
A blatant evil idea

Lin still looked down at his toes, his face slightly burning.

Although it's a big adventure, it's still a bit awkward.

Because Qingmo is Nan Sheng's brother.

Mu Qingmo pointed to the lip print and the corner of his mouth curled up, saying, "Thank you, still my sister."

Lin still waved his hand, his gaze fixed on the lip print.

Against the backdrop of the white shirt, the lip print was incredibly noticeable.

The atmosphere became incredibly ambiguous.

Lin still dodged Mu Qingmo's gaze and said, "I... I'll go back first."

Mu Qingmo nodded.

When Lin still entered the private room, Mu Qingmo remained standing in place.

Glancing at the lip print on his collar, Mu Qingmo touched it with his hand in a strange way.

Just a touch, Mu Qingmo withdrew his fingertips, as if there was still residual temperature on them.

It's really crazy.

Mu Qingmo sneered at himself, curled his lips, and casually returned to the private room.

Everyone was very excited, and the young master of the Mu family had been fingered by a woman.

"Come on, give Big Master Mu a round of applause!"


Mu Qingmo cursed angrily and continued to drink.

The bold one stepped forward and wanted to touch the collar, but was frightened by Mu Qingmo's gaze at the dead person and withdrew his hand.

"Being stingy, even touching this lip print won't do."

Mu Qingmo looked at the person with disgust and patted his suit, indicating that it was not working.

The person was unwilling and approached Mu Qingmo, asking humbly, "Master Mu, is that woman good-looking?"

A beautiful and charming face appeared in Mu Qingmo's mind.

After some thought, Mu Qingmo put down his glass.


Lin still shook his head and finally forgot about what had just happened.

Pushing open the door, everyone was waiting for her.

"Director Lin, come on, come on, I've been craving this roasted goose for a long time."

Song Yue is like a pistachio, and Lin is still easily influenced by her atmosphere.

"Alright, alright, isn't it coming now?"

As soon as Lin sat down, everyone moved their chopsticks one after another.

The atmosphere was pretty good, and everyone had a great time eating.

Lin still didn't have much appetite, drinking juice one after another, and the scene of himself kissing Mu Qingmo's collar kept flashing in his mind.

"Director Lin, how about trying this lobster?"

Zhang Yang greedily picked up a piece of lobster meat and put it into Lin still's plate.

"No need, thank you."

Lin still faintly declined.

Zhang Yang's face stiffened as he awkwardly put the lobster meat back into his plate.

Several times, Zhang Yang used various excuses to persuade him to drink, but Lin still refused several times. In the end, Song Yue couldn't bear it anymore.

"Zhang Yang, Director Lin has even said he won't drink anymore, why bother persuading him to drink?"

Zhang Yang glared at Song Yue and directly smashed his chopsticks onto the dining table.

At the dinner table, the atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

Song Yue was furious, but just as she was about to get up, Lin still grabbed Song Yue.

"Have you had enough to eat? Do you want to go play at the stunning bar for a while?"

Song Yue understood Lin still's meaning and answered loudly, "Okay."

After calling the waiter to pay the bill, Lin still swiped his card.

Zhang Yang snatched the bill and looked at it. As soon as he saw the bill, he couldn't help but smack his tongue.

It seems that Director Lin is very wealthy.

Zhang Yang touched the phone inside his jacket and had a bad idea in his heart.

"Wait a moment, I'll go to the restroom."

No one paid attention to him.

It's not awkward to make a big fuss because of the bad plan that's about to be implemented.

As soon as Zhang Yang walked into the bathroom, he couldn't wait to dial the phone.

"Hello, do you have time now? Let's meet at the stunning bar later and bring me some C-medicine."

The toilet was empty, boasting proudly.

"Hey, our Director Lin is good-looking and wealthy. Why don't I seize the opportunity and use some means to make her my woman?"

However, Zhang Yang didn't notice that there was another person by the sink.

That person is Mu Qingmo.

After playing a big adventure, Mu Qingmo was drunk a bit too much. Unexpectedly, he went to the restroom and had unexpected gains.

Mu Qingmo couldn't help but frown.

How exactly does Lin still, this little girl, intersect with such people!