
Revival Of The Dead Heart

Shane Smith, a depressed woman who still cannot move on from her fiancé who died. After two years, Andrei Williams came to give the shot of making her heart beat once again. Will the resuscitation succeed?

anxiouschip · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Part 14


"Who is this?" I did not answer. "Andrei?" I removed the covering of my hands from her eyes so she was free to face me.

"Let us go?"

"Of course!"

I pulled her hand once running towards the park.

"Let us play."


We played chase. After that, we sat on a bench while sweating profusely.

"It is tiring," I said.

"Yes, it is," she agreed while also panting.

"I have a question. What do you want to be when you grow up?" I suddenly asked her. All I know was, that it suddenly came to my mind.

"I do not know."

"Is that so?" She nodded. "If I am asked, I want to be a doctor."

"Nice. Why do you want to be a doctor?"

"I want to cure my dad." My tone of voice became sad.

"Why? What happened?"

"He has cancer."

Shane and I played in the park every day until that day . . . something happened.

"You are a liar!"

"Do not take my daughter with you! If you are leaving, leave alone!"

"You do not deserve to be a father to her. You are a bad influence!"

Her mother was holding her right hand and carrying a black suitcase in the other. I caught a glimpse of the tears streaming down Shane's eyes.

"Mom, Dad, that is enough!" They were shocked by what she said and both looked at her. "P-please."

Her mother knelt in front of her and wiped her wet cheeks. "I am sorry, Honey. I need to do this. If we stay here, your dad will continue to fool us."

She glanced at her dad who averted his gaze. "Dad, is it true? Are you lying to Mom and me?" He did not answer her.

Her mother pulled her into the white car. She looked out the window to see his dad but he had already entered their house. Then she caught the sight of me.

"Are you leaving?" I asked. She just nodded at me in response.

I just waved when the car started moving. I did not take my eyes off her until they were far away.

"See you. I will surely find you when I grow up."

Now, I finally found you . . . but you do not remember me anymore, Shane.


Three weeks had passed. Since then, I have no longer dreamed of Charles but of the dream where I was playing with the boy with the blurry face.

Here I am again in the room, sitting on the bed and staring out the open window. The cold wind blew in.

I was looking at the door when I heard a knock. "Miss Shane, you have a visitor," the maid said.


"Waiting for you downstairs." Oh, come on, Miss Maid. 'Who' was my question.

"Who?" I repeated.

"Just come out. He was waiting for you downstairs."

I just breathed deeply. "All right." I glanced at my knee-length yellow dress before exiting.

"Hi." I was stunned walking down the stairs when I heard that voice. I turned to see him.