
Reviving Uzushio

James Arrons is sent to Naruto by the Sage of Six Paths as a Champion with gifts given to him and a mission; Make the World better. So that’s what he will do, to the best of his abilities of course.

Foxy_Skies · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Worldly Transportation

I blinked my eyes slowly, my sight dazed as star-like-sparkles danced around the pure blackness which surrounded me. My cosplay Uzukage robes lightly moving in an invisible wind which was odd as I had never put them on before bed. Frowning, deeply, I gazed around, finding nothing more yet nothing less all the same. I stood upon a platform of nothing yet of something as well.

Then it was before my bleary eyes, that a figure shimmered. He stood not at all but rather folded, criss cross in a circle akin to how I once used to do as a kid in Elementary School. His figure became clear soon enough, leaving me in utter shock once I took his form in. For why was I so shocked? I was so shocked you see, for he was the Great Sage. The Sage of Six Paths

He was just as I had seen him many a time in Naruto. Wrinkles, hair, horns, and all. With a flowy white robe that billowed in invisible wind as my own and a necklace of purple/black swirly stones. His forever Rinnegan eyes stared at me, expression emotionless as he gazed at me. In one hand he held his staff, in the other, the staff folded over his legs from that hand. However he held another object, for his left hand beheld a satchel. I knew not why he beheld this satchel at the time but soon I would.

"This is…quite….unexpected…" I spoke, tongue clicking as I gazed at him.

At that, his eyes crinkled into amusement, gazing at my form.

"Yes, indeed I suppose it is." He spoke, aged and airy voice of amusement.

Gazing around in curiosity and then to him, I asked my piece, "Why am I here?"

At that, the amusement turned to a type of serious gaze.

"You know not?" He sounded quite serious.

At that I shook my head.

"My boy, you are here for change." He spoke, standing up, no longer sitting.

"Change?" I asked, confusion crossing my features.

"Indeed. Young Arrons, for you see, I am dissatisfied with the way things have turned out in the world of my home." He explained, causing a great fear to pass through me

"Am I dead?" I asked, eyes widened and great fear gripping my heart.

I had always had a great fear of dying for the longest time since I was the mere age of 13. It was very much startling to me and always induced fear. Perhaps because I knew not the afterlife or mayhaps due to my rather poor experiences regarding death. Either way, it stirred great fear. I had thought I was dead due to how he was speaking as it reminded me of a fiction I had read as a teenager. It was a fanfiction to be exact of somebody reincarnating as Deidara after dying due to the Sage of Six Paths not being pleased with the ending of Naruto.

At that his eyes again crinkled, "Not quite. Rather you are asleep. This is not like what I had done alternatively where I became…as embarrassing as it may sound, indecisive and just chose the first one to die."

I breathed a sigh of relief while he frowned in great embarrassment.

It was then I had caught onto what he said, "Wait, that actually happened?"

He nodded and spoke, "In a way. Everything happens in another universe if it doesn't happen in this one. Your world's 'Multiverse Theory' is quite a good example of such a thing."

"Moving forward, however, and thus back upon the topic at hand. As I have spoken to you, I am much displeased with the way my worldly home ended up. Most particularly with what happened in the second great conflict." He spoke, frowning deeply once more.

"Don't you mean the Forth Great Ninja War and the whole Boruto thing?" I asked, gaze turning confused

"I mean not the Great War," ,replied he, "I mean the Second Conflict of Ninjas."

"What? But didn't the Second Ninja War end as you intended?" I questioned him, confused.

I was confused as usually in most fanfiction, the Sage of Six Paths is dissatisfied with how things turned out with the Fourth War and so forth. It was the reasoning for why in those fictions, someone was reincarnated into the Elemental Nations as a random OC or an important character of some sort such as Naruto or Sauske or in one case, Shikamaru. To hear he was dissatisfied with the Second rather than the Fourth was rather confusing to say the least.

"It did not, for Asura's second line lost their standing." He replied, great hurt showing on his face.

"Second line?" I questioned, confused so much more now.

Asura ,to my and everyone's knowledge, had only one line which was the Senju. Indria had a single line as well, the Uchiha. To hear there was a second line from the Sage, it was a small yet confusing bomb shell. Luckily I did not react as most in fanfiction did in a comically anime style freak out nor did I ask for something so overpowering and confusing as "wishes" or "buffs" or "systems".

He nodded to me and began to explain, "Indeed, his second line. Begun by his second heir and originator of the line. He whom would begin one of the three great clans, last of my line. They were called Otsutsuki just as I and my heirs. Later, they would evolve, their clan of birth changing, and become what would later be known as what you and others call, Uzumaki."

My eyes widened, "Uzumaki? They're Asura's second line?"

"Indeed." He spoke, great pain of hurt upon his weary aged face.

"The destruction of Uzushio…" I aired out in realization.

The destruction of Uzu had been a great point of discussion within the Naruto community. Even greater were the fictions that focused upon it. To not know or consider it just by hearing Uzumaki and the Second Great Ninja War? Rather foolish, thankfully I am at least semi-knowledgeable on it. Though the reasons for Uzushio's destruction always ranged depending on what you read and it was still an unknown for why or how it happened, just that Konoha never arrived for unknown reasons…

He nodded at that, frowning in deep regret. "Indeed. The Uzumaki were not meant to end nor be destroyed as it would in the Second Conflict. Their destruction too with the massacre of the Uchilla and the dying out of the Senju are the reason for my great grief beheld since the end of my descendants."

