
Revenant in an Anime World

Having the duty to reincarnate the souls from an extensive variety of worlds, 'God' ended up reincarnating a soul in a world where he shouldn't exist. A world where three 'anime' worlds are mixed in one. 'God', instead of crying on spilled milk, he decides to observe the newborn in this foreing world. **** (I do not own the front page) -It's a slow story. -'God' is not the MC, just an observer. -The MC soul comes from the 'Code Vein' world. -MC will have few memories about his past life, so when he reincarnates is a baby in all aspects. -The story has sexual content. (no NTR, no Netori, no Rape.) (It has 'incest' but they are not related by blood.) -The animes (I don't own them) for this story are: 1.-Grisaia no Kajitsu. 2.-Shinmai Maou no Testament. 3.-Highschool DxD. -The characters and their 'story origins' will be the same, however, I will not follow the story lines from the animes. **** Hi, this is my first project so I'm a newbie. And, even if this story is sort of a fanfic, I will give my all in this story. If you have an advice or constructive critic for the development of the project I will gladly read them and consider. For those who only want to write malicious critics, you are losing your time. I don't have many experience writting sexual content but in time I expect to improve. English is my Second Language so you may find some errors. I will appreciate if you give me advice in this.

Villain4ever · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Ch 16: Immortality: Bless or Curse

"Revenant?" Both Asako and Yuria asked confused.

If there was something that they knew after being many years involved in the supernatural world, it was the information about supernatural beings. No matter if they were from the East or the West, they both knew almost everything about the creatures in the supernatural world, including revenants.

However, the revenants that they know are supernatural beings related to phantoms and other kind of undead creatures. In comparison, Yuria didn't seem to be death, after all her heart was still beating and her emotions weren't cold either.

"Can you explain us more, Zircon?" Asako asked as she looked at him.

Asako knew that Zircon's background couldn't be simple. Even if his biological parents and other family member were normal people, not related to the supernatural world, she could deduce that his origin was something that she never saw before.

Having a great power, comparable to a high-class or even ultimate-class supernatural being, his vampiric features without the weakness to the sun and holy objects, and now, the ability to transform a human in someone of his race.

In the greedy eyes of many races he could be a great weapon, while for others, he is a threat that shouldn't be left without supervision.

If she wants to protect Zircon from these people, she needed to learn more about what Zircon is. Of course, without invading his privacy.

Yuria also wanted to know. Her body was changing at a rate that was unnatural to her. She felt scared, but if the information that Zircon was about to tell could give her comfort and guidance about what to do next, then she'll listen carefully.

"*Inhale* *Exhale*" Zircon prepared himself mentally. "We, revenants, are immortal creatures.

No matter what happen to us, being old age, decapitation, we can't die, as long as our hearts remain intact."

However, after saying those words he got confused. If that information was right. Then, why when his heart was pierced by the vampire's sword he still revived?

Maybe because he was human at first, or something else interfiered?

He didn't know how it was possible, but he also didn't want to try it due to the consequences of 'dying'.

He learned all of this information from Blue and Red.

Meanwhile, in the case of Yuria and Asako, both of them knew that this kind of information was dangerous if it reaches the ears of greedy people. After all, who doesn't want to live forever?

Maybe for beings that can live forever like Apophis or other beings with long lives wouldn't be interested.

But what about humans?

History has already proved that human greed is capable to reach even heaven and hell in their search of power. If something like the immortality is presented before them, then they would do anything to obtain it.

Asako and Yuria weren't really interested in this. All that mattered for them was the safety of Zircon, and that he learns how to live in this world.

"However." Zircon spoke again. "This immortality comes with a price."

"Do you mean your necessity for blood?" Yuria asked.

Zircon could only smile bitterly. "I wish it was only that."

Seeing Zircon's expression, Yuria and Asako began to understand that whatever a 'revenant' was, it was more complicated than what they knew.

