
Reversed world

Synopsis: Chen Wei, an ordinary office worker, finds his life taking a drastic turn when he suddenly gets thrown into an upside-down world where gender roles are reversed. In this peculiar reality, women take the lead as heads of the family, while men are responsible for household affairs. What's even more absurd is that men in this upside-down world bear a mark signifying their virgin status. Chen Wei, who had previously contemplated forming a harem, is forced to discard that thought due to the incomprehensible reality he now faces. With societal norms in disarray and the virginity mark becoming a focal point, Chen Wei experiences confusion and absurdity in navigating this new world. In his journey to confront these challenges, Chen Wei encounters various unique and intriguing characters, forming complex relationships and facing unexpected conflicts. Chen Wei must also discover new meanings in the definitions of gender roles, love, and happiness.

ZERO_01 · Urban
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31 Chs

28. Confused

While Chen Wei was lost in his thoughts, he didn't realize that Wang Yuting's expression had changed.

Seeing Chen Wei laughing, Wang Yuting suddenly felt embarrassed for some reason. She felt like Chen Wei was mocking her.

"What's so funny?" Wang Yuting asked.

Hearing Wang Yuting's words, He, who was previously lost in his thoughts, snapped back to reality and shook his head firmly.

"Nothing, just recalling funny memories from the past."

Of course, Wang Yuting didn't believe it. She felt like Chen Wei was mocking her in his heart.

Maintaining a poker face, she walked towards Chen Wei and quickly pinched his chin. Pinching his chin, she spoke in a monotone voice, "Tell me what you were laughing at, or I might have to force you to speak the truth."

With a surprised and panicked expression, he hurriedly said, "I was laughing at you because..."

"Because what?" she asked with curiosity.

Chen Wei initially wanted to say it was because Wang Yuting acted childish, so he laughed. However, he changed his mind when he saw Wang Yuting's curious face.

With a questioning look, he said, "Do you really want to know?"

"Of course," she said, nodding her head.

"I'll say it, but can you release your hand? My chin hurts."

Hearing Chen Wei's words, she quickly let go of his hand. Then, she looked at Chen Wei, who was now rubbing his slightly red chin. It seemed she had held it too tightly.

Watching Chen Wei rub his chin, she inexplicably found her gaze falling on his lips, which had a cherry-like color. A slight sound of swallowing saliva echoed in the room.

Hearing that, Chen Wei immediately looked at Wang Yuting with a suspicious gaze. Seeing Chen Wei's suspicious look, she casually said, "Don't think too much. I'm just thirsty."

Hearing Wang Yuting's explanation, he didn't inquire further. With a patient face, Chen Wei began to explain why he laughed earlier.

"You asked earlier why I was laughing, right? I laughed when thinking about your face."

"Is that it?" Wang Yuting asked.

"Yes, that's it."

"You laughed when thinking about my face? Is there something funny about my f-"

"Because your face is ugly," Chen Wei said, cutting off Wang Yuting's words.

Hearing Chen Wei's words, Wang Yuting's face immediately became puzzled. Chen Wei saw her confused expression.

He looked confused because, in his opinion, Wang Yuting's reaction didn't match what he expected. He thought she should show anger or annoyance. However, her current expression was beyond his expectations.

Wearing a puzzled expression, she looked at Chen Wei for a moment, then walked towards the exit without looking back.

Seeing her slowly disappearing figure, Chen Wei wore a confused expression. 'Did I say something wrong?' he thought.

On the other hand, Wang Yuting closed the door, then walked to a place where there was no one around.

Her expression, initially puzzled, suddenly turned serious, resembling what she usually does in her everyday life.