Then ,serious once more, he spoke. "Know this for I give you this choice, of which shall affect the fabric of my worldly home. To you, I offer a choice. You may wake up soon and go about your days as you have, to go out with your other to your festival of joy in the elaborate costumes that the two of you prepared. However, to you, I give a second choice as well. I shall, if you so choose, send you to my world as Uzumaki. You shalt be deaged, wearing the adult robes you wear now, made a kage in name and withon, and given three gifts. But with this, a mission. That mission to be to fix my home world, starting with the re-establishment of Uzushiogakure and then forth do as you will as Kage."

"What will happen if I choose the second option instead of the first option, will I not wake up or will I stay there forever?" I asked, very worried that I would not wake if I chose the second option.

"You shall awaken after as if from a dream, whether you die or live. Though I hope assuredly that you shall live rather than pass backwards at a young age." He returned with an answer.

At that, I hung my head downwards. Eyes closed in deep thought. For such a choice did indeed require it. For the first choice, I would wake up, living out the days never knowing what might have been had I chosen the second choice offered to me. For the second, I would indeed still wake but in contrast to the first choice, I would be in the Elemental Nations. Living it out. My choice was rather clear in the end given the options dealt out.

Looking up, I spoke, "Sage of Six Paths, I accept the second choice."

"Why?" He asked simply.

"Because I will be able to wake up. While I would be able to live out my days as well in the Elemental Nations, I want to carry out your mission." I replied to him.

"Is there another reason?" He asked to me at my explanation.

I nodded and began to speak, "I also care for the characters, they are my childhood, Great Sage. Naruto and Lee taught me not to give up, Hinata taught me it's ok to be shy, Tsunade showed I can get over my fears, and Jiraya showed I can have fun even when I am afraid. That there is always a time and place to laugh and be happy, and a time and place to be serious."

"Even if they're fictional?" He asked, gazing at me as if judging me.

"Your here in front me, that's proof they aren't fictional. I won't leave these real people to suffer because I was too scared." I replied, determination likely shining within my gaze as I looked at him.

The Great Sage nodded then, smiling at me as he spoke, "Very good. You passed."

"Passed?" I asked, confused as to what he meant.

"Indeed. I will not send just anyone on this mission. They must care for others and be a true Uzumaki in spirit. Though you may not be one on the outside yet, you are assuredly one within. As one of my children ,little Kurama, no doubt taught you, it's not the outside but the inside that counts." He spoke, face quite serious once more.

"Now, come forth." He spoke, staff hitting the invisible ground with a couple of loud claps.

I walked forward and as I did, the Sage held out the satchel that was within his left hand.

"Within are two gifts. The Scroll of Seals of Uzushiogakure which contains Uzushio's special and forbidden techniques, and the Fox Summoning Scroll. I have…modified the world as it were for your once faked contract, use it well and bear in mind that not all summons can preform the same task as others could. Finally I shall grant my third gift within you upon the taking of this bag." He spoke, explaining in his way.

Taking the satchel, I put it on, it felt not too heavy yet not light all the same. After putting it on, the Sage reached out his hand. Taking my right hand, he held it. Staff under pit as a light glowed beneath his hands which at the moment covered my right hand.

"To you I grant, a piece of my power. Not to the point of my sons, Asura or Indria mind you. Rather something more unique. The combined yin and yang. Be warned however that this power granted to you does not make you stronger than my sons or me, we are very much still vastly superior than you in terms of power. However nor is gifted power weaker provided that you use it well. Also to you, I grant three elements. However, you will not know them, you will have to learn them first. It would not do to give you so much power so soon after all." He spoke before removing his hands, revealing a light yin-yang symbol on top of my right hand.

"With these gifts given. I now shall tell you what to expect and an important rule. James Arrons. Kage of name, power, and heart. Minted Uzumaki. Within you, I hath gifted you the elements and physically, the scrolls of Uzushio. The Summoning Scroll of Fox and the Scroll of Seals of Uzushiogakure. Your mission is to make my home world I worked hard on to be better. You are to tell NO ONE of your previous life. You are to rebuild the homeland of my descendants and bring them home. With this bearing in mind, beware. For there shall be things you cannot change. Obito shall fall always, and the wars too shall always happen. You can change how such things happen but they always will occur no matter how hard you try to prevent it." He warned sternly, to which I nodded along.

"When you awaken, you shall be deaged to 12. You must have Uzushio rebuilt by the age of 18." He spoke ,instructing me, to which I nodded once again.

After all, who wouldn't want a few Naruto adventures and then create a village?

"Then it is time for you to leave, your new name shalt be Uzumaki Fusa. Good luck James Arrons, may my blessings favor you in this mission." He spoke for a final time before a light began to softly envelope me.

The light came forth from the Sage's staff, soft yellow-white in color. It covered me; Robes, satchel, and all. Before I knew it, all had gone dark when the light had gotten brighter as the sun. The Sage of Six Paths and that starry blackness of space disappearing with my loss of vision.