
Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

I am a BIG fan of reverend insanity and was so sad that the ending was never finished as the author has been blocked from publishing more, I realllllly hope that he comes back and finish the book but in the meantime, I have been so filled with ideas on where the plot goes I decided hey why not write my own ending for it, why don't I try to pick up what Gu Zhen Ren left, maybe it'll be good, maybe its shit but I really love the Gu world and I hope this inspires other writers to use Gu in their world. I do wish to one day write my own fantasy book but since RI left so much stuff behind it'd be a shame to leave it all. That said please don't take anything here seriously this is a FAN EDITION, not cannon and I am not claiming credit for anything, please go and support the original author I believe he has another series called infinite blood core, and please do go read the original Reverend Insanity.

zulbucks · Book&Literature
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231 Chs

Chapter 2449 Transcending The Myriad Timelines Through Dream

"Come say that to my face!" Feng Jin Huang shouted!

"Maybe I should kill her now to prevent future problems," Fang Yuan thought to himself.

He still remembered the power that the Future Great Dream Immortal Venerable's Killer Move, Eternal Slumber, had.

"To be able to transcend Time and Space, even with the assistance of Red Lotus, I'm afraid she must possess some kind of Dao Fruit that has links to Spacetime, if not, even the Dao of Spacetime itself." Fang Yuan always wondered how Great Dream was able to send her attack into the past.

Either Great Dream's Dao Fruit was also able to use the powers of Spacetime, or she acquired the Dao of Spacetime herself!

"I wonder what would happen if I attacked Feng Jin Huang now," Fang Yuan prepped a Killer Move in his hand.

Seeing the Killer Move building up, Fairy Bai Qing threw herself in front of Feng Jin Huang:

"Jin Huang leave now!" Bai Qing had tears streaming down her beautiful face, "Live on for your mother and father." Fairy Bai Qing smiled at her daughter, thinking this may be the last time they got to meet.

"Mom! I'm not going anyway; I won't leave you and Dad behind!" Feng Jin Huang shouted back.

"Indeed," Fang Yuan nodded, sealing Space: "You're not going anywhere."

"You!" Fairy Bai Qing held up her finger in anger: "Let my daughter go, aren't you after the Great Dao fruit? Take it!"

Fang Yuan shook his head: "Don't worry I'll acquire that in time but first…I'm going to take care of any potential trouble."

Just as Fang Yuan launch his Killer Move.

"NOW!" Feng Jin Huang shouted and threw forth the light pink orb in her hands.

Dream Path's aura began to surge forth as a pink cloud!

"Hmph! A Dream Realm, that won't stop me," Fang Yuan activated Dream Armor Gu.

But the cloud didn't advance towards Fang Yuan, instead, forming a wall that swallowed up Fang Yuan's Killer Move.

"Tch, how annoying."

However, the cloud was not done at just a wall, it began to morph into the shape of a person.

11th Extreme Physique, Perfected Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique!

Feng Jin Huang had refined Great Dream's Dream Realm into a Perfected Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique!

But after using her technique on the Dream Realm, she felt something was off.

"The Dream Realm is shaping itself!" Feng Jin Huang was hopeful: "If it could be taken control of that means that…"

As she held onto hope Fang Yuan stared at forming Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique:

"Hmm, I can't hit it because it's still illusory like a Dream," Fang Yuan stroked his chin: "How interesting."

Fang Yuan found that no matter what he did, it would have no impact on the forming Physique.

Even Dream Path methods show little effect.

"Very interesting."

As the physique took shape, its features became clearer.

It had a graceful and alluring figure, with generous proportions, the Dream Realm had adjusted itself into the shape of a woman.

"Could it be…" Feng Jin Huang held hope in her heart.

The Dream Realm started becoming corporal, starting from the edges to the centre.

Her head, legs and arms came into being then the torso.

As the process was happening, the entire body was shrouded in a protective Dream Real barrier, preventing anyone from observing.

"Oh? To think it would form a barrier to protect itself as well." Fang Yuan held his chin, deep in thought.

Suddenly, the Dream Barrier burst outward, in a dazzling mix of pink light.

The bright light was too much for the mortal Feng Jin Huang, who covered her eyes.

But when the light died down, allowing her to peek at the newly created physique, she immediately covered her eyes once again, her face peach red.

Standing before Fang Yuan was an alluring beauty.

She had pink hair that stretched from her head to her back, her face was exquisite as if carved straight from the purest marble, it was flawlessly white and perfectly complemented her light pink eyes. Her lips were a gentle pink.

There was quite a resemblance between this Dream Physique and Feng Jin Huang, with the exception being her more…generous proportions.

But the most shocking part…she was almost completely naked.

She had a thin, cloudlike, tube that, barely, covered her chest, leaving a largely exposed midriff, which was toned and smooth radiating a subtle healthy pink glow.

