
Reversed Reincarnation to Earth

After defeating Demon Lord, Nate gets cursed to die but as a reward from god gets teleported to another world so that he can live a normal life after hard work. But as he find out that this world is also filled with dark creature, he fights them as he learn new things about world which is our planet EARTH.

DaoistEQItp8 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter - 2

After Nate was born on earth world, he started developing very fast. He was able to walk when he was 6 months old and talk when he was 11 months old. He learned new words pretty fast for a normal human baby, according to his parents. After one and half years after his birth, his parent started homeschooling him as the school would not accept students at smaller age than 3 and 1/2 years. Till the time he went to school, he was able to read books and understand the concept of the 3rd-grade student books, though he was not promoted to upper-grade immediately.

He was pretty strong at his age he would often beat kids 3 to 4 years older than him. This often leads to the beating of the kids who were beaten often getting beaten by their parents as " Can't you also defeat a small child?"

When He came to middle school, his seniors started bullying him. He never raised his voice against them as he knew if he fought then they would have to go to hospital and his parent would have to give expense for recovery.

He was also able to do some magic tricks and was able to impress people around with them when he was in middle school. After school, he used to practice alone at a park where very rarely people came around as one haunted house was around it.

He was in his first year of high school. One night a sudden fever came, his condition was that bad that his parents had to hospitalize him in a few days his condition became life-threatening that he was sent into a coma. After a month he gained consciousness he was discharged immediately, strangely his parent didn't have any problem with it.

Nate felt a flow of power that was similar to before he died in his previous life. He acquired all of his power. If his powers were told a very long list could be made.

Though he failed to keep his power a secret to his parent because they were once going to the hill station at a sharp corner a truck came and hit their vehicle that started going downhill, it rolled over and over again. The vehicle was not damaged at all but his father saw him doing weird hand movement.