
Reversed Reincarnation to Earth

After defeating Demon Lord, Nate gets cursed to die but as a reward from god gets teleported to another world so that he can live a normal life after hard work. But as he find out that this world is also filled with dark creature, he fights them as he learn new things about world which is our planet EARTH.

DaoistEQItp8 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter - 3

After getting discharged from the hospital. The next day Nate went to school.

When he was in the corridor he started feeling weird energy, negative or dark. As he walked toward his class, energy sort of increased. When he entered his class, he saw a source of power. It was coming from a girl.

"Oh",*slam at the back* " You are back." Nate rotates his head to see at the back. He saw his most Kayl, his friend.

"You missed many things." Nate grabs Kayl's hand and gives him a slam.

*Speaking in pain* " So you really are Nate, I thought you may forget something after going to a coma." Kayle smiles while saying.

"Who is the new girl?" points toward the girl giving negative energy.

" Oh she came when you were in a coma, her name is Rayla. "

"Why does it all happens when I am absent," says Nate.

"Don't worry bro, You also have to complete pending work" says Kayl

"Don't remind me again and again"*slaps Kayl on the back head

"But I only said once before"

The teacher entered and the school goes on. After school, Nate went to Kayl's house for studying. After some time they started playing on PS5.

After that Nate went to his practice ground and started using his energy. By mistake, he used too much. Suddenly a voice came from his shoulder:

"Nowadays kids can't even control their powers,chh"

Nate looks at his soldier and is scared shitless. A small baby spirit was lying on his shoulder. Nate comes to his sense and said to the spirit:

"Creature like you should not exist in this world."

"Says who?"

"Says god you idiot!"

"Hahaha, God has made us you stupid fool"

"So you have to meet God?"

" Yes, I have"

The Spirit stares at him for some moment and then enters his nose and comes out again:

"Your soul is having memories of your past life, Why?"

"Doesn't everyone have?"

"No, they don't remember till they die"

"Who are you?"

Nate explains everything to the spirit:

"Now I understand. By the way, my name is Atreus."

"Hello nice to meet you, God said to me creature like you don't exist."

*God from the heaven " I never said that!"

Suddenly Nate starts to feel a negative power behind him and listens to a voice.

"Not only you have a weird aura but you can also see supernatural beings, interesting"

Nate and Atreus turns back and see Rayla