
Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel

Introducing Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel, where you will go through the daily shenanigans of two friends, Rey, a smart, but extremely lazy individual who often find innovative ways to cut corners without putting much effort, and Akuv, a very hardworking individual, yet is not the brightest in the group. Join the duo with their daily lives in this slice of life novel rife with cheap jokes, long boring conversations and random adventures in each chapters! -------------------------------- Uploads can be inconsistent, hence I apologize for any delays.

Karaoni_a · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 9

"We should be looking for a second job Rey!" - Akuv.

"Right, like the first job isn't enough work." - Rey.

"It isn't, it's been two days and we have yet to be called to work! I'm going crazy without any work!" - Akuv.

"Well I'm not." - Rey.

"Guh, how are we gonna earn a living now!" - Akuv.

"We have a lot of food." - Rey.

"And write to our wives!" - Akuv.

"Oh shit, you do have a point." - Rey.

"Now I got your attention!" - Akuv.

The duo was just sitting outside of their home on a bright sunny day. It was a beautiful afternoon, nothing much was going on except for the duo just relaxing, watching the beautiful view around them.

"So...what do ya think we should do? work as sailors?" - Akuv.

"We don't even know how to row a boat, let alone sailing." - Rey.

"We can always learn!" - Akuv.

"Nah, too much work, besides, who knows what will happen if we get lost in the ocean." - Rey.

"Oh man, and I thought we could discover new lands..." - Akuv

"Not worth the risk if it's just the both of us, man. And besides, It's really competitive considering the people here are expert sailors." - Rey.

"Hrm, how about farmers?" - Akuv.

"Even worse, we'd be worked like the bulls." - Rey.

"Aww come on, I love some bulls and cows!" - Akuv.

"I hope you did not mean that literally." - Rey.

"Keep it children friendly you idiot!" - Akuv.

"Right, my bad readers, anyways, as I was saying, being a farmhand is as good as being a cow." - Rey.

"...Does that mean we would be eating grass instead of collecting grass instead?" - Akuv.

Rey just gave a thousand-yard stare at Akuv, as the latter smiled at him with a goofy face.

"Okay fine, how about we walk around and look for a job now!" - Akuv.

"Aside from looking for a job, I'm up with walking. Let's walk around, I'm getting bored around here, anyways." - Rey.

The duo got up and started walking in the direction of a nearby hill vilage that was recently seeing an influx of migrants from the Mozwi kingdoms. IThe merchant community made an inland journey and created a trading settlement at the behest of the ruler. The village was historically a small region of the Lawu people, but recently the influx of migrants from the Mozwi kingdom saw expansion of a minor trading settlement.

"Damn, the Mozwi people have some interesting architecture! It blends well with the local architecture!" - Akuv, complimenting the drystone walls of the settlement.

"Yeah, it's called drystone architecture, Akuv, they are built in such a way that you don't need any reinforcing material to hold each stone. Are they fragile? sure, but these guys are professionals, and they seem to know what they're doing." - Rey.

"That gives me an idea Rey! how about we be stone collectors!" - Akuv.

"You're pulling my leg, right?" - Rey.

"I wish I could rip it apart, but i'd be hunted down." - Akuv.

"It's another way of saying you aren't serious, Akuv. But really, you're kidding?" - Rey.

"Of course not! as a matter of fact I might get us enrolled right now, HEY MISTER, WE ARE READY TO COLLECT SOME ROCKS!" - Akuv yelled at the taskmaster who now has his attention turned to the duo.

Rey was shocked, appaled, flabbergasted, betrayed, heck, even dumbfounded at how Akuv was able to land them employment in being yet another cheap labor. 

"What are you two yapping about? Can't you see I am busy!?!" - The Taskmaster.

"Uh, yeah, my friend is just a little loose on the head so if you don't mind us-" - Rey.

"We want to get a job and collect stones for your masons sir!" - Akuv.

"You want to what? bahahaha, don't be foolish! we already have plenty of stones, and they're not just any stones, but soapstones imported from the Mozwi kingdom! your help is appreciated lads, but you should meet with the village elder at his home over there! He might have some task for you." - The Taskmaster.

"Alright mister, thank you and have a good day! Come on Rey!" - Akuv.

"| Ugh, can't that idiot just go on a stroll | Alright, thank you sir, and goodbye." - Rey.

The duo made their way to the local elder's home. It was a sizable house surrounded by a drystone wall. To enter, one must ring the bell. Rey pulled the bell ropes.

