
Revenant in an Anime World

Having the duty to reincarnate the souls from an extensive variety of worlds, 'God' ended up reincarnating a soul in a world where he shouldn't exist. A world where three 'anime' worlds are mixed in one. 'God', instead of crying on spilled milk, he decides to observe the newborn in this foreing world. **** (I do not own the front page) -It's a slow story. -'God' is not the MC, just an observer. -The MC soul comes from the 'Code Vein' world. -MC will have few memories about his past life, so when he reincarnates is a baby in all aspects. -The story has sexual content. (no NTR, no Netori, no Rape.) (It has 'incest' but they are not related by blood.) -The animes (I don't own them) for this story are: 1.-Grisaia no Kajitsu. 2.-Shinmai Maou no Testament. 3.-Highschool DxD. -The characters and their 'story origins' will be the same, however, I will not follow the story lines from the animes. **** Hi, this is my first project so I'm a newbie. And, even if this story is sort of a fanfic, I will give my all in this story. If you have an advice or constructive critic for the development of the project I will gladly read them and consider. For those who only want to write malicious critics, you are losing your time. I don't have many experience writting sexual content but in time I expect to improve. English is my Second Language so you may find some errors. I will appreciate if you give me advice in this.

Villain4ever · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Ch 15: Revenant

It was already night, and Asako just arrived to the cabin. Seeing the lights inside on, she thought that maybe Yuria and Zircon were still awake.

She opens the door of the entrance.

"J*, Zircon. I'm back."

However, no one answered back, making her frown. Normally, they would answer when she arrives home.

Another thing that she noticed that was strange is that there was no smell of food. At that hour, at least Yuria would await her with a dish of food served.

However, nobody seemed to be present.

It didn't take her long before she takes her pistol out of her pocked, pointing in front of her. That pistol wasn't a normal one, it was specifically made to kill supernatural creatures of high-class or bellow.

She feared the worst. That maybe someone found the cabin, and Zircon. She knew that someone was targeting Zircon, the problem was that she didn't know who, that's the reason why she went out that day to see some old friends.

(What if someone kidnaped Zircon?) She thought. (Yuria.)

She was worried by Zircon, but also for Yuria. Even if she was capable to use magical energy, she was just only a little stronger than an average human was. If she tries to fight against a supernatural creature like a demon or fallen angel, then she would certainly die.

"Ahn~. Please~."

Suddenly, she could hear the pleading voice of Yuria. She quickly ran towards the living room, from where she heard her. However, as soon as she arrived to the room, she was completely dumbfounded.

"Please, darling. Don't stop~." She said with a sultry voice.

What Asako saw, was Yuria sitting in the couch with Zircon on top of her.

He was biting her neck like if it was some kind of candy, while Yuria was moaning like if she was having sex for the first time. Then, two fangs were visible from Yuria's mouth, and not even a second later, she began to bite his neck as well.

Asako then noticed that Yuria's eyes were shining with a bright blue. However, it wasn't the reflex of light that provoked it, they were emitting their own light.

After a while, Yuria separated her fangs from his neck, and started licking the remaining blood like if it was her favorite food, not wanting to waste even the tiniest drop.

Then she started moaning even louder.

"Z-Zircon. I'm cumminggg~."

The 6-year-old kid didn't know exactly what she was talking about, but he felt that he needed to continue, so he drank her blood even harder. Then, her legs began to shake uncontrollably due to the climax.

Moments later, both of them were lazily laying in the couch, only to see each other in the eyes mesmerized. In them, anyone could see the obsession and love that they had for each other.

Then, with Yuria's initiative, she kissed Zircon in the lips while holding the back of his neck with her arms. However, this time she introduced her tongue inside his mouth, rolling it around his.

Zircon, for some reason felt that he didn't want to lose, so he moved his tongue as well, trying to dominate hers.

The second became minutes, and only after the fifth, they separated their mouths, leaving a string of saliva connecting their tongues.

They continued to see each other's' eyes. And when they were about to initiate another round.


The sound of something heavy falling on the floor reached their ears, they both seemed prepared to attack the 'intruder' with annoyed expressions. They seemed that they were going to give a gruesome death to anybody who dared to interrupt them.

However, when they saw Asako, still standing there with a dumbfounded expression and wide-open eyes, all those hostile thoughts were replaced by embarrassment and a mortal silence filled the room.

/Moments later/

Zircon was now sitting in the couch while trying to hide his face with a pillow, but it didn't hide the red in his ears.

Meanwhile, Yuria was sitting beside him. She tried to look serious but her messed dress and her flushed cheeks were telling another thing.

And Asako, well, she sat on a chair from the dinner room in front of them with closed eyes, and crossed arms and legs. By her concentrate expression, she seemed to be thinking about something.

Then, she opened her eyes and asked. "What happened?"

That was the only question in which she could think at that moment.

She just went out during all day when they were supposed to be doing the test for Zircon. But by the moment she returned she encountered them having practically 'sex'.

They may have not done any intercourse between them, but everyone would think the same after seeing the same scene.

Then, she directed her attention towards Yuria. She looked the same, no noticeable changes in her body were visible, but definitely, there was something different about her.

The aura around her seemed more... dangerous, from what Asako remembers about her best friend.

(Just what happened?)

The room was once again in silence. Neither the three of them spoke a word.

However, when Yuria opened her mouth to say something....

"It was my fault." Zircon interrupted. "When I approved the exam I asked her permission to drink her blood."

At that moment, Asako started to connect the dots. She knows that when Zircon drinks blood, his bite can have some aphrodisiac effects in the one he bites; after all she had already experienced it by first hand. However, what she couldn't understand is how things escalated to the point that they were nearly having sex.

She then glanced to her friend who seemed to be touched by Zircon's words trying to defend her. She also had that look of obsession in her eyes that Asako had never seen on her friend.

(She really became more dangerous.)


She made a fake cough trying to gain her friend's attention, which it worked.

"Do you feel somehow, different?" She asked.

Yuria was a little confused about her friend's question, but she quickly realized what she meant and started to examine her body.

"Well, how can I say it? I feel stronger."

She then paid her attention towards the glass of water in front of her. Then, using one finger, she flicked it, as a consequence it broke into pieces. This leave Yuria and Asako with surprised expressions.

Neither of them knew what just happened or for what reason Yuria's strength just raised up.

Asako used her magic energy in her eyes, trying to find out the source of that power inside her. Nevertheless, what she saw completely shocked her.

Even if it was small, there was a blue mass of some kind of energy located in her heart. She could also see Yuria's magical energy being consumed slowly for that 'thing'. No, 'consuming' wasn't the appropriate term. It was as if it was parasitize her magical power, taking property of it and changing it.

It was a terrifying process, but for the way than that 'thing' was behaving, it didn't look that it was harmful for Yuria. In fact, she was becoming even stronger by every minute that passed.

"What is happening to me?" Yuria asked a little terrified by her change.

Then, she felt something, or better say someone, holding her hand.

She turned towards Zircon, who was looking her at her eyes with a mourning expression.

"Sorry." He said. "I'm sorry for turning you into this."

Tears began to fall from his eyes, but he didn't look away. He was prepared to bare the consequence if his action.

"I've turned you into a revenant."

"I hope you have enjoyed it."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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