

Imagine that one day you just happen to "restart" that day. What would you do? Would someone believe you? That's the story of Akira, a man with the ability to remember time resets. No one believed him, but he manages to find someone who does. Watch him "free" time.

Meritas · Sci-fi
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10 Chs


It's been two days since that happened. I kept waiting and waititng for taht phone call, but it didn't arrive.

"Two days, that's what they said."

My hand was glued to the phone, and even the tiniest noise similar to a ring tone made me jump.

I had so many questions that I wanted to ask, so many things I wanted to say. That someone was just like me. Being able to remember things people shouldn't.

"I guess I should eat something."

I gently threw the phone on the bed, then headed downstairs. Like usual, no one was home at that hour, no one other than me.

Right as I opened the fridge, I heard a phone ringing. I slammed the fridge door and ran straight to my room. I almost tripped while climbing the stairs, but that wasn't important. I put the phone to my ears and answered.

"Hello, somebody there?"

"Looks like you were able to do as I told. You did better than I expected."

I almost couldn't believe my ears. It was the voice of a woman. Her voice felt so kind that it was music for my ears.

"I think I'm in love."


"I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Anyway, I guess you have a lot of questions, so ask away. I will answer what I can."

I finally got what I wanted from the beginning. All the waiting finally paid of.

"Why is all this happening? Why can only a few people remember what happened before the reset? Who are you running from?"

I was interrupted by her, I knew why.

"Calm down, let me answer them one by one. First, all of this is happening because someone managed to build a time machine. Those movie things that help you travel to the past. I don't know what they aim to achieve by using it, but it can't be good. For your other question, I don't know why. Not even the ones doing this to the timeline don't know. As for your last question, I am running from them, the ones who built that time machine. I know too much, so they have to get rid of me. Since I answered your question, there's no reason for us to continue talking. I'll call you another time."

"Wait, I got one more question."

"Ugh, go on."

"What's your name?"

"Really...Ugh, I guess we're going to work together, so you should know. I'm Hikari."

She hung up. I was more than glad to have my questions answered,but I also wanted to talk to her more.

"Ugh, I'll just go for a walk. I feel like I have too much energy."

I changed my clothes then rushed outside. It was quite a warm day, the wind being the one to make me feel a little bit cold. I kept walking on the sidewalk, thinking about Hikari. I just heard her voice and I couldn't get her out of my mind.

I kept walking until I found myself face to face with an abandoned factory. I decided to go in, like, why not? An abandoned building, doing a bit of exploring. Well, all my hype for doing nothing suddenly went down the drain.

Two guys, torturing someone. As scared as I was, I had to do something. I didn't want them to see my face, so I had to cover it. I happened to have a mask at me. It was all that I needed. I only had to play it smart.

I found an empty glass bottle, perfect for a distraction. I threw it on the other side of the building. One of those guys went to find the source of the noise. The other one kept guard. I had to get rid of him.

I noticed there were some stairs leading to a second floor. I climbed up there. I had to get rid of the other guy. Good that the factoy was filled with different things. There was an iron barell right in front of me.

I did what any normal human would do in that situation. Threw it right in that fucker's head. He fell on the floor like he had died. I'm more than sure he was just knocked out. Now, for the other one. He returned to check out what had happened.

Shit had just gotten serious at that point. He took out a gun from a pocket in his coat. Like I said before, the factory was full of things for me to throw. Another barell, right to his face. That was it. I rushed down to untie their prisoner. As I was untying his hands, I noticed something. Both of those guys had a tatoo of a clock on their necks, but their numbers were "021" and "015". Guess this man has something to do with this whole time travell thing. By the point I managed to untie him, he had fainted. I had to carry him.

"Where am I supposed to carry him? A hospital won't do, since they'll ask too many questions."

I heard his phone ringing. It was similar to the one I had gotten from Won Ton. Maybe the ones calling could help.

I want to thank everyone for 2k views. I'm really happy for this, and like always, it just makes me want to work harder. Thank you and I hope you're enjoying the ride so far.

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