
Revival: Dark Paths / Tale: the Cursed Child

In a remote and secluded village where there was peace and harmony, there lived an ordinary boy. His life was smooth and carefree. Until one day, his house became the target of cruel demons. Overnight, the boy's entire world crumbles, and he becomes a victim of a dark ritual. On the brink of death, he comes face to face with his past, a past which his regrets will not allow his soul to fade. Against his fate, he returns to the world of the living. But what price is yet to be paid? Plunge into the dark world of dark fantasy and share with the protagonist his upcoming journey - full of exciting adventures and tough challenges.

KingOfEldrHRT · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Part 1- Peaceful life in the village

Hina was the wife of an adventurer who loved to travel the world and seek adventure. They lived in a small town where he rented an apartment in one of the income houses. Life was full of highlights and promises for the future.

However, fate had its own way. Hina's husband died on one of his dangerous missions, leaving her and their young son Lear alone. Hina was in despair, but she did not give up and returned to the village, to her home, she started a new life and continued to raise her son alone.

In the village, Hina started farming. She kept cattle, a small herd, and tended a garden of various plants, fruit bushes and trees.

When Hina was working in the garden, Lear, being a child, with the inherent curiosity of children of his age, liked to hang around his mother and ask her about everything around. But Hina was only happy about it and gladly answered all his questions.

-Mom, what kind of flower is this? - Lear asked, pointing to a bush of bright scarlet flowers.

-This is lycoris, son. It is very beautiful and it smells good too. - answered Hina, smiling at her baby.

-Can I touch it? - Lear asked, holding out his hands to the flower.

-Certainly, dear, but be careful.

Lear nodded and gently touched the flower, smelling it, he smiled quite a bit.

He did enjoy learning new things about things he'd never seen before, but really, more than anything else, he liked just spending time with his mother.

The village had always been a bright and warm place, where the sunlight enveloped every corner in its golden embrace. It was in this quiet place that little Lear spent the serene days of his childhood.

The yard outside his humble home was his kingdom, where he frolicked for days on end with his most beloved companion-a beautiful wooden horse carved especially for him.

One day, as Lear was whipping his noble steed in imaginary battles, the wooden horse found himself caught between two unforgiving stones. Panic gripped the boy's heart. As he pulled the figure, he realized that any little more effort could break his beloved toy.

-Mom! Help me!" came Lear's desperate cry.

Hina, always alert and attuned to her son's voice, immediately jumped out of the house and rushed to help.

Her heart raced, but slowed as she saw the scene before her. The danger, as it turned out, was far less sinister than she had imagined.

-Don't worry, my little one- A little soothingly said Hina- We'll free your valiant steed in a moment.

With her usual neatness and dexterity, Hina carefully pulled the wooden horse from its stone prison. As she returned the toy to Lear, their eyes met, and the boy's face lit up with pure joy.

-Thank you, mother! You are the best!"These words, were filled with love and admiration.

Hina's heart beat faster and she wrapped her son in her soft embrace. Leaning down to kiss him tenderly on the forehead, she thought of the husband she had lost and the promise she had made after his death.

Though their life together had been cut short, she had vowed to do everything in her power to ensure their son's happiness, to protect him from the storms of adventure and danger.

And in that moment, in the warm embrace of the sun, nothing seemed to stand in her way.