
Revival: Dark Paths / Tale: the Cursed Child

In a remote and secluded village where there was peace and harmony, there lived an ordinary boy. His life was smooth and carefree. Until one day, his house became the target of cruel demons. Overnight, the boy's entire world crumbles, and he becomes a victim of a dark ritual. On the brink of death, he comes face to face with his past, a past which his regrets will not allow his soul to fade. Against his fate, he returns to the world of the living. But what price is yet to be paid? Plunge into the dark world of dark fantasy and share with the protagonist his upcoming journey - full of exciting adventures and tough challenges.

KingOfEldrHRT · Fantasy
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10 Chs


When Lear was a little older, he began to help his mother with the household. Every morning he went out to the garden, where he watered the flowers and plants, took care of the trees, and tended to the yard.

When he was done, he would go home and help his mother in the kitchen. Lear was always glad to be able to help his mother and see her grateful smile in return.

But in addition to chores, Lear also knew how to catch fish, because he lived in a fishing village for a reason after all. Sometimes, when his mother was very busy with household chores, Lear would go to the river by himself.

He could spend the whole day on the river, enjoying nature and fishing, coming back in the evening with a good catch. Though Hina was proud of her son's abilities, she was always worried about him, because she knew that anything could happen in life. Therefore, every time he went to the river, she reminded him to be careful and not take risks.

So, one day Lear went to the river again, and, as usual, going down with his nets to the water, he noticed that the current was stronger than usual, but he paid no attention to it, thinking that this way he would catch fish even faster and could please his mother with an even bigger catch. He was on his way to the water when he suddenly stumbled and fell right into the water.

When he was immediately carried away by a strong current. He knew he was in danger, and his heart was in panic.

-Mom!" he shouted, struggling to get out of the water, but his voice was drowned out by the relentless noise of the water.

However, despite everything, Hina still heard his cry and immediately realized that her son was in danger. Abandoning everything, she ran to the river.

By the time she reached the place, Lir was already on the verge.

-Hold on, lear! - She shouted, throwing herself into the water.

Miraculously, Hina was able to reach her son and pull him out of the water. She put him on her lap, held his head with one hand while the other checked his pulse and breathing.

When he came to, Lear coughed and slowly opened his eyes. All he could do at that moment was whisper a quiet "thank you.

Wet through, Hina began to tell Lear off.

-What did I tell you, you should have been more careful!" Hina was relentless. But suddenly, her voice trembled- You frightened me so... What would I do if..." She didn't finish, but covered her eyes with the palm of her hand.

Lying on his mother's lap, Lear stared at her sad face. He was immensely, grateful for her care and at the same time, maddened by the feeling that he had grieved her so much.

That day, Lear promised himself that he would never take such foolish risks again, and from now on, he would be much more careful about what his mother said.

That day, Lear promised himself that he would never risk his life so foolishly again, and that he would henceforth be much more careful about what his mother said.