"When a revenant dies, its body disappears in ashes, literally, only to be reconstructed in another place. However, the price for each death is a part of your memories, being from your life as a revenant or your life as a human. Sometimes, you can't even remember the moment you died."

Asako and Yuria were shocked. Maybe for some people sacrifice their memories for immortality wasn't a big deal, but for them?

Even if they have hurtful memories from the past, they prefer to keep them, because those memories make them who they are now.

Zircon continued speaking. "The other drawback of being a revenant is the need of blood. We are dependent of it. Even if we can eat normal food, only the blood can satiate our thirst.

If we don't consume blood from a prolonged time, then we become berserker, slaves of our bloodlust and then... we become 'Lost'. A creature without rationality, who can only think in killing and drinking blood in a indiscriminative way."

Yruia and Asako were no longer shocked; however, they had a preoccupied expression. What would happen when he goes berserker?

He would loss all that makes him 'Zircon' and the only thing that would be left is a beast who only knows killing. If the day ever arrives, then they would have to kill him, and they didn't want that. Fortunately, since they adopted him they always feed him with blood three time a day, sometimes even four.

But there was still a question that they wanted to ask.

"How did I become a revenant?" Yuria asked.

Zircon avoided Yuria's eyes, and felt reluctant ton answer her question. Nevertheless, he didn't want to lie to her or Asako, who are the most important persons in his life.

"You died."

Yuria felt her throat drying, and sweat dropping from her forehead.

"B-But I'm still alive, right?"

"Yes, but for you to become a revenant, you had to die first." Tears started falling from his eyes. "When I was drinking your blood, I-I killed you."

He killed the woman he loved the same moment he stopped drinking her blood. It was a brief moment and he already placed the 'parasite' in her blood stream, but he killed her. The guilt in his heart was very deep, all due to his selfishness and greed. Selfishness because he didn't asked what she wanted, and greed, because he wanted her to be with him.

He couldn't understand those feelings, after all, that was the first time that he felt them very intense. However, if you ask him that if he regretted his decision, then his answer was 'no'.

It already happened, and he will accept the consequences. However, that didn't mean the he wasn't sad about it.

"I'm sorry." Said with a mournful voice

Meanwhile, Yuria was feeling shocked to learn that she died, who wouldn't be?

And it would be a lie to say that she wasn't afraid of Zircon's power. He literally has become the origin of a completely new supernatural creature capable to live thousands of years or even eternally if he doesn't lose control or his heart is destroyed.

With that thought, Yuria realized something. Zircon will never die of old age unless he is killed. However, what about her and Asako?

In their job, it's expected that people will die, including themselves. But even if they survive until their jubilation, they will die of old age. Then, what would happen to Zircon who won't die even after centuries or even millennia?

He will be alone. Everyone who he knows and loves will die while he stays being young in the exterior, but with the past of time, his heart will be broken by the depart and death of his loved ones, until his emotions can't hold them more. If this happens, then he'll become the monster he mentioned.

She doesn't want that for him.

Six years had passed since she met him as a baby, and during those years she saw him grew and knew his personality. He was kindhearted, gentle and cheerful, but due to his kind heart, he gets sad even with an animals death. For some it maybe seem like something dumb to be sad, but for her and Asako, it was one of his best qualities.

And in certain moment, she fell in love with him, and wanted to be his emotional support while at the same time she will trust in him.

To be honest, she was scared about her change. She had a slight idea of what it meant but it was still scary. But she was determined to adapt to this changes, because she wasn't alone.

With both of her hands, she grabbed Zircon's cheeks, a looked at him directly to his eyes.

"If you really sorry, then take the responsibility of me. If you don't, then I'll make you do it." She said with a loving and menacing tone in her voice.

Then, she kissed him deeply in the mouth.

She didn't know what would happen in the future, but...

(I will be prepared. All for the sake of my happy life with 'my Darling'.)

"I hope you have enjoyed it."

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