As for the downstairs, a similar pink cloud veil helped cover the important bits.

But it did not hide her long slender legs, which would cause men to drool.

Fang Yuan stood there, unmoved.

Was he not attracted to women?

Of course, he was but would he let that get in the way of Eternity?


"If a pretty lady asks you to die for her, would you?"

Likewise, Fang Yuan chooses not to be obstructed by mortal needs, he's seen everything throughout his past 500-year lifespan.

His breath of mind was already beyond what others could imagine.

He had lived meaninglessly for many years until he discovered.

"Only eternal life, this majestic and unattainable target, could make the journey of his life become more interesting." Fang Yuan laughed manically.

And now in this life, he was as close as he had ever been to achieving this unobtainable dream, would a mere beauty stop him?

The Pure Dream Physique opened its eyes: "Fang Yuan, we meet once again."

Fang Yuan squinted at the Dream Physique: "I don't think we've met before,"

The Physique smiled back: "Not in this timeline but across the infinite cosmos, we've been entangled in more ways than one. And here in this time, we meet once more."

"Then should I call you Feng Jin Huang or Great Dream Immortal Venerable?"


The person standing before him was Great Dream Immortal Venerable, revied using Dream Realms.

Fang Yuan shook his head: "Revive isn't the right word, it should be time-travelled. To think you managed to find a way to send not only your memories but a portion of your cultivation back in time."

Fang Yuan sized up the Great Dream before him, but all his Information Path methods came back empty, as the Pure Dream Physique was a walking Dream Realm, making all methods useless!

"It is as you say," The Dream Physiques eyes turned serious: "I am Great Dream Immortal Venerable."

Great Dream's aura burst forth.

This alerted the other Venerables in Spectral Heaven

"This aura…it can't be."

"There's no doubt, Great Dream Immortal Venerable has arrived in the Present!" Star Constellation's said.

"Did you predict this as well?" Genesis Lotus asked.

Star Constellation shook her head: "I did not predict this; I was told this."


"What do you mean?" Red Lotus asked.

"Fen Jin Huang told me herself when we encountered her on that cliff,"

Rewinding time back to when the 3 Venerables intercepted Heaven on the cliff that Feng Jin Huang and her families were on.

"Star Constellation!" a voice was transmitted to Star Constellation: "I have a plan, as long as you promise that the 3 Immortal Kings do not interfere, I am confident in preventing Fang Yuan from obtaining the Great Dao."

"Oh? That's a bold statement," Star Constellation decided to hear her out: "What's your plan?"

Feng Jin Huang explained: "I possess the Dream Realm of the Future Great Dream Immortal Venerable."

"I know, Red Lotus has told me, how does that help? Are you going to absorb them all and acquire methods from the future?"

Feng Jin Huang shook her head: "No. I refuse to let others decide my Destiny, but what I am going to do is turn this Dream Realm into a Perfect Pure Dream Physique!"

"!!!" Star Constellation was taken aback, "Is it possible?"

Feng Jin Huang ambiguously replied: "Theoretically, I making some adjustments based on the reactions the Dream Orb is giving me."

"Then let me give you some help," Star Constellation used various Wisdom Path methods to help speed up Feng Jin Huang's deductions.

This sent her into a moment of deep contemplation

"Got it!" Feng Jin Huang awoke from her meditation, though it seemed like a long time had passed since it all happened in the realm of thought, mere seconds had transpired in the real world.

Though this was still largely thanks to the Dream Orb guiding and Feng Jin Huang's own talent in Dream Path.

Without those, one could spend 1000 years in real time not figuring out the right answer.

"What are the results?" Star Constellation asked.

But Feng Jin Huan sniggered: "Oh Lady Star Constellation, do you think I would not know that you have acquired the results of my Dream Path deductions?"

"Oh?" Star Constellation was shocked: "How intriguing, you knew?"

Feng Jin Huang nodded.

"Then why did you go through with it?"

"Because I need to protect my family, consider it payment."

"Ha ha ha, I like your attitude I agree with your conditions."

And that was how Star Constellation grew confident in setting up her scheme against Fang Yuan and Heaven.

She wondered how she could best use this knowledge when Red Lotus suddenly created the Black Hole by accident.

Which gave her the inspiration to put her plan into motion, further gaining confidence once she heard Fang Yuan's description of Black Holes.

"I can kill 2 birds with 1 stone," she thought to herself.

And her plan went without a hitch.

Heaven had lost a costly amount of permanent Dao Marks, which was not easy to replenish, this was already a win for Star Constellation as it further cemented the relationship between Heaven and Heavenly Court.

But now it was time to see if the rest of her investment would pay off:

"I wonder how strong the Pure Dream Reality Physique of Great Dream Immortal Venerable will be?"

Hey, guys finally finished meeting my Great-grandma, everything seems fine.

So later today, I'll try and upload the 2nd chapter.

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