
A stunning bar

"That's it, hang up first, make sure to bring the medicine."

With a smile on his face, he said, "I'll treat you to dinner once everything is done."

Realizing that the man was about to leave the bathroom, Mu Qingmo took out a tissue and wiped his hands before taking a step out of the bathroom.

Zhang Yang hummed a tune and walked proudly towards 306.

In the corner that Zhang Yang couldn't see, Mu Qingmo kept staring at him.

Only when Zhang Yang entered the private room did Mu Qingmo return.

"Come on, Master Mu, let's continue drinking."

Mu Qingmo raised his glass and lightly touched it.

Shaking the liquid in the cup, Lin still appeared in Mu Qingmo's mind.

He even imagined that Lin was still afraid and helpless.

Thinking about it, Mu Qingmo couldn't sit still.

At least Lin still helped himself today. She is also Nan Sheng's best friend, and she wants to help her with anything she says.

Mu Qingmo put down his wine glass, grabbed his coat, and said calmly, "I'll treat you to this meal. If you need anything, take a step first."

After listening, the other young masters held their wine glasses and watched Mu Qingmo leave in a daze.

This young master Mu is not doing well today!

Isn't it always him who stayed until the end to play the second game before?

It's really strange.

The crowd didn't think much and started to cheer again.

Mu Qingmo got off the elevator and called the driver to park the car at the entrance of Yipinju.

Coincidentally, when he walked out of the entrance of Yipin Residence, Lin still and they all got on the car.

Young master, should we go back or"

Mu Qingmo got into the car and pointed to Lin still's car, "Follow that car."

The driver nodded and quickly caught up with the car.

Lin remained focused on driving, occasionally chatting with Song Yue and the others.

His bold and graceful hands rested on the back of the chair, his eyes staring at Lin still recklessly.

Lin is still getting more and more restless, and can only increase the speed, hoping to arrive faster.

At the bar, Song Yue took Cen Yue and a few others to the dance floor.

Zhang Yang, a person holding wine, mixed in the noisy crowd.

Lin still sat quietly on the bar alone, ordered a cocktail, and sipped it slowly.

A woman sitting alone at the bar drinking can easily attract the attention of others.

Mu Qingmo sat in a secluded corner, holding a glass of wine, watching Lin still.

"Miss, are you alone? Do you want to have a drink together?"

A handsome man held a glass of wine and warmly invited Lin still.

Lin still smiled and shook his head, "No, my friend is here."

The man asked for trouble and nodded to look for the next target.

Lin continued to drink one mouthful after another, casually observing the people in the bar.

It's really boring.

Lin still yawned and opened his phone to find a substitute driver.

After issuing the license plate number, Lin still casually threw his phone on the bar and continued drinking.

Mu Qingmo thought of the matter and shifted his gaze to find the man on the phone at Yipin Residence.

It didn't take long for Mu Qingmo to see him.

Zhang Yang sneaked into the crowded area, looking around as if waiting for someone.

At this moment, a man wearing a black duckbill cap entered the bar.

Zhang Yang looked up and saw him, waving his hand at him.

The man nodded, lowered the brim of his hat, avoided the drunken man, and walked towards Zhang Yang.

Mu Qingmo took a sip of wine and stared sharply at the two people.

The bar lighting was too dim, coupled with the bustling crowd, Mu Qingmo only touched their arms.

I guess they are currently holding that kind of medicine.

Mu Qingmo asked the bartender to mix a glass of wine and wait to announce the next move.

As expected, Zhang Yang patted the shoulder of the black duckbill cap and walked towards Lin still.

"Hi Director Lin, why don't you go play at the dance pool for a while?"

Lin remained stunned for a moment, seeing that it was Zhang Yang and replied in a faint tone, "I'm a bit tired."

"That's it."

Zhang Yang touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

Looking at the glass in Lin still's hand, Zhang Yang thought to divert Lin still's attention and make it easier for him to take action.

"By the way, Director Lin, what about Song Yue and the others?"

Lin still put down his glass and turned his head to look at the dance floor.

"They are all dancing there."

"That's it."

Be bold and respond recklessly.

At this moment, Zhang Yang quickly threw a white pill into Lin's still glass.