
Rewrite The History

After having a terrible nightmare, the princess of British Empire Alice wakes up in the middle of night. In the nightmare she has seen her own cousin was the murderer of her and her husband. She is scared. She is trembeling. She suddenly notices that someone is going to stab her with a knife. Quickly she grabs his hand. After great fight when the lights become on Alice notices that this person is the person who gave her poisoned water after tourtering her in the jail ( in nightmare) Soon she comes back to England from France in order to inherent the thorne. She realises that she was reborn. She knows well that her cousin brother Aaron is going to be her most dangerous enemy and she is also waiting for her husband Richard whom she saw in her nightmare. Will She find her love? Will she able to save the throne? Will she able to use this second chance to make everything better??

Magnificent_Star · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The Conspiracy

Urvashi is vomiting blood. Her heartbeat is getting stopped. Her lips are becoming blue. She is feeling cold. Seeing this situation everyone understands that she has been poisoned. The ambulance has reached at the venue. The doctors quickly come and take Urvashi. Urvashi's mother Mrs Orlando also gets in the ambulance with her daughter. And others are following the ambulance with their own cars.

Princesse Cecilia is just shocked. How can Urvashi get poisoned in our palace. What will happen to our image and fame? So many reporters were there. They are covering this news. What is happening to them? Bad luck is always with them. Nothing is happening smoothly and peacefully.

Prince Andrew and Aaron is quite. Prince Aaron has become speechless. He is quite nervous. Princess Cecilia thinks that his fiancee is poisoned that's why he is feeling not well.

" Don't worry. Everything is gonna be fine dear. Urvashi will be alright. "

" Y..yeah of course. Thanks mom "

Suddenly Cecilia asks,  " What do you think? Who can poison Urvashi? "

Hearing this question, Aarons' eyes become wide and filled with fear. He doesn't talk about this.

" Our enemy is Princess Alice. But Alice won't do this thing. Because Alice doesn't have any enmity with whoever becomes our sons' wife. And she doesn't even know Urvashi. I think Urvashi ia poisoned by someone who actually really very hate her. In our family we don't have such anyone who hates her like that. " says Prince Andrew.

In the car, Jasmine really tenses. She is remembering the scene. Urvashi grabbed the drink which was for Jasmine. They two had little argument and then Jasmine took another drink for her and then the glass fall off from her and she fainted. In that case the glass is containing poison. 

Everyone has reached to the hospital. They all get off. And Urvashi is taking in the OT Department to wash out the poison.

Mrs Orlando is crying a lot. What just happened to her daughter? At such special day of her life, she is now struggling to survive, to be alive. Princess Cecilia is trying to calm down her.

Alice notices that Jasmine is sitting alone and thinking something deeply. Alice goes near to her and sits beside her.

" Don't worry Jasmine. Urvashi is gonna be alright. The best doctors are treating her. She will be perfect "

" Who poisoned her Alice? Who poisoned her through my drink? "

Alice is stunned now. What? Throughout the drink of Jasmine Urvashi gets poisoned.

" What the hell are you saying? "

" I am saying the right thing. She drank and fainted. In that case someone is trying to make a huge conspiracy against me. Alice believe me I don't know anything about this poison. I was going to drink that but Urvashi grabbed and drank. And now she is in this situation. Or or maybe someone is trying to poison me. But the question is who? Who the hell this person? " says Jasmine is anger.

" We seriously have to find out the culprit who is doing this? And the reason why he is doing this? " says Alice.

British Parliament......

Evan Maxwell comes to Lawyer Ascart to get the notice of legality of the mining and he has to give this area under the prince for work. To continue mining. Lawyer Ascart seems unhappy with it. Evan asks the reason. Ascart tells him that these royal are two faced. They are dangerous. They know well how to use people well and how to manipulate anyone. I am pretty sure that Prince Andrew is actually the Mastermind of the death of great Prince Alfred.

" Do you know prince Alfred? "

" Your father Jason and Prince Alfred were best friend. I was like a younger brother to Alfred. I am same aged as Prince Andrew. Andrew is disgustingly a sly person. He even used to irritate me when we were younger. As much I know, relationship between these brothers were not well. And I don't think that Prince Alfred actually gave such document about continuing the mining to Prince Andrew. This is really confusing. Because I used to see them quarreling always. "

Evan is surprised to know the relationship between these two brothers. Cause others and outside the palace, everyone knows that these two brothers are just like soul of each others. Evan asks how he knows such thing. His father even never tells him about this. Ascart tells him the reason. Ascart is from a poor family. He was a meritorious student. His father used to work at the stables. His father once requested to King Charles to give him scholarship. As the result was brilliant, King agreed to give him scholarship and let him allow to study in Royal School along with his sons. Prince Alfred was kind and always treated him as his younger brother. Ascart was classmate of Prince Andrew. Andrew always used to bully him for his poverty. Even Prince Alfred used to help him in study as tutor. And for this reason he used to go to inside of royal palace. That's why he knows many things about them. He even now can't do anything as the case didn't given to him. To the Lawyer Necho Ronn. Necho is senior and puppet of royals. He is a devil person. Ascart tells Evan his desire to work on this case. He really wants to light up the hidden truth.

Evan smiles. He finds another companion who will help him.

" If I give you this chance, will you work with me,  Mr Ascart? " asks Evan.

" You are in this mission I know. But now you have to give up this and the mining now unbelievably becomes legal. So what's your work now? " asks Ascart.

" I am an agent. A Detective of Criminology. Do you think this is my only way. This way is off so I have different way. This is not my work. My mission is to safe the crown Princess Alice and save her life untill she becomes queen and sits on the throne. That's why I will need your help " says Evan.

" I am always there for you. I will help you. Now this is also my mission. Mission to save the England, to save Princess Alice,  to give Justice and bring the truth. We will not give them to change the history. " says Ascart.

Evan is pleased to hear that. Suddenly he notices the notification of message. The message is from Alice. She quickly opens up and read it. He gets to know the accident of Urvashi and the situation of Jasmine. Evan understands that Jasmine will get stuck into huge conspiracy. He understands now It's perfect time to use the hidden card. Branson is now the way to solve this conspiracy. And in this work his partner will be beautiful Princess Alice. Though It's about work, he will able to see Alice again. Don't know why he is feeling happy about thinking Alice.

>>>>>>>>>End of Chapter 19<<<<<<<<