
Revolution Online: I Became The Strongest Troll

"The game that changed the rules of reality! Enter a world where virtual reality gaming becomes a matter of life and death. Han Jingzhi, a fiercely competitive and brilliant gamer, discovers a mysterious MC star card in the popular game, League of Demons. When he clicks "Yes", his world is turned upside down. Transmigrated into a new body, Han Jingzhi must navigate a treacherous new reality. With the launch of Revolution Online, he sees an opportunity to reclaim his gaming glory and secure his future. But as he delves deeper into the game, he realizes that something is amiss. The line between reality and virtual reality blurs, threatening to upend the very fabric of society. [SYSTEM NOTIFICATION: "BOSS SLAIN: Erebus, the Devourer of Worlds (Immortal rank, Stage:???). 100,000,000 Soul Power awarded.] Will Han Jingzhi be able to overcome the challenges of Revolution Online, uncover its secrets, and emerge victorious? Dive into this heart-pumping, action-packed adventure to find out. READ CHAPTER 1 NOW and join the journey!"

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26 Chs

Meeting A Knight Of Gresham(2)

"Hmm? Lilith, you said there were three, but why is there only one here?" Han Jingzhi pointed at Zhao Zhou, who was locked in a fierce battle with the Crimson Blaze Wyvern. His armor was stained with blood, but his eyes burned with determination.

"They left before we could arrive," Lilith replied calmly.

"What about him? Do you think he'll win?"

Lilith shook her head. "His Soul Power is almost depleted. It's only a matter of time before he collapses from exhaustion."

"He seems to have the same kind of willpower as you. It'd be a shame if he died here," Lilith said, but her words were cut short. Han Jingzhi had already leaped into the fray, his sword raised high. "Shadow Movement!"

In a blur of motion, he appeared beside the Wyvern's shadow. He instantly activated Shadow Cloak, erasing his presence. With a roar, Han Jingzhi swung his sword with all his might, bringing it down on the Wyvern's neck. The beast, caught off guard, had only just noticed the attack, but it was too late.

The Shadow Sword sliced through the Wyvern's steel-like scales with ease, piercing its neck and severing its head in a single, swift motion. The beast fell lifeless, its body twitching once before going still. Zhou Zhou, exhausted and drained, collapsed to the ground. Even Lilith gasped in amazement at the display of power.

"Are you okay?" Han Jingzhi asked, looking down at the dazed Zhao Zhou, who stared up at him with wide, unblinking eyes.

"You... you saved me," Zhao Zhou stammered, his voice filled with disbelief. He had been on the verge of defeat, his Soul Power nearly depleted, and this stranger had appeared out of nowhere, ending the fight with a single, devastating blow.

"It's nothing," Han Jingzhi said, his expression calm. "I just happened to be passing by."

Zhao Zhou was still in shock. He'd never seen such a powerful technique before. The Shadow Sword had moved with incredible speed and precision, slicing through the Wyvern's scales as if they were nothing.

"What... what kind of technique is that?" Zhao Zhou asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"It's just a simple sword strike," Han Jingzhi replied, his voice nonchalant. "Nothing special."

But Zhao Zhou knew it wasn't anything simple. The power and precision of the strike were beyond anything he'd ever seen.

"Thank you," Zhao Zhou said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I owe you my life."

"Don't mention it," Han Jingzhi said, his expression still calm as he helped him to his feet. "I'm just glad I could help."

Han Jingzhi turned to Lilith, who was watching the scene with a mixture of amazement and amusement. "Let's go," he said.

"Uh, right," Lilith replied, her eyes still wide with wonder.

As they walked away, Zhao Zhou stared after them, his mind still reeling from the events that had just transpired. He had witnessed something truly extraordinary, and he knew he would never forget it. Without hesitation, he ran after them.


"So? Why did you keep fighting that thing, even though it was clear you couldn't win?" Han Jingzhi asked as they walked.

Zhou Zhou's expression stiffened. "I'd die if I failed to kill the Crimson Blaze Wyvern. So, I might as well die trying," he sighed, a bitter smile playing on his lips.

"Die? Why would you die if you failed to kill one?" Yuan asked, his curiosity piqued.

Taking another deep sigh, Zhou Zhou said, "Because I'd offended Crown Prince Da Bai..."

"Crown Prince? Oh, no wonder. Did you commit treason?"

Zhou Zhou shook his head violently. "No way! All I did was refuse to take part in his evil plot. Crown Prince Da Bai was furious about it."

"Huh? How did that happen?"

Zhou Zhou's expression shifted from weary to wary. He hesitated, as if choosing his words carefully. "It all started with a grand gathering, a celebration of the king's birthday. Da Bai, the Crown Prince, was a renowned prince, known for his ruthless efficiency and deadly precision. He was the undisputed champion, a figure of awe and fear. But underneath that facade, he was a viper, plotting to usurp the throne from our benevolent king."

"You're saying he's a traitor?" Han Jingzhi asked, his brow furrowing. "But why would he want to overthrow the king? What's his motive?"

Zhou Zhou's lips curled into a bitter smile. "Da Bai craves power, absolute power. He believes he'd be a better ruler, a stronger hand to guide the kingdom. He's been subtly undermining the king, sowing seeds of discord, and building a following of those who crave a more ruthless, even tyrannical rule."

"So you refused to join his plot?" Han Jingzhi asked, his eyes widening in understanding. "That's a dangerous game, Zhou Zhou. You're facing an enemy who won't hesitate to crush anyone who stands in his way."

Zhou Zhou shook his head, his gaze fixed on the ground. "I was summoned to a private audience with Da Bai. He presented his plan, his vision for a 'stronger' Gresham, a kingdom ruled with an iron fist. He offered me a place by his side, a position of power and influence. He promised wealth, prestige, and the satisfaction of seeing his vision come to fruition. He even hinted at the possibility of becoming his right-hand man, his trusted advisor."

"And you... you refused?" Han Jingzhi asked, his voice filled with a mixture of admiration and concern.

Zhou Zhou shook his head, his gaze fixed on the ground. "I had seen the king's kindness, his dedication to his people. He was a benevolent ruler, a true shepherd to his flock. Da Bai's vision, however, was nothing but a twisted ambition. His methods were ruthless, his heart cold. I couldn't betray the king, couldn't betray my conscience. I refused Da Bai's offer."

"And that's when he decided to punish you?" Han Jingzhi asked, his voice laced with a hint of anger. "That's why he sent you to kill that Wyvern?"

"Exactly," Zhou Zhou said, his voice filled with a mixture of resentment and despair. "He knew that I would never join him, that I would oppose him at every turn. So, he decided to make an example of me. He sent me here to the Crimson Blaze Wyvern, a beast of immense power and ferocity, to hunt it down and kill it. He also ordered me to bring back its head as proof of my loyalty."

"Ohhh?" Han Jingzhi nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Then who were the other two with you?"

"Oh, those... they're my friends that volunteered to help me... in killing the Wyvern, but when they saw that killing it might threaten their lives, they departed."

"Mmmh... that sounds meaningful..." Han Jingzhi nodded as Lilith also acknowledged: "He's not lying."

"Aiya!" Han Jingzhi facepalmed, making a loud slapping sound. "Damn your Crown Prince?"

Han Jingzhi glanced at the Crimson Blaze Wyvern's corpse.

"You need that, right?" He asked while pointing.


"Take it."
