
Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

I am a BIG fan of reverend insanity and was so sad that the ending was never finished as the author has been blocked from publishing more, I realllllly hope that he comes back and finish the book but in the meantime, I have been so filled with ideas on where the plot goes I decided hey why not write my own ending for it, why don't I try to pick up what Gu Zhen Ren left, maybe it'll be good, maybe its shit but I really love the Gu world and I hope this inspires other writers to use Gu in their world. I do wish to one day write my own fantasy book but since RI left so much stuff behind it'd be a shame to leave it all. That said please don't take anything here seriously this is a FAN EDITION, not cannon and I am not claiming credit for anything, please go and support the original author I believe he has another series called infinite blood core, and please do go read the original Reverend Insanity.

zulbucks · Book&Literature
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231 Chs

Chapter 2361 

Soon the 4 Venerables published the news across the whole Gu world.

Discussions rang out across Treasure Yellow Heaven

A group of Gu Immortals was discussing if they should participate.

"The Venerables aren't going to interfere in the battle for Reckless's Grotto Heaven?"

"Yea, apparently they came to this conclusion as the 4-way tie between the Venerables had become incredibly intense."

"Then maybe we should try our hand at obtaining Reckless's Inheritance?"

"Do you have a death wish? Fang Yuan has so many Pseudo-Venerables under him, Sheng Shang, Lu Wei Yin not to mention his clones, Wu Shuai and Zhan Bu Du!"

"Don't worry so much according to the Venerable Oath, a venerable can only send 1 Pseudo-venerable and can only have 3 people at most in their team."

"Still, that means we can expect at least 4 pseudo-venerables to make an appearance."

"What are you still so worried about, we might not be able to obtain any hidden meaning or specialty, but we can still obtain resources."

Similar discussions were ringing throughout the Gu world.

While some were fearful and doubtful of the Venerables, most that were above Rank 7 chose to join in.

In the Demon Marsh of the Northern Plains

Plenty of Gu Cultivators and clans had arrived, numerous Gu Houses could be seen parked above the Marsh.

The sheer might being emitted throughout the surroundings terrified the Frog and prompted it to run away, but the 4 Venerables quickly acted and imprisoned the Frog.

Of course, with the cooperation of 4 Venerables they didn't even need to leave the Western Desert to achieve this.

The Venerables also created a barrier that ensure no one could enter the Frog until the agreed-upon time.

This was to ensure that the Northern Plains wouldn't have an unfair advantage.

Fang Yuan also suggested that the Venerables implement a Rule Path method to limit the number of people that can enter.

It was agreed upon and the Venerables jointly made a Rule Path Battlefield Killer Move ------- Imperial Decree!

The area around the Frog was sealed and a giant illusory board appeared. Written on the board were the rules.

1. Each region can only send a maximum of 10 people, excluding the 3 chosen by the Venerables.

2. Before the Grotto Heaven will be opened the 4 venerables will be hosting a tournament to decide who should enter

3. To ensure fairness the 4 venerables will be assigned to a random region that is not their own

That last piece of news truly shocked them!

The Venerables that will be judging the competition will not be the Venerable of that region?

This was Spectral Soul's idea as he had no subordinates as such, he wanted to limit his competition.

Of course, the obvious problem of having 5 regions and only 4 venerables was apparent but the solution was simple since no one had any strong ties to the Western Desert they would sort themselves out.

The results were that Star Constellation had to oversee the Northern Plains, Giant Sun the Eastern Sea, Fang Yuan the Southern Border, and Spectral Soul the Central Continent.

The rules also indicated that the Venerables could not kill or harm any of the participants or residents of the Region.

That final rule was what gave everyone the, admittedly fragile, peace of mind.

With that, the 4 Venerables left the Western Desert and promptly arrived at their designated regions.

The first person, to arrive at their destination was naturally Spectral Soul as Central Continent was the nearest to the Western Desert.

Fang Yuan and Star Constellation arrived at the Southern Border and Northern Plains at approximately the same time while Giant Sun had to fly across 2 regions to reach the Eastern Sea.

The competition was simply a test of Strength, the Venerables would just set up a Battlefield Killer Move that ensured that anyone killed would be teleported outside.

The final 10 alive will have the right to proceed.

Apart from that anything went, there were no limits on methods, alliances, Gu houses.

The first to being was Spectral Soul who used his Soul Path methods to create a domain that would monitor every Soul at once.

Should an individual be perceived as receiving a critical injury, the Move would find their position through their Soul and teleport them safely outside.

"Hehe, I say that but who knows there maybe accidents," Spectral coldly smirked at the Central Continent Immortals.

Though he was obligated through the contract to prevent any deaths, the Gu Immortals didn't know that, and they were rather apprehensive about it.

But Star Constellation reassured them that Spectral Soul would not be able to do any harm to them, much to his dismay.

With the allure of Reckless's inheritance and Star Constellation's assurance, all the cultivators of the Central Continent entered the domain to participate.

A similar scene played out across the other 3 Regions as their cultivators entered these battle Domains.

The only exception was the Western Desert, as they had no representative they had not much say and organization in the matter.

The various tribes and clans got together to discuss their plan, ultimately, they decided to host a simple tournament, where any Gu Immortal of the Western Desert can for a group of 10 and participate in a Team battle.

Battles raged on across the 5 Regions, yet no mortal was aware that such groundbreaking activities were taking place.

To the Venerables this wasn't entertaining and was just a way to weed out the bothersome and weak.

In the Central Continent, the 10 Great Sects joined forces to suppress the Demonic Path. This forced the Lone Cultivators and the Demonic Cultivators to join forces.

But alas, they stood no chance against the various Gu Houses and such that the Righteous Path possessed.

Prior to the competition, the 10 Sects had agreed to each send their most talented members.

The 10 were the finest that Central Continent had to offer, the weakest among them was Rank 8!

On a stage this grand Rank 8 was the minimum, this was true across all the Regions.

In the Northern Plains, they respected strength above all, while there were some forms of truces being scattered about, it was largely an all-out-war!

It was a tough fight; people were using all sorts of methods to gain the upper hand.

Numerous Killer Moves were sent streaking across the Domain.

A random Rank 6 could be completely obliterated by a stray Killer Move from a Rank 8.

This had happened numerous times.

But there was one man in particular who treated this fight with much fervor, it was none other than the domination immortal himself, Chu Du!

Chu Du was the most passionate about Strength Path to him fame, prestige and power were just means to obtain a greater height.

However, the chance to see for himself the pioneer of Strength Path, Reckless Savage Demon Venerable's Grotto Heaven, was too good for Chu Du to pass up.

He used every method at his disposal, he sought out other Rank 8 existences and challenged each one of them, he would always announce his challenge as he wanted a clean and honorable fight.

Just like Reckless, he was a man confident in his own strength in his own words: "To attack a man when his back is turned is to have already lost to him in the mind... and it is very uncool!"

Chu Du wanted to enter the Myriad Beast Color Fusion Heaven but he would not compromise on his beliefs.

He took down every Rank 8 he came across, some even tried to sneak attack him but he took them down as well.

After numerous grueling battle, the remaining Rank 8s realized that there was only 10 of them left and no longer needed to fight amongst themselves.

They then swept through the rest of the Gu Immortals until they were the last 10 standing.

The battles could be described as epic from the eyes of the Rank 6 and 7s.

Seeing the domination immortal fights, in particular, were very fascinating.

He always charged boldly into the enemy, dodging, and blocking Killer Moves as he closed the gap.

Strength Path excelled the most in fighting! And Chu Du was a prime example of it.

By the end he had sustained the most injuries on his body, he had even fought in 1 vs 2 as another Rank 8 Gu immortal that specialized in assassinations targeted him during his fight against a Demonic Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Yet he still persevered and beat both of them down!

Their bodies left craters in the ground as a meat paste was all that was left of them.

Outside the domain, the two Rank8s looked at each other and shivered.

If that had been in reality the two of them might have met in the Doors of Life and Death instead.

They both mentally noted to themselves; never mess with Chu Du!

Soon Chu Du's reputation soared amongst the Northern Plainsmen and more Lone cultivators sought to join his clan.

But for Chu Du, the most important thing was that he would finally be able to see the origin of Strength Path.

In the Southern Border

Instead of immediately beginning the competition Fang Yuan soaked in the air and the view.

Although Fang Yuan did not specialize in Investigative Killer Moves his sense still managed to cover the entire Southern border, sending chills down the spine of all its residents.

For many people, the name Fang Yuan was only known during the Fate wars but for the people of the Southern Border, he was first known by another name, Little Demon King!

Even for Fang Yuan, he couldn't help but feel a wave of nostalgia run over him as he peered down at the Southern Border.

He remembered when he started his second chance at life in Gu Yue Mountain, his journey with Bai Ning Bing to the Shang Clan. His epic battle as he refined an immortal Gu as a mortal.

Fang Yuan indulged in the memories for a second as he quickly returned to reality.

However, while Fang Yuan was feeling nostalgic the whole of the Southern Border was feeling PTSD.

Many thought how cruel was Fate that heir overseer was actually Fang Yuan!

While the rules forbade him from doing anything to participants, what about those not in the domain?

Fang Yuan could easily plunder the Southern Border or make trouble for all the clans or worse settle past grudges!

He was Heaven Refining Demon Venerable!

Even if the whole of the Southern Border came together to fight him, they still stood no chance!

A venerable is an invincible existence, even at their weakest killing a Rank 8 was no different from swatting a fly!

Thus, the whole of the Southern Border was plunged into despair


Hahaha but seriously though I am very tired of writing so late at night I, unfortunately, have to juggle between work and writing.

But seeing people willing to wait for my books makes it all worth it.

I am truly grateful to you all but I need some sleep so I'll end it here hahaha.

Btw, thank you to everyone that comments it really means a lot to me to see that people ate so intimate with the OG RI I have had to trough through the wiki page so much that I am often reminded of past events that you guys seemingly rmb of the top of your heads. Made props to you guys I am so encouraged that such dedicated fans exist :) I hope I do the ending justice anyway I'll see you guys in the next one.

P.s I probably will be toning down the author comments, by the time I finish the book and reach here I want to die XD

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