
Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel

Introducing Rey and Akuv : The Webnovel, where you will go through the daily shenanigans of two friends, Rey, a smart, but extremely lazy individual who often find innovative ways to cut corners without putting much effort, and Akuv, a very hardworking individual, yet is not the brightest in the group. Join the duo with their daily lives in this slice of life novel rife with cheap jokes, long boring conversations and random adventures in each chapters! -------------------------------- Uploads can be inconsistent, hence I apologize for any delays.

Karaoni_a · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 10

A few days passed, and they were able to amass enough money to but themselves some paper to write back to their wives. At their humble abode, they are both seated by the table, writing the contents of the letter.

"Dear lovely Thekla, I miss your beautiful smile, the end." - Akuv.

"That's the lamest thing you could ever write, Akuv, you're not writing a story." - Rey.

"Oh come on, what do I write to my wife? I am not a letter person, I am a face-to-face person!" - Akuv.

"Ask her about her day. how has she been? and give a general outlook on life here at Lawu. Oh, and don't forget to compliment her like you did just now." - Rey.

"Oh okay, lemme write it down then, thanks buddy!" - Akuv.

Akuv went on to write his letter, taking Rey's advice to heart as he stroked the quill on the parchment. After a while, he was done and went on to show Rey what he had done.

"Rey, take a look at this master piece, I hope you could take a look at this!" - Akuv.

"Uh huh, alright lemme take a look, buddy." - Rey.

He took the paper and read Akuv's note.

Dear lovely Thekla, I miss your beautiful smile, the end. Rey told me to ask you how was your day, how are you doing, and to give a general outlook in life in Lawu. Oh and I forgot to mention that Rey fought with a Cock some days back. The End again.

Rey turned back at Akuv with a deadpan stare, as Akuv smiled with great confidence, proud of his work.

"Watcha think? I'm a genius for this right? I took you advice even!" - Akuv.

"Unless you want to marry someone other than your wife, please do not send her this letter." - Rey.

"What!?! But I took your advice Rey! How bad can it be?" - Akuv.

"If there was a rotten apple and this letter, I'd choose to eat the rotten apple than to read this scrap poetry. Ugh, fine, you know what? You express what you want to say to your wife, and I'll write it down, Akuv." - Rey.

"Fine by me! Let's do this buddy!" - Akuv.

Rey and Akuv sat down and started compiling the letter meant for his wife, Thekla. While Rey did the writing, Akuv was very expressive about his words directed at his wife. Akuv was right, he was a bad writer, but he is expressive in face-to-face situations, and he gets moony when it comes to the matter of his wife, showering compliments straight out of his heart. It took a while, but they were able to compose the letter. Akuv came closer to read the letter.


Dear lovely Thekla, 

How have you been? It has been a long time since I have written a letter to you, and I apologize for the delay I was having issues these past few days, but it has been resolved. I hope all has been well on your end, if it is not, please never hesitate to tell me your problems. I hope Rey's wife, Ayana, has been well too.

The Island of Lawu is amazing, the local inhabitants are nice and friendly, and there is no shortage of magical quirks among some inhabitants of this land, such as the day Rey fought with a talking rooster a few days back, it was certainly hilarious sight that almost got us killed by the locals. Aside from that, our lives here has been rather alright, although, I feel an emptiness inside of me, a missing piece that always puts a void in my heart, and I realized, that the missing piece is none other than you.

I have constantly dreamed of your lovely smile and beautiful visage, and your lovely presence emanates a feeling of joy that I have been devoid of. since my arrival in Lawu. I yearn for your presence and wish I could wake up, and see your elegant beauty by my side, every morning. Those moments have always been the happiest moments of my life, and I deeply miss those times. One day, when I do return, I can't wait to spend more time with you and do many things together, my love.

I look forward to the day we reunite. Until then, take good care of yourself, my love, stay safe, and don't forget to eat your favourite oranges! Do tell the folks at Sicordiya that I said hi!



"Wow Akuv, I can't believe I am saying this, but you are certainly a poet in love, I can't imagine writing this without your moony input." - Rey.

"Aw shucks, it's thanks to you buddy that you translated my words well!" - Akuv.

"Heh, no worries, now lemme just compose my letter." - Rey.

Rey went on to write his letter to his wife, Ayana. It took a while, but he was able to write his letter. Akuv came by again to read the contents of his letter to Rey's wife, Ayana.


Dear Ayana,

It's your husband, Rey, don't think I have forgotten about you, Aya. I'm sorry I wasn't able to compose earlier as we had some issues, but thankfully all has been well now Aya. How goes your life at Sicordiya? Has everything been well? How is Akuv's wife? I hope all has been well, and if it isn't? It definitely will. If you have any worries, never hesitate to write back, It may take months or years, but I will respond, and hopefully, one day, we will be reunited. I hope that your work as a Herbalist has been alright too.

Things have been well over here at the Island of Lawu, although quite recently I have met an old accomplice, remember the talking rooster that I mentioned quite some time back? Yeah, that little bastard and I got into a fight and we almost became training dummies for the village guards. Thankfully, I am still alive and well to write this letter. 

I found your favorite flowers here, and it is abundant in this land, the beautiful golden dewdrops that you have a great fascination with. I hope to bring them back when I return to Sicordiya and present to you in bulk, Aya. Aside from that, have you been eating well? I know that being vegetarian for life, and non-meat food can be scarce, so if you gotta eat meat, never hesitate to do so, alright? I love you so much Aya, and we will spend more time together when I come back. 

Take care, and stay safe.



"Dang Rey, I have never seen you this expressive other than being angry of wanting to work. And Hold up a minute, Aya is Vegetarian?" - Akuv.

"Pffft, yes, she is. She has been since birth, it was her obligation to her faith." - Rey.

"Wow, that seems extreme, she is missing out on a lot in life though! Like that mutton, you always love eating! How do you guys even manage?" - Akuv.

"Oh, she doesn't mind me eating meat. It was a compromise that she took when we fell in love." - Rey.

"Wow, talk about understanding." - Akuv.

"How about Thekla? does she have any dietary limits? anything she can't eat?" - Rey.

"Nah, though she has preferences, and she doesn't like prawns." - Akuv.

"Ouch, that must've put a strain on your food man." - Rey.

"Yeah, but hey I can live without prawns, but not without my beloved Thekla! besides, she doesn't serve me cottage cheese, which I absolutely despite! we too compromise due to our love with each other!" - Akuv.

Rey can't help but smile. Thinking and conversing about their wives made them realize how much they miss them. 

"Why did we even leave Sicordiya?" - Akuv.

"Because we wanted to prove ourselves and earn to become rich and successful people here, then return back to Sicordiya as rich people." - Rey.

"Well that's ironic, we are much poorer than we are now!" - Akuv.

"True, but there's always time to work and make a difference. Come on, let's go on and send our letters to the mailman." - Rey.


"Lead the way buddy!" - Akuv.

The duo got up and left to send their letters to their wives. They were excited, and in a rare instance, Rey was smiling, he was excited to finally get back to his wife, such is the case with Akuv as well. And so they went on, to deliver their letter, hopefully reaching Sicordiya in one piece, to the palms of their lovely wives.