

She pretended to think. Then threw the sheets and stretched.

" Congratulate me on a night well spent?"

Sexy little space cadet..

We were late for breakfast.

Walking down arms locked I felt extremely light on my feet I barely even minded the half a dozen people giving me suggestive looks.

"Morning all...yum marmalade."

Hanna quickly left to get her favourite. Marmalade...all diamonds have at least one flaw.

I took seat next to Astel, I wanted hear his account about what happened..

" Not much to tell kid, I walked inside the forest got ambushed by those bastards. One of them got me in the leg, lucky shot. And that's when you showed up blasting that big idiot out of this world."

It wasn't his fault I never told anyone he taught me to perform a purple flash of death.

Hanna glanced at me for second but went back eating her toast and chatting with her mother who were out of ear shot thank God.

Tristan and Annie were close enough though and couldn't hide their surprise.

They didn't bring it up. I was grateful to them. I finished breakfast and since it was a Sunday we all had downtime so we went up to my room. They waited patiently until the door closed.

" Dude why didn't you tell? I had no idea...like since when and how?"

"Get off of him stupid idiot and let him breathe."

I watched Hanna manhandled her brother and sat down with Annie and started explaining it to her at some point the others joined in.

I glanced around a bit nervous. Killing those animals was one thing but not telling them suggested I was ashamed and kept looking at Hanna, who ended up in my lap snuggled up but her face of smiles and peace remained unchanged.

" Stop staring... I'm glad actually. They would never hesitate to kill you in a heartbeat. You need not to feel guilty. I feel better the safer you are."

I felt relieved.. I did care about my friends opinion of course, but if Hanna would turn on me for this I would be done. I felt lucky she understood. Tristan was the first to speak.

" I believe it make you stronger brother, it makes my sister docile like a cat knowing your safe. Can you teach it? There's plenty I need to protect to."

He took Annie's hand and squeezed it hard. Annie was a blushing mess, I only hoped I can make Hanna look like that after our 6 year anniversary.

" He is right Rhy.. learning it for the future might be needed for all of us. I do want see the end with you all."

Annie was simple and clumsy but had a big heart. If not for my uncle Cal, I'll be without family like her. Until she met Tristan and became part of his she was all alone.

" I can try but as you know it might not work. Astel told me it's like 1 in 100. So don't be discouraged if you can't. There's plenty of flash spells equally devastating. You can learn new things every day."

I did remember Sertorius wide area sweep and how simple yet effective to disrupt the flow of battle. I bet the empress sweep would wiped out that forest, flattened every tree and evaporated me in the process. Just thinking about it wanted to become stronger and go training immediately.

" Sisi you want to try to learn it with us?"

Tristan asked Hanna, who looked asleep if not for the fact her hands caressing my neck.

" Don't need to.. I promised Rhyfel I won't put myself in danger anymore, and for escape I always have teleport. I guess the battles ahead are in your hands Tristan."

It made me happy how seriously she took her promise. It meant she never risk her wellbeing for something heroic or stupid.

We spent time talking for a bit then I went to training with Tristan and Annie, Hanna took a nap.

The house was full but peaceful. I find Cal talking to Jillian a new member, wide eyed, beautiful and clearly in love with my my uncle. It was cute how he tried to fend her off and I believe the almost 13 year old age difference between them held him back quite a bit.

" Hello Jillian ... Uncle!"

" Brat...Annie, Tristan."

"Morning guys. Are you heading out?"

She was untested on missions, but I had a sneaking suspicion that it wasn't because she lacked the skill, but because of certain relative of mine keeping her on paperwork duty. Which meant she basically never left the headquarters like my Hanna. I guess we are related.

" We off to training, would you like to join us Jill?"

I didn't even need to ask, Annie was like my thoughts personified.

" I would love to!!! It that ok Cal?" She looked up hopefully.

Ughh it was like a damn romance novel.

" Do as you like, I join Rhy anyway. He is lacking."

It's funny only yesterday he said how I improved. The man was transparent.

" Hmm... indeed let's all go."

A little training with my friends and uncle...and future aunt 10 years older than me. Life is sure...strange.