
Revenge of the Monster

Rohan is a class 8 hunter who lives in Hunter City. When coming back from a hunt the moon suddenly turns blood red. When Rohan gets to Hunter City he finds it being attacked by a huge reptillian monster. He then gets kidnapped and becomes a test subject. What will happen to him from now on?

Spooky_Dank · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Hunter City

Note: When text is surrounded by * (stars) it means that it is the inner monolouge of Rohan.

Rohan was coming back from hunting class 8 monsters when he looked up and saw a blood red moon.

*What! A blood red moon is a sign of mass death, is Hunter City being attacked?*

*If it is then I need to rush back right now.*

*All my belongings are in my house and I must retrieve them!*

Rohan then used his mana from his heart to strengthen his legs and he sprinted to to the city.

When he reached the city gates he was flabbergasted, for the 10 foot wide mana enhanced wall was pulverized.

When he looked on the ground he saw huge footprints going into the city.

*It must be a high class monster to be so big.*

*Should I risk going into the city to get my stuff?*

*Lower class monsters should be following the higher class one and rushing the city soon but I have to risk it and retrieve my belongings.*

*My house is only three miles deep into the city so it should only take me two minutes if I use mana to run.*

*Screw it, I risk my life hunting monsters every day so what's the issue if I risk it again.*

Rohan then activated the mana in his heart and focused it on his legs to strengthen them.

He then ran inside the city.

As Rohan was running towards his house he saw a humongous monster.

It was at-least 100 feet long and 15 feet wide.

It looked like a big kimono dragon and it had dark purple scales that glinted in the red moonlight.

Its maw was open and Rohan could see hundred's of razor sharp teeth inside it.

Suddenly purple flame gushed out of its mouth turning the houses in-front of it into ash.

*Hopefully the city guard and the hunters guild beat that thing or at-least stall it so I can get my stuff*

Rohan was nearing his house when a fireball that was cast towards the monster glanced off of it and hit his house, setting it and everything in it ablaze.

*No! this can't be happening, everything I have is gone now!*

*What should I do now, I am only a class 8 hunter.*

*How am I going to survive?*

*Wait, why am I thinking about this now?*

*I need to escape the city before the lower class monsters come!*

Rohan then dashed away from his house and towards the city wall.

Just when he was about to leave the city a black and white tiger jumped from on top the city wall and blocked his way out.

Sitting on the tiger was a middle aged man who had pure white hair. His skin was dark, almost black and Rohan had never seen something like that before.

*How is he sitting on that monster!*

*Monsters are hostile to humans and they always attack and try to eat them!*

*It doesn't matter how he is doing it for I need to leave Hunter City now!*

Rohan then asked, why are you blocking my way? I need to get out of the city right now!

The man then replied saying; you're not going to be going anywhere.

As soon as Rohan heard that he instantly unsheathed his sword and coated it in mana.

Rohan then rushed the man sitting on the tiger with his sword and slashed at him.

The tiger lunged forward and just took the sword head on.

Rohans sword hit the tigers fur and snapped in half.

*That sword was coated in mana and was made out of cold steel! How could it snap it half so easily?*

*This must atleast be a class 6 monster!*

*I can't win this fight I must run*

*How can I run from it, its class 6 while I am only class 8!*

*When it next attacks me I'll try to roll to the side and dodge it, then I will put all my mana into my legs and run like the wind!*

The tiger then rushed towards Rohan and he tried to dodge but it was to fast and it rammed him in the chest, sending him flying back.

Rohans chest was caved in and he had to use all his mana to strengthen it so it wouldn't collapse.

His eyesight was getting darker and darker and right before he passed out the man went infront of him and picked him up.

This is my first work and I hope you love it. I am just posting on here to get better at writing, so please tell me what you think about it. I would love to hear how it is, even if it's a bad review.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.

An even bigger thank you to anyone who posted a review on what they thought of it.

Spooky_Dankcreators' thoughts