
Reversed world

Synopsis: Chen Wei, an ordinary office worker, finds his life taking a drastic turn when he suddenly gets thrown into an upside-down world where gender roles are reversed. In this peculiar reality, women take the lead as heads of the family, while men are responsible for household affairs. What's even more absurd is that men in this upside-down world bear a mark signifying their virgin status. Chen Wei, who had previously contemplated forming a harem, is forced to discard that thought due to the incomprehensible reality he now faces. With societal norms in disarray and the virginity mark becoming a focal point, Chen Wei experiences confusion and absurdity in navigating this new world. In his journey to confront these challenges, Chen Wei encounters various unique and intriguing characters, forming complex relationships and facing unexpected conflicts. Chen Wei must also discover new meanings in the definitions of gender roles, love, and happiness.

ZERO_01 · Urban
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31 Chs

27. synchronous

While he pondered, "Shameful, truly shameful. A grown man assisted by a woman in putting on his clothes." As his thoughts drifted, his gaze fell to his pants. "Fortunately, she only helped me with the shirt. If she had assisted me with the pants, just the thought makes it more embarrassing. I don't know where to hide my face."

Wang Yuting had helped him change clothes, excluding the pants, for a reason.

Yes, because she was also nervous, so she didn't dare to help him put on his pants.

Although they had crossed some boundaries, for some reason, she remained nervous.

Suddenly, reflecting on her anxiety, she became aware. Why was she nervous? She had encountered many important figures but had never been this nervous. Did her own qualities diminish?

Thinking that Chen Wei might have witnessed her embarrassing behavior, she suddenly got angry. But when she was about to express her anger to Chen Wei, she fell silent.

Because Chen Wei's current appearance stirred some emotions in her, he was wearing a slightly oversized plain white outfit.

Yet, that wasn't what caught her attention. Chen Wei was lying down, looking out the window with reddened ears. 'Maybe he's embarrassed,' she thought.

The more she looked at Chen Wei, the more tumultuous her emotions became. She felt her heart beating fast because, in her eyes, Chen Wei looked exceptionally beautiful, like a princess just waking up.

Note: In this reversed world, the terms "beautiful" and "handsome" are swapped, with women being referred to as "handsome" and men as "beautiful."

Seeing Chen Wei continue to gaze out the window, she suddenly walked towards it, where he was looking, and opened it to let fresh air into the room.

With the window open, a cool breeze began to enter the hospital room. The soft afternoon sunlight highlighted the white walls, creating subtle shadows from neatly arranged medical equipment around the bed. The silence was broken by the distant sounds of the bustling sky, creating a serene and natural atmosphere in the room.

Seeing Wang Yuting open the window, he was quite surprised. 'This woman is surprisingly sensitive,' he thought.

Wang Yuting, of course, noticed Chen Wei's surprised expression and proudly said, "No need to thank me."

Hearing her words, Chen Wei, who had a surprised expression, suddenly chuckled softly. He didn't know why, but when he laughed, his hand instinctively covered his mouth, as if it were second nature. Similar to the women in his previous life.

Regarding his own actions, he was quite surprised because he felt his body moving on its own instinctively, as if it were a natural thing to do.

Regarding his actions, he only thought one synchronized sentence!

"Could it be that I'm starting to assimilate with the habits usually done by this body?" he pondered.

Just the thought terrified him; he didn't want to assimilate with this body or, more accurately, this world.

If it were someone else, they might be delighted, thinking that this is the dream world for men. But he was different; he didn't want to be in this world, even though it's the dream world for men.

Perhaps due to Wang Yuting's previous actions, Chen Wei was unaware that he had developed trauma.

"Hello everyone! Apologies for the lack of updates recently. I've been under the weather and needed some time to rest. But now, I'm back and ready to dive into writing again. Thank you for your support!"

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