"Cuckoo, Cuckooo!!!!!" 

"That's weird, when did bells made chicken sounds?" - Rey.

"Beats me, let's ring again." - Akuv.

Rey pulled the ropes again.

"Cuckoo! Cuckoo!!! Will you idiots be gentle!?!?" 

"Wait a minute...." - Rey.

"The bell speaks!?! Oh no sorry mr bell" - Akuv.

Rey inspected the inside to see what is happening, and what he found shocked him. It was a rooster tied to the bell rope. But it wasn't that sight that shocked him the most.

"Wait, I have seen you..." - Rey.

"You have seen me? wait....REY!?!?" - The Rooster.

"Wait, Rey you can talk to chickens!? And why can I understand the chicken too, am I a cock talker!?" - Akuv.

"You! how the hell did you end up at this place to begin with?" - Rey.

"Oh uh well, funny story, I had defrauded the village elder to sell his prized sword, in return he received a magical stick, but old bastard didn't know it was just a scrap stick!! Haha, you should take a look at his face!" - The Rooster.

"So he made you into a public bell because of that?" - Akuv.

"....Yeah." - The Rooster.

Rey just laughed at the Rooster's sorrow.

"Well, that's what you get for defrauding people, you idiot. We still got some unsettled score to finish with." - Rey.

"Hey! don't blame me for what happened, it's your fault that things went the wrong way!!!" - The Rooster.

"What...are you guys even talking about?" - Akuv.

"Long story Akuv, but today, I'm gonna beat this cock up!" - Rey.

"Come and hit me, pussy!" - The Rooster.

Rey and The Rooster started fighting against each other, all while Akuv was on the background, trying to make sense on what was happening. Things got really bad that a few villagers and merchants came up to see what happened at the scene. Shortly after, the Village Elder came out of his home.

"Hey what is going on here-" - The Village Elder.

His beard almost fell off when he saw the fight scene between Rey and his Rooster. Angered, the village elder decided to intervene the fight. Just as he was about to intervene, Rey threw a rock, but it missed the Rooster and gave a critical hit on the old man, launching him back. The Rooster was seized by one of the villagers, while Rey was pulled back by Akuv.

"He attacked the village elder's coc- I mean, Rooster! and he assaulted the elder! GET THEM EVERYONE!!" - Random Villager.

"Uh Rey, what do we do now!?!" - Akuv.

"Wait and be used as farming tools for the villagers, what else do you think we should do!?! Run!!!" - Rey.

The duo ran for their lives as the villagers chased them away from the village. It took a while, but they steered clear of the villagers and made their way back home, where they catched their breathes.

"You idiot why would you even fight with the Rooster? who was that Rooster anyways!?! and I didn't know talking Roosters are a thing!" - Akuv.

"This one's just magical, and it's a long story, Akuv. Ugh, I am now extremely tired, lemme just shower and sleep." - Rey.

"Right now? It's still midday!" - Akuv.

"Eh, it'll just be a nap." - Rey.

Rey went on in to take a shower and took his short nap, which eventually became a long slumber. Akuv on the other hand, just went on to repair the broken hoe that they had used a few days earlier in the noble's homestead.

[ The Following day ]

Rey got up in the late morning from his long sleep. He went outside to brush his teeth, and he saw Akuv, reading a piece of paper.

"Good morning, Akuv." - Rey.

"Oh good morning Rey! How was your short nap?" - Akuv.

"Could be longer. Say, what are you reading?" - Rey, as he took a mint twig and brushed his teeth with it.

"Oh it's the local news poster, It says here that a local idiot has fought with a rooster yesterday! take a look at this backwater fool. Funnily enough, the man looks exactly like you Rey." - Akuv.

Rey responded with a long stare as Akuv was reading and laughing at the news poster. As he was done brushing his teeth, he threw the twig at Akuv's head, the latter fell on the ground face flat as the news poster got stuck on his face.

"Why did you do that for!?!" - Akuv.

"Oh I did not notice you were there. Anyways, what's on the agenda today?" - Rey.

"Well, good news, we are called to the noble's homestead to collect more grass!" - Akuv.

"And you had to start with bad news, don't you Akuv?" - Rey.

"Oh quit it! Don't you wanna write to your wife?" - Akuv.

"Fine..let's go make some breakfast." - Rey.

"That's the spirit!" - Akuv.

The duo went inside to make their breakfast and prepare themselves for a long day of work today.