
Revival Of The Dead Heart

Shane Smith, a depressed woman who still cannot move on from her fiancé who died. After two years, Andrei Williams came to give the shot of making her heart beat once again. Will the resuscitation succeed?

anxiouschip · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Part 2


"Are you at the restaurant by now?!" I asked in shock.

"Yup, so come if you do not want me to wait here until night and Tita will scold you."

"Ugh! Fine!" I immediately turned off the call out of annoyance. How could she do this to me? She also dragged my mother into this.

I put down the phone and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower and change. After I got ready, I grabbed the blue shoulder bag on top of my wooden study table before going down the stairs. I did not even care what kind of clothes I wore.

Of course, why should I bother with my clothes? Charles is no longer here to praise me and say "It looks good on you."

"Where are you going, Miss Shane?" Yaya asked while sweeping the floor in the living room.


I left the house and went to the garage. Yaya had something else to tell but I ignored it. I rode in my car and drove to the restaurant.

Surprise. Too many things to know. Whatever surprise thingy. Such a tease.

As soon as I entered the glass door, I looked around the place. Fortunately, I already noticed a woman waving in my direction.

I approached the table where she was and sat in the chair opposite her. "What 'surprise'?" I asked.

She grimaced when she looked at me from head to toe. "You are even worse than an adult woman in terms of fashion sense," she commented.

I let that slip away. "What 'surprise'?" I repeated.

"Oh, Shane. Your stare scares the hell out of me," she uttered and laughed. Uh, is that how a scared person act? Laughing?

"You probably know my situation now, right? Do not go around. Please, May. Please."

"It has been a long time since you have been sulking in your room—"

"Just tell about it."

"Come on, Shane. You are being cold and harsh. Since—"

"Do not mention it in front of me," I warned her.

"Okay, sorry." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I troubled you to come here to give you this."

She grabbed her bag and seemed to find something. She pulled out a hard piece of paper, which looked like a card, then handed it to me.

I raised an eyebrow at her before taking that. "What is this?"

She slowly grinned, making my eyebrows meet. "Invitation."

I read what was written on the front of the invitation with the red ribbon.

[Andrei Williams]

[You are invited to his party!]

[Miss Shane Smith]

I turned my gaze back to May. "Who is this?"

"He is one of my friends," she replied, smiling.

"And why am I invited?" I do not even know this guy. Why would I get invited?

"Because you are my friend?"

I frowned even more. "Ridiculous. I do not know him so I will not go. Done."

I was about to leave but May grabbed my right arm. "Please, go. I need someone to accompany me."

"Then do not go. It is that simple."

"But I want to go." She pouted her lips. "Please."

I breathed deeply. "Fine." She would still bother me in any way. Quite persistent. "What kind of party is this?"

She smiled widely before answering. "Birthday party."

I glared at her. "Obviously. I mean, is it formal or not?"

"I am sorry. It is not formal. And it will be held in a bar."

Okay. That is better. I want to get wasted.