
Reverend Insanity- Mystery Prying Demon Venerable

David, a man who was suddenly transmigrated to another world finds himself in endless and grassy plains. Unaware of the world around him, nor it's dangers, watch his journey as he battles his past and faces his ever-growing ambition

Moist_BedBugs · Book&Literature
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9 Chs


"Can you guys let me down from here now?!" A seemingly teenage boy spoke, propped up against the wall with large amounts of duct tape,


A footstep followed by muffled snickering rung through the small room.


Another set footstep rung through the small room.

"You better not!"

The sound of footsteps increased, followed by the sound of a wooden door being shut.


"Now, how am I supposed to get out of here?!" The large bands of duct tape near his arms moved, almost like the boy was attempting to gesture but was blocked,

The boy's eyes closed before suddenly opening.

"Too claustrophobic!"

The boy simply opened his eyes and stared at his arms, which looked like wooden logs made of duct tape,

The duct tape near the boys fingers bulged outwards as the boy attempted to make a fist. This loosened the duct tape allowing him to move his hand a bit more.

He simply repeated this cycle again and again, almost completely giving up on the notion that his friends would come back.

The boy was sweating slightly, with his mouth a bit open, he was clearly struggling.

Finally, the large amount of duct tape covering his hands loosened enough for him to fully make a fist, then he flung this fist, forwards again and again until the duct tape completely opened up, allowing him freedom to move his hands.

He made a palm and continued flinging his arm back and forth until the duct tape covering his arms fully opened up.

He then ripped off the duct tape on his upper arm and continued until he removed the rest of the tape on his body.

Every part of his body other than his foot suddenly fell the floor, making his black hair flow behind him and putting him in a plank position. He then pulled his leg towards himself, ripping off the duct tape.

The duct tape still lingering on his body, he simply pressed it against himself harder, smoothening out the bands of tape which stuck out.

He walked towards the end of the room, grabbing a t-shirt to put on alongside the small watch beside it

"Why did I even agree to do that?" the boy said, looking more disappointed in his own bad decision making than his friends' nonsense.

He immediately put his hands into his pants, pulling out his phone and looking at his friends' groupchat. They had sent a few messages:

MF - "Did you enjoy it David?"

David - "I think you know my opinion...."

Harlot - "You should have seen your face"

MF - "We got a picture, remember?"

David- "Why am I friends with you people...."

MF - "It was a dare! Besides, what did we even do that was so bad?"

Harlot - "Exactly!"

David simply put down his phone to check the time on the watch he wore.


"Is that blood?...."