

Hello, everyone this Reaper.D Zero. Sorry for disappearing for so long. But It’s time for me to begin my main project, if you guys don’t remember or you do remember is that all fanfics I wrote before were in preparation for this one. Basically I wanted to focus on the small aspects of things that this story will have. For example The devourer was created from the concept that if the mc went through the revenge arc. The Free supreme nomad was created if the Mc went through the whole I am OP route. Marvel gourmet restaurant if the Mc wanted to focus on the slice of life aspect such as cooking. Now every story will fuse together to make this current one, The mc’s will be completely different in the way that this one is not your average joe. He will have him moments of idiocy but they are not big reminders, they are just reminder for him to not let his guard down. This will be the one fanfic that will not be dropped. I went in blind with the other, this time I am prepared. Romance will be very real, and it won’t be like a girl will cry just because he is a bit mean to her. Hope you like it, this is inspired by Hammer effect and the The spider. The chapter release will 3-5 chapters a week depending on my mood. Sometimes I might save some chapters and do a mass release Discord Link: https://discord.gg/btqXwwASbn

ReaperDZero · Movies
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29 Chs

Chapter 12: Hearing “Problem”

I wonder how those girls are doing?

I had taken a burner phone which was lying around on a table and called a police precinct.

Of course, I didn't use my real voice; there was also a voice modulator just "lying" around for me to take.

Of course they thought it was a prank at first, but the moment I sent them a 45 second video, they scrambled the SWAT like Killer bees getting ready to kill.

It was the best I could do for them in my current situation.

I am all about helping people and I even have the occasional heroic moment. But the moment where it starts to harm me or my loved one, no hesitation to stop. My priorities lie for my life and my loved ones life.

So if someone is gonna actually try to hurt them, They will die because my hand will be holding their hearts; the exact second they say it out loud. I know for a fact they my hearing will become this powerful because the Sentry could hear the heartbeat of a butterfly in Africa, while being in outer space.

So honestly I don't care if your are the president or a run down thug, you touch my loved ones; you die.

It's as simple as that.

Anyways I figured out what to do with my training problem, like any Scientist worth their salt; it's time to EXPERIMENT.

I chuckled at my childish announcement, I thought that I might as well enjoy it before I have to enter adulthood again.

Speaking about Adulthood, being a Teenager is going to suck. A hormone powered Kryptonian, thank god I have my previous life memories. Otherwise who knows what I would have done at the smallest grievance.

So basically martial arts was created by Humans observing animals, martial arts does not allow you to increase your strength instead it allows you to use more of it.

Then Martial arts conditioning comes in, so you can gain power and as you develop in both paths. That's when you become a true martial artist.

I obviously don't need the strength part of the conditioning, what I need is flexibility. My muscles are very powerful and very resistant, but they aren't resistant to themselves.

So I started with beginner level stretches like Overhead and torso stretches. It hurt at first, but my muscles quickly adapted. I then did shoulder rotations with some arm and leg stretches.

*Three hours later *Spongebob tone

Ok, If I haven't said it enough Kryptonians are a complete cheat. Like damn, I think my doomsday perk might also be involved; but it's still sealed. I think that the perks are sealed but they still give me very basic benefits.

I can do splits now, that is ABSOLUTELY INSANE. I remember in my past life it took me 24 days to do a complete split and that alone made my teacher'a jaw drop. The average time it takes to have the flexibility to do a split is a few months, if you start from the very beginning. My teacher had said that I was a genius and I did it very very quick, I naturally had taken pride in that.

Now my pride is shattered, my current muscles were very adaptable. It's like they have a mind of their own, they learn from what I do and though ordinary muscles do that same thing; it's like comparing the learning ability of a fish and Einstein.

I just had to repeat the stretches a few times and open sesame, I could do them easily without no resistance.

Muscle fatigue wasn't a thing as it was morning and even without the sun I am much powerful than a regular human adult. It was was honestly pissing me off.

Why you ask? Because just when I think that Kal-el can't get any more stupid, he proves to be even dumber.

This feeling is so addicting, like in my previous life people entered the gym to become better versions of themselves. They stay because they can see step by step how they do it and it's addictive getting stronger.

Now multiply that a hundred times, I can feel every muscle contraction, the way my muscles get more and more elastic like a rubber band. Its amazing because I can measure how strong I am getting, the status screen is great and all; but I don't even know how much of an increase each point gives me. Now I can feel how much my muscles enlarge, tear, repair, stretch and grow. So how is it that Clark can feel this and he feels no desire to improve himself.

Honestly, in the comics we have seen his growth from childhood to adulthood; but then it just stops. Like I would understand in the beginning when he was unbeatable and stuff, but in the later stages of the justice league and his superhero career; all people had to do to beat him was to take out a rock that looked like it was spray-painted neon green.

Didn't it frustrate him, yes it did. But he did nothing to remedy that. Instead of becoming stronger and searching for ways to make Kryptonite not affect him anymore, he just moves on and because of that literally every human on earth that could kill him as long as they had Kryptonite.

That will not be me, I know there is no Kryptonite here; but I am not naive to think that people wont be able to counter my powers some how. I just have to become so strong, Invincible even that any and everything is meaningless.

I sighed as I looked up into the sky, using my beyond superhuman vision to its full extent.

I looked at the beautiful stars that painted a surreal picture, To think that there is so much danger, unknown danger out there.

It's really humbling

I chuckled as I sat down on the grass, I was about to start my mental training.

I relaxed, taking a deep breath from my nose and out from my mouth.

I repeated this 10-15 times before I could get myself rid of any distractions.

I focused on my hearing, the noise of the hundreds of thousands of inhabitants that lived here bombarded me. I could hear them growling, screaming, snoring, chewing, even taking a shit.

I gritted my teeth and tried to drown out everything, but what I wanted to hear.

The noise coming from the animals lessened and lessened, until I could only hear the noise of the forest itself. I felt like I was wearing noise canceling headphones, it was weird; I could still hear the animals; it was like I was underwater.

I listened to the noises and I slowly raised the "volume" like a remote, but only on what I wanted to hear.

I heard it the heartbeats of hundreds of thousands of animals.

I listened and slowly eliminated the heartbeats that were going to fast or too slow.

Even after eliminating countless beats, there were still hundreds of thousands of beats left.

Together, they reverberating through the air like a giant drum.

I tried to eliminate even more beats, but suddenly all those noises came rushing and this time I was not prepared.

I clutched my head and screamed in pain; I used as much power and control I had to go back to my regular hearing.

It stopped, but it still left my ears ringing and me a headache; which was first one after getting my powers.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

After a few minutes, I did and saw that it was afternoon.

I got up and patted the dust of my legs, a sharp pain hitting my head as I did.

At least it's not as bad as movie Superman, I now feel a bit sympathy for him. An 11 year old child should never feel that kind of pain.

Well at least I have something to keep me busy for a few months or even a year.

Please Make sure To join the Discord server, it's gonna be very fun and we do talks about anime, Movies,Tv shows and even future spoilers on the fic itself. If you do read a discussion about a spoiler, please do not spoil it for readers that do not want to know. We also do polls on the fic. I hope you join us.

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