
Revolution Of The Swordsman!

This story is based on how life can be cruel even if you have power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome To the World of Gods --------------------_________________________________----------------------- - -

Kane_Pg · Urban
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11 Chs

The First Point

Soto has woken up from a deep slumber. After he saw all of that unfold, he is thinking to himself if he should actually kill someone just for power. He can't bring himself to kill after he saw his entire family get murdered. He also cannot find Yumi so he can get rid of this god status, but he cannot find her anywhere. So instead, he wanted to focus on getting out off this chamber he was in. He then looked everywhere but then he thought of putting the book back on the holder as he did the door opened but. He did not know how to get out of the 10-minute drop he fell in he saw a switch on a floor panel where he fell in at. He pulled it and the platform started elevating upwards. None to less he got out with more knowledge than before.

He saw Fri and asked, "Hey Fri do you go to school I feel like I've seen you somewhere before." Fri responded to Soto by saying "Yea I go to school I saw you there, but the teacher kept on forgetting for everyone to introduce themselves. Anyways I got to go to a meeting I'll see you around.

As Soto been walking around trying to find Yumi he went inside the bank, and he realized it was getting robbed and he went up to the robber and said, "Hey drop your weapon." After he said that he realized he had no power yet and the robber hit him with the gun and left with the money. But instead, Soto didn't want to be ashamed he then said no to help from the bank people. He chased after the robber as they were getting to the point of being tried so instead the robber made it to his car and jumped in. The getaway car started, and Soto made a jump for it and punched the window, and the glass broke his fist started bleeding.

He then said, "Well isn't that a bummer." As he jumped in the car and shots were fired but Soto was under the glove box, so he came out uppercut the guy with the gun and the guy shot the driver and crashed the driver crashed into another truck. As that happened the guy with a gun almost died from a log Soto pulled him out and he has survived. Soto called the cops and they got arrested he then got sad realizing he did not save anyone but his body lighted up with a light beaming light as he pulled out the god paper and sees he has a new skill transportation (It turns all body parts into microscopic particles and reshapes itself in the safest point of where the user chose to teleport to.)

"Okay but how would I use this." Soto said in a confused tone. As he then walked away to continue on his day, and he thought to himself "Wait the book said I need train to keep up with my progress." Soto then went to his house after a couple hours of walking he arrived there. "Okay so if I want to do this, I need a target... Oh I know what about a dummy... Wait what time is it *10:00Am* OH I'm late for school oh no" As Soto grabbed his bike "No I can't be late for school. Move people I have somewhere to be... Finally, I am here." As Soto is breathing heavily and starts to walk into school and sees a lot of people. Going into groups he ran to a random person. "Hey what is all this" Soto asked but the guy looked at him and said, "Nothing really, it's just clubs we pick them and go to their meetings after school." Soto looked at the guy with hopeful expression and replied with "What are all of the clubs' names?"

As the guy told him "Just look around and find out." As Soto said "Okay!" Then looked at the marching people of club advertising "Hey do you want to join our club," "You look like you aren't in a club," Soto replied to that with "What is that supposed to mean!" As the day fell down, he had 3 clubs that he was interested in. Soto said "Okay now the clubs that seem interesting are... Hm maybe the weightlifting club. That seemed interesting it could help with the amount of training I need to do. Also, the Greek mythology club they seem to like gods maybe if I said I was one... I could make friends. Or what about the Badminton club I don't really like sports much, so I don-," As a guy tapped him and said, "Hey are you going to talk to yourself the entire time or choose a club." As everyone was looking at him. Soto then replied to the guy saying, "Yea I want to join the Greek mythology club and weightlifting club." And the guy laughed and said, "alright just go to their stations and ask to join." Soto looked puzzled and said, "well that was easy."

Soto walked around looking for the clubs he wanted to join he found two people doing pushups. "Hey is this the weightlifting club" Soto asked. As they guys there was busy focusing on their pushups and they guy that was standing started talking to Soto he said, "Yea if you want to join you either got to lift 50 pounds or do 100 pushups." As Soto looked worried but he remembered he can make his body weaker so his arms can do more pushups since his body would weigh less. Soto then said, "okay boss man where do I do them." As the guy looked at him like he was stupid and said, "don't you see two people already doing them wait your turn."

As Soto then replied with. "Okay sir" And then walked away to find the Greek mythology club he did but he was not sure it was Greek. "Hey is this the Greek mythology club" Soto asked as no one was there, and Fri came out of nowhere from the booth and said, "Soto what's up I didn't know you were in my school" As Soto looked puzzled and asked Fri "Where is everyone" And then Fri said. "Well, this club is not for everyone I made it to find other gods see the test was if they can read the paper and no one did so." And Soto said, "YOU MADE A SCHOOL CLUB TO FIND GODS ARE YOU THAT LONLEY" And Fri put his fists in the air and said "All this money can't buy happiness and gods live longer than ordinary humans so we need to stick together" And Soto then asked him "Wait what I didn't know that" He looked relived and Fri said "You need to focus on your homework kid."

As a guy wearing all dark red wearing with a dragon symbol on his top right of his jacket. He then asked. "Is this for the Greek mythology." Soto then looked as if he knew him and spoke. "Weren't you that guy that was doing the pushups?" And then Fri looked at the red guy and said, "Hey red guy is you interested in joining?" As the red guy said, "Yea I am Rebby I am here because I cannot get into other clubs." As then Soto looked at him and said, "Even the everyone club?" And then Rebby just said "No one joins that club, but I want to join this one just let me" And then Fri said, "Okay you can join but there is a test!" As Rebby looked worried and said "Oh... No see I break stuff if I touch them." And then Fri said, "No need for you to touch just got to see if you're a strong reader as you are strong." And Fri smiled and Rebby replied by saying "Hey don't look at me like that but what do I need to read" As Fri showed him the paper of gods and then Rebby looked a little surprised and spoke. "Where did you get that..."