

Imagine that one day you just happen to "restart" that day. What would you do? Would someone believe you? That's the story of Akira, a man with the ability to remember time resets. No one believed him, but he manages to find someone who does. Watch him "free" time.

Meritas · Sci-fi
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10 Chs


Won Ton is located somewhere near the centre of the city. A bus was enough for me to reach the town centre, and then I'd have to walk for a while. Not a big deal, I was pretty much in shape, so a few minutes of walking wouldn't kill me.

While waiting for the bus, I had a strange feeling. You know how sometimes your body kind of tells you that you are being watched? The same thing happened to me. I looked around, trying to seem as I had no idea. My guts were right. There was one car, parcked in front of a building right next to the station, the driver staring at me.

He was dressed like any random man would. Some jeans, a random t-shirt, nothing out of the ordinary, expect for a tatoo he had on his neck. It was a clock, with a number engraved next to it. "014", that was the number.

I kept looking at him for a bit, the same way he was looking at me.

"Does he know something?"

I recalled my "partner" telling me to run when I felt like I was being watched, but I didn't care that much. After all, he might be a random dude who mistook me for someone he knew.

The bus finally arrived. I got in, found an empty seat where I could sit in, and waited to reach my destination.

After 10 minutes, I was there. I payed for the ride, then got off.

"Now, it's time for technology to do its job. GPS, here we go."

I knew where the restaurant was, but I had been a few years since my last visit, thus I had to use this.

The crowded streets, as much as they slowed me down, were also a big help, since I could just mix in with them in case I was being followed.

Everything seemed to be going too smooth, all until that point. Same car, same driver, same tatoo, doing exactly what I didn't want to happen. I was being followed. At first I thought it was by chance, but I felt something as off, just like the first time. The only difference was that I didn't ignore my gut this time.

"I guess the crowd ain't enough. Time to change streets."

I checked the map , looking for an alternate route, preferably one where cars don't have easy access. Luck was on my side. I found exactly what I was looking for.

"Time to move."

Went straight between some buildings, on a sketchy street.

"Better than risking my ass."

From then on it was smooth sailing. I didn't see the car at all, not even the driver.

"This is it. Won Ton."

I slowly opened the door. Inside, a few simple wooden tables, each with four seats. Nothing out of the usual. The only difference between this place and a normal restaurant is the food.

"Are you going to order something?"

A small man, sitting behind the counter. You could tell he's Asian.

"Oh, yeah. Could I get the waiter's speciality?"

The look on the man's face suddenly changed.

"Coming right up. Take a seat."

I did as I was told. The chairs were comfortable, even more than I had imagined. The place was silent, but all that silence was broken when a man entered.

He was dressed in a suit, not the type of clothing you'd expect from someone who comes here for food, but everyone's got their own tastes.

"Hey, any idea as to what I should order?"

I was kind of taken aback by the man, since I wasn't expecting any questions. I didn't look at him as I answered this question, since I wasn't in the mood for small talk.

"Check the menu for a better description. I'm not so sure as to what you'd like."

The man sat down at the table next to mine. It was only then that I decided to look at him. My heart skipped a beat. The tatoo, that was what gave him away. I started shaking and my face went pale. Only one thing was on my mind, "He knows.".

The small chinese man came back, with a bowl of some chinese food.

"There you go. Let me know if you need anyhting else."


He then took the other man's order.

"I'll have just a drink. Bring me what you's recommend."

What else was I supposed to do? If I ran, he'd know for sure. I had to play it dumb. I did what any other normal human being would do, start eating.

The food was good, but I was in no mood to enjoy it.

After 2 minutes, the man got his drink. He gulped it down, payed and left.

"Kid, you're really lucky I saw him coming. If I handed you that phone, he would have known."

"So you knew?"

"Of course. At least now I know for sure that you're not an enemy."

He took a phone out of his pocket. It was one of those old phones, good enough to do it's original job.

"Here. You better not lose it. Oh, and the food is on the house."

"I can't thank you enough."

I left after that. I walked straight to the bus station. That man was nowhere to be seen.

"I guess I'm safe, at